Only His – A Forbidden Romance Read Online Jenika Snow

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Forbidden, Taboo Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 35
Estimated words: 32618 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 163(@200wpm)___ 130(@250wpm)___ 109(@300wpm)

“You waited until after we had sex. Why? Was that planned? Did you want a piece of ass first?” God, don’t cry. Don’t be weak. But I’m so confused and feel so betrayed.

He knitted his brows, his expression becoming darker. “How can you say that or think that?” His voice was so hard, hurt even.

“I don’t know what to think anymore, David. The man I trusted more than anyone else betrayed me. You’ve been following me, watching my every move. You’ve invaded my privacy for years.” She felt her tears start to fall and wiped them away quickly.

“Don’t cry.” He looked so pained that she wished she could just say fuck it all, forget about the fact the man she loved had been watching her, invading her privacy, and, in a sense, betraying her.

How much had he seen?

He admitted to watching everything and anything I ever did. He admitted it’s been going on for years.

Looking at him once more, she turned and left the bedroom in search for her clothes. Once she had her pants and shirt back on, she turned to see David walking down the hall, now wearing a pair of unbuttoned jeans.

“Gillian, baby, please,” he said and moved toward her, but she held her hand out, stopping his advance.

“Please, David. Please just let me go so I can get my head on straight and think about all of this.” She saw his broad, muscular shoulders sag slightly, and then he finally nodded.

“I won’t stop you, not because I want you to go but because I know I fucked up. I know I screwed everything up, Gillian. But I love you, dammit, and I wanted you to know everything. I don’t want to keep lying to you.”

She didn’t respond and, instead, gave him one last, lingering look before turning and leaving him standing in the living room.



A few days later

Gillian felt like it had been an eternity since she’d seen David. She’d thought about the situation so much that she’d had a headache these last several days. While common sense told her a man watching her, following her every move, was wrong on every level, she also knew she wanted to talk to David about it more.

She did love him, was still in love with him even after all of this. Her feelings couldn’t just be ignored or swept under the rug because of this incident. But she did feel betrayed because he hadn’t been upfront with her.

What am I going to do?

Gillian loved David too much to just walk away from him and their friendship. She now knew how he felt, that he loved her as much as she loved him, but she couldn’t ignore the slightly twisted side of it all, either.

She hadn’t spoken to David since she left his apartment, and she knew him well enough that the reason he hadn’t contacted her was because he was respecting her wishes that she wanted time to herself to think.

But when she was out and about in public, she would look over her shoulder, wondering if he was watching her. She shouldn’t have felt anything but disgust and fear over what he’d done, but the truth was, she didn’t feel any of that.

She actually felt this calm settle over her with the fact David had loved her so much he wanted to make sure she was safe.

Had he always been like that? Did he follow other people? Had the incident with Brian changed him so much?

“God,” she whispered and scrubbed her hand over her face. Her cell rang, and she picked it up, seeing it was Gerald. She’d spoken to him only once in the last couple of days, mainly because she’d wanted to make sure he was okay after David attacked him.

His nose had been broken, which she’d assumed given the hit he’d taken, but he said he was fine and hadn’t spoken about David or that night during their phone call. In fact, he’d wanted to see her again, but she’d declined because she had too much going on to go down that road.

She couldn’t be with Gerald, not in any way. Their one date had been the catalyst to everything that came about, and until she sorted shit out with David—which she desperately wanted to—she would keep declining.

Hell, it was safer for Gerald, anyway, and she didn’t want anything more to do with him. It wasn’t fair to him to leave him hanging when she knew who she wanted and who she didn’t want.

For a moment, she thought about ignoring the call, but on the fourth ring, she answered.


“Gillian, hey,” Gerald said in a smooth voice. “How are you?”

“I’m fine. Your nose still doing okay?” She felt so much guilt that she’d essentially been the cause of his injury, even if she knew David hitting him had nothing to do with her.


