Possessing Eden (Disciples #7) Read Online Izzy Sweet, Sean Moriarty

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Dark, Mafia Tags Authors: , Series: Disciples Series by Izzy Sweet
Series: Sean Moriarty

Total pages in book: 114
Estimated words: 113805 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 569(@200wpm)___ 455(@250wpm)___ 379(@300wpm)

There are no intruding thoughts.

No whispered pleas begging for violence.

No desperate wails demanding I listen to them.

Just blissful silence.



The sound of Abel giggling penetrates the thick fog of my dream.

Smiling, I tighten my arms to hug him.

But my arms only wrap tighter around myself.

Realizing I’m hugging empty air, I jolt awake.

My heart races with alarm.

Fearing I accidentally dropped him in my sleep, something I’ve been deathly afraid of since he was born, I bolt upright.

“Good morning,” Jude says cheerfully, grabbing my panicked attention.

Standing in the middle of my living room with Abel held safely in his arms, he grins at me.

Blinking slowly at him, part of me wonders if I’m still dreaming.

What is he still doing here?

And why is he half-naked?

Wearing only his dark slacks from last night, Jude is barefoot and completely bare-chested. Every defined muscle he possesses is on full display for my tired eyes.

When he had me pressed up against the brick outside the club, I felt the steel strength in his frame.

But I had no idea he was packing so much muscle under his suit.

My jaw drops as I stare at him. Not only is his body lean and sculpted, reminding me of an ancient Greek statue, he’s also covered in tattoos. Tattoos that cover his arms, shoulders, and entire chest.

Tattoos that Abel is currently exploring with his chubby little hands.

I don’t believe I’ve ever been jealous of my own child before and it’s strange to feel the pang of wishing our places were switched.

Coming to my senses, I snap my jaw shut and shake my head.

“What are you still doing here?” I ask, standing from the couch.

Jude bounces Abel a little and looks down at him with affection. “Bonding with my son.”

My entire brain screeches to a halt.

That’s not the first time he’s called Abel that…

He was doing it last night, too.

“He’s not your son,” I feel the need to point out.

Quickly approaching Jude, I hold my arms out. Expecting him to pass Abel to me.

But he’s not even looking at me.

All his attention is centered on my only reason for existing.

Oblivious to the entire situation and my distress, Abel continues to babble and pat the tattoos on Jude’s chest. Fascinated by them.

“He is if I say he is,” Jude says and finally looks up at me. “It wouldn’t be the first time a man in my family claimed his firstborn from another man.”

“What the fuck does that even mean?” I demand, my need to grab Abel out of his arms growing by the second.

Staring into my eyes, his gleam with something I can only describe as... possessive. “It means I’ve officially claimed you both as mine. You are my family. And I’ll protect you both with my life if it comes to it.”

There’s so much conviction in his voice, so much heat in his eyes, I have no doubt he means every word he said.

And it scares the shit out of me.

Not only because it’s crazy and sick.

But because a part of me wants it more than anything.

There’s no way he could know he’s offering me everything I’ve ever desired.

Someone to stand at my side. Someone willing to help me and protect me.

A real family.

And here he is, a fucking stranger, a stranger who cuts off other people’s hands, offering me my deepest and darkest fantasy.

I know I’m supposed to be encouraging him. This is exactly what I signed up for when I accepted my uncle’s job. And this couldn’t be more perfect.

He wants me, is ready to commit to me, and I didn’t even have to turn myself into a prostitute to make it happen.

But encouraging him only so I can betray him later makes me feel sick to my stomach.

I don’t think I can do it.

Not without losing an important part of myself in the process.

Finally noticing my outstretched arms, Jude sighs, gives Abel a quick kiss on the head, and hands him to me.

Grateful he’s not holding Abel hostage to manipulate me, something Kyle often did, I take a few quick steps back.

Unfortunately, Abel isn’t as grateful.

Squirming in my arms, he tries to twist around, reaching for Jude. Babbling, “Ba, ba, ba.”

My throat tightening up with so many different emotions I can’t even begin to sort through them, I say, “You need to leave.”

Expression darkening, Jude takes a threatening step towards me. “No. I told you I’m not leaving you. In fact, I need you to start packing your things.”

“Why?” I ask, baffled that he could even ask that.

“Because my house is ready and you’re moving in with me.”

“You’re insane,” I hiss, experiencing a strong sense of déjà vu.

Jude’s lips quirk as if he finds my reaction amusing and not the least bit insulting. “Be as it may, it doesn’t change the fact that we need to leave.”

Taking another step back, I bump into the couch and almost fall down to my ass. “I’m not leaving, you can leave.”


