Out of the Ashes Read Online Anne Malcom (Sons of Templar MC #3)

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Bad Boy, Biker, Contemporary, Erotic, MC Tags Authors: Series: Sons of Templar MC Series by Anne Malcom

Total pages in book: 110
Estimated words: 126215 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 631(@200wpm)___ 505(@250wpm)___ 421(@300wpm)

“Baby, not now,” Cade called softly.

Bull directed his gaze to Gwen, who was standing in the doorway, a grim look on her face.

“I’ve got something that might help.” Her eyes were on Bull.

Bull stepped forward, and before he even knew it he was clutching Gwen’s shoulders.

She looked up at him softly. “We’ll get her back,” she promised, sensing his desperation.

He felt Cade’s heat at his back. “Know your hurting, brother—know exactly how you feel. But gonna have to ask you to get your hands off my wife,” he requested in a hard tone.

Bull looked down at his hands, which he was sure were biting into Gwen’s shoulders. He quickly let go, stepping aside so Cade could pull her into his side, his hand resting on the swell of her bump.

“What you got, baby?” he asked quietly.

She looked to Cade a moment, then focused on Bull. “It isn’t much. Hardly anything, actually. More of an inkling,” she explained. “I don’t think the club has anything to do with Mia being taken,” she began, telling them something they already knew. Bull stiffened anyway, knowing Cade wouldn’t have told her this, which meant she knew something.

“Babe?” Cade questioned urgently.

“It was more something Mia said in passing, something I knew we couldn’t probe her too hard about. About Lexie’s dad,” she explained softly.

Bull’s fists clenched. He fuckin’ knew there was more to the story than Mia was letting on. He had meant to get down to the details later, when her grief wasn’t so fresh, when they had time. When he had time to hunt down the motherfucker. Now his time had run out.

“What about him?” Bull clipped. His tone was vicious, laced with fury. He knew he should have locked it down, ‘specially with Gwen. But he couldn’t. She knew him, knew he didn’t rein it in.

“Not much—she just alluded to the fact she had to get away from him. And the way she had to do it. By running,” she said quietly.

There was silence as Bull chewed on what this meant. Chewed on the fact she hadn’t told him this shit.

“Maybe you should talk to Lexie, see what she knows,” Gwen suggested. “She’s pretty shaken up and will only really talk to Killian and you.” She looked at Bull.

Bull didn’t say anything; shit was swirling in his head at an alarming rate. Cade turned Gwen in his arms. “Thanks, baby. Go get Lexie,” he ordered, kissing her lightly.

Gwen reached out and squeezed Bull’s hand after her husband released her. “We’ll find her,” she promised again, before leaving the room.

Cade turned to him. “Gotta rein it in around Lexie, brother. She can’t see you like this,” he told him.

Bull glared at him. “Fuckin’ know that,” he clipped.

Cade didn’t say anything, just nodded. The room was silent until Lexie came bursting through the door. The moment her eyes landed on Bull she ran over to him, colliding with his body and throwing her arms around him.

“Zane!” she cried.

He kissed her head, reveling in the peace that came with her presence. He put his arms around her.

She pulled back, leaving her arms around his waist. “You found Mom yet?” she asked hopefully.

Bull clasped her neck. “Not yet, darlin,’ but we’ll get her home soon,” he promised.

Her face fell but she nodded. “I know you will.” The utter faith in her tone socked him in the gut.

“Gotta ask you a coupla questions Lex,” he said softly, directing her to sit.

She reluctantly let him go to sit beside him at the table. Her gaze darted to Cade who gave her a small grin. She grinned shyly back.

“You holding up okay?” Bull asked for a start, his desperation for information taking a temporary back seat.

She nodded slowly. “Gwen’s got me sorted. And Kill’s going to be okay,” she said by answer.

The strength in her tone gave Bull pause. “You’re as strong as your mom is,” he observed with pride. “Need to ask you about your dad,” he continued.

Lexie’s face paled slightly. “My dad? What does he have to do with this?” she asked.

Bull had to tread carefully. “Not sure yet, maybe nothing. Just need to get hold of him in case he knows something that will help,” he explained.

Lexie chewed her lip. The gesture pierced through Bull, it was so much like her mother. He prayed to fuckin’ God he would see Mia chewing her lip like that again soon. Yes, to God. He wasn’t above getting on his knees and worshiping any fuckin’ deity that would get Mia back where she belonged. With him. With Lexie.

“I don’t know my dad,” she said quietly. “Mom never told me much about him, apart from he wasn’t someone we needed in our lives,” she told him, eyes glistening. “We had a fight not that long ago. About him. I wanted to know more, to know why he didn’t want to know me.” Her voice was low and full of vulnerability. Bull reached out and squeezed her hand, not letting go.

“We never fight, Zane, but we fought about him.” She paused, her eyes watering slightly. Bull put pressure on her hand. She took a deep breath, “She finally told me that we left for our own safety. That he isn’t a good guy. That’s all she said.” Her eyes sparkled with despair and fuck if it pierced through Bull’s heart. “Do you think it was him?” she whispered, barely audible. “Do you think my father would actually do something like this, shoot Killian, try and kidnap me?”

Bull cupped her face, unable to see his girl in so much pain. She’d lost her mother, possibly at the hands of her father whom she had never met. It was enough to fuck up anyone. “Don’t know, doll,” he told her honestly. “But we’ll find your mom. I’ll find her, I promise.”

Lexie’s eyes hardened slightly. Blinking away the tears, she regarded him with a maturity beyond her years. She nodded. Her faith, her utter trust in him, went to the depths of him.

Bull kissed her head. “How’ bout you go and check on Kill,” he suggested when he saw Wire in the doorway, looking antsy. His brothers had filtered in without him even noticing.


