Our Final Tale Read Online Bella Jewel (Iron Fury MC #6)

Categories Genre: Biker, MC, Romance, Suspense Tags Authors: Series: Iron Fury MC Series by Bella Jewel

Total pages in book: 76
Estimated words: 76396 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 382(@200wpm)___ 306(@250wpm)___ 255(@300wpm)

I pull my cheek away from Slater’s chest, and tip my head back, stretching up. Instinctively, he moves down, and then our lips touch. And when they do, fire is ignited in my soul. Like a flame that’s just been hovering there for so many years, tiny and barely visible, just needing something to bring it back to life. I whimper and clutch Slater tighter, deepening the kiss, relishing in the way it makes me feel.

A feeling I’m not familiar with, but I need. I need more than anything.

Slater lets out a ragged moan, and pulls back. My lips feel swollen from the kiss, and I want more, I need more. That comfort, the way he just made me feel, I need so much more of it. And I need it now. I need something like that to make it all just go away.

“Ellie,” Slater says, his voice careful. “Don’t think you know what you’re doing.”

“I do,” I say, reaching for him, sliding my hand up his bare, warm chest. “I didn’t know it until this very second, but I do, Slater. I haven’t felt anything like this since...well, I don’t remember. But it feels good. Right, even. The way you make me feel, I want to experience it over and over a thousand times. You make me feel safe. Please, please don’t turn me away. I know you might not need me, but I need you.”

He lets out a long, and ragged moan. “You gotta know I’ve been waiting ten fuckin’ years for this moment, but I don’t want to make things worse. But if you think I don’t need you, Ellie, you’re so fuckin’ incredibly wrong. I’ve needed nothing but you for every waking second since you left. I’m never goin’ to be the same unless you’re in my world, because fuck, you are my world.”

I reach up, tangling my fingers in his hair, letting my body guide me and this is exactly where it wants to take me. Right into his arms, a place where I know I’ll be okay. Our mouths meet again, and the kiss we share is explosive. It makes things inside me come alive, that I didn’t even know were dead. My lips part on a whimper, and a moan escapes Slater, before our tongues begin a soft, gentle dance.

Slater’s big body gently lays mine down, and his incredible size is no factor in how gentle he’s treating me. It’s like I’m made of china. Nobody has ever handled me so careful before. His fingers graze over my skin, his mouth is soft against mine, his hands caress me in the most careful way, as if he’s trying hard not to break me.

My whimpers become moans as our kisses become more frantic. Slater’s hand moves down, gliding over my breasts and down my stomach, until he reaches my panties. He hesitates there, but I don’t want him to stop. I’ve been dead for so long, and when his hands are on me, my body is alive, something I’m absolutely not familiar with. I arch up into his hand, needing him to relieve the ache that’s building between my legs.

He does.

With a gentle glide of his fingers, his lips on mine, his body pressed against me, he rubs and slides, until I’m gasping his name and my body is exploding with the kind of pleasure I’ve never experienced before. Slater growls, and his hand leaves my panties, sliding up under my shirt and over my scarred skin. He doesn’t hesitate, or pause, his fingers trace every line, and he moves up and over me until he’s hovering above me, eyes locked on mine.

Above me like this, Slater looks terrifying. He’s huge, in a way that would no doubt scare most people, but for some reason, his large shoulders, huge biceps, and big build hovering over my petite one, does nothing but make me want him even more. His big hand goes around and cups my face, and he murmurs, “Tell me to stop, if you want me to stop.”

His mouth is saying that, but his eyes are pleading with me not to ask him to stop.

“Please don’t stop,” I whisper. “Make love to me.”

For a moment, he just stares down at me, and then he drops his mouth to mine again, kissing me as his hands gently work my shirt up. When it’s near my arms, he parts and lifts it up and over my head, before removing my panties and leaving me naked beneath him. Suddenly I’m very aware that my body isn’t...beautiful. I have scars, and I’m only just starting to put a little weight on from being starved for a while.

Slater glances down at me, but I see nothing in his eyes except need.

It’s like he can’t see my imperfections, he can only see the beauty.


