Piped Down – Clearwater Construction Read Online Nichole Rose

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Contemporary, Novella, Virgin Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 42
Estimated words: 38445 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 192(@200wpm)___ 154(@250wpm)___ 128(@300wpm)

I release a relieved sigh. "Thank you, Mama."

"Of course, sweet girl. We'll make arrangements to come see you and meet this man of yours." She pauses for a moment before adding, "But Sutton, don't expect Bentley to take it easy on him. You know he's a crazy person when it comes to you girls."

"I know, Mama," I say with a little laugh. My dad is a crazy person when it comes to us. Honestly, he's a crazy person in general. But I have a feeling he and Caleb will get along just fine. They're cut from the same cloth.

"I'll call you back after I talk to your daddy," she says softly.

"Okay, Mama. Love you."

"Love you too, sweet girl."

She hangs up and I sit back at the piano bench with a sigh. A small rustling sound grates against the silence, a sharp reminder that I'm not truly alone. I glance down to see Koda poking his little furry head from under the piano. His large eyes glisten with curiosity.

"Hey, little guy," I coo gently, extending my fingers for him to sniff. He presses his cold nose against my hand before letting out a soft yap. "Guess what? Grandma and Grandpa are coming to visit."

He wags his tail, as though he understands every word. And then he rubs his fluffy head against my leg, another sign of his boundless enthusiasm. I swear this tiny pup's energy could light up all of Nashville.

The thought comforts me as I snuggle him, lost in anticipation of my parents' visit. I can't help but bubble with excitement and nerves. Caleb is as wild and untamed as the mountains around here—will he be too gruff for them? And then there's my dad…wild and untamed in his own way.

"I hope you behave when they get here, Koda," I mutter, even though it's futile. He's going to cause chaos. It's what he does best.

I cradle him in my arms and sigh. It's peaceful now—the calm before the storm. I just hope my parents make it before the storm breaks and the paparazzi descend. I'm not holding out much hope, though. My dad works fast, but in show business, the paparazzi always work faster.

Chapter Ten


"Yo, Caleb!"

I lift my gaze from a particularly tricky bit of pipe to see Jake striding across the construction site toward me, his brown work boots kicking up dust. With his hands shoved deep in his pockets and a frown stretched across his face, he's the picture of determination.

Fuck my life. What'd I do?

I wrench the pipe into place and then crank it down, ensuring it's secure. Once it's in place, I haul myself to my feet, wiping my forearm across my brow to blot away sweat.

Jake draws to a stop a few feet away. "You checked your phone this morning?"

"No. Why?"

He worries his bottom lip between his teeth, looking like he'd prefer to be anywhere other than right here, having this fucking conversation right now.

"Just say it, man," I grit out, impatient and on edge. Whatever it is can't be that bad…right? Fuck. Maybe it's worse.

"My girl says there are pictures of you and some country musician plastered all over the internet," he says. "Normally, I'd mind my fucking business, but I figured if you didn't know, you probably should."

My stomach drops. Fuck. Someone got pictures of me and Sutton? When? Where? Jesus Christ. It had to have been outside the hardware store the other day.

"Great. Just fucking great," I mumble, shoving a hand through my hair and pulling at the roots in frustration. My heart hammers like a jackhammer against concrete, sending shockwaves of anxiety pulsing through me. A sensation I haven't felt since— well, nevermind.

Shit. Does Sutton know yet? My heart squeezes in a vise at the thought of her at home alone right now, freaking out over this. Her secret—our secret—is blown wide open now; our quiet little existence dismantled. There's no way she's taking it well.

Cracking my knuckles, I make a quick decision. "I gotta go."

Jake blinks at me but doesn't argue. He simply nods and steps back, leaving room for me to stride past him.

"One more thing," I call over my shoulder. The dust of the construction site swirls around us as I stomp away. "Keep an eye out for photographers around here. They're bound to show up at some point."

"Figured as much," Jake says. His response surprises me but maybe it shouldn't. The man has always been one of the sharpest tools in the shed. Chances are, he knows exactly how famous Sutton is. Hell, he may understand that level of fame better than I do.

My boots crunch against gravel as I fish my phone from the pocket of my jeans. Sure enough, multiple missed calls and text messages glare back at me on the screen.

"Fucking hell," I mutter under my breath, my pulse pounding in my ears. My fingers fly across the screen, opening a message from Sutton. It's a link to some fucking gossip blog, with a bright red headline declaring me her hot new man. Beside it are three photos: two of us together outside the hardware store, and one of me standing outside the truck in the same parking lot.


