One Bossy Date – Bossy Seattle Suits Read Online Nicole Snow

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Billionaire, Funny Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 156
Estimated words: 158829 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 794(@200wpm)___ 635(@250wpm)___ 529(@300wpm)

She collapses on her back with a soft laugh. “What are you doing?”

“Making sure you’re ready for the most magnificent fuck of your life,” I say.

And I sink to my knees, crawling forward, spreading her open so I can bury my head between her thighs.


Big Promises (Piper)

His tongue is a feather wrapped in a growl.

It flicks against me, traces down my opening and back up again, tormenting me with the most exquisite touch I’ve ever felt.

And when he finds my clit and starts circling—

I’m gone.

“Brock,” I whimper for the hundredth time, the only word my brain can process.

He only stops to press a finger against my clit, applying this devilish pressure as his tongue circles the very tip.

He starts kissing down my opening without moving away from the magic spot, dragging me to the brink of madness.

My hips are begging with every desperate switch of my hips. I don’t care.

I need him.

I need him to stop teasing and—

Oh! His tongue thrusts inside me.

I’m a gasping mess, my body pulling tense like a cord.

I’m not sure what I was expecting.

Definitely not this burn, this sweeping pressure, this sweetness as he shoves his mouth against me like I’m the best thing he’s ever tasted.

Holy hell.

He holds me in place with one hand and a growl while his finger works at my clit, his tongue sweeping in and out of me.

“Oh. Oh, Brock! God!”

Right now, I’m blasphemous.

I can’t tell where heaven ends and this man begins when they’re one and the same.

And his whole face presses into me as he shoves my legs apart.

Everything intensifies.

I’m not sure when he sold his soul for this black magic spell he’s working on me, but I love it.

Every rumble.

Every lick.

Every punishing tongue thrust.

Everything goes black for a minute before all I see is red with swirling pinpricks of light.

All the stars.

A wave of pure euphoria erupts in my belly, hurling me higher and slamming me down. Shaking, panting, gasping, I’m—


And I come so hard for him I wonder if I’ll ever find my way home.

I’m still a spinning mess when my senses finish short-circuiting. I feel his light kisses on my inner thighs and I look down.

Brock pulls away from me, still sucking his fingers.

“Sweet Jesus. I need a minute.”

“You have two,” he says, explaining why as he grabs a very angry pulsing cock. “Catch your breath, Sunshine. Keep your legs open. I can’t fucking wait much longer.”

He sits next to me impatiently, waiting for me to re-enter my own body.

I swallow as I give him a look that tells him I’m ready. He reaches for a condom I didn’t know he had, tears it open, and rolls it over his enormous length.

I’m still petrified every time I stare at his dick.

The man is a walking cudgel with an ego attached—and soon there’ll be nothing left between me and every brutal stroke.

“Breathe, Piper,” he growls, moving so his swollen shaft touches my clit.

Oh, God.

His eyes close and his teeth appear as he beats the tip of his cock against me.

Then he cranes his neck, pressing a sultry kiss to my forehead, and I feel his weight shifting between my legs.

He’s at my entrance now, slowly pushing forward.

He bares his teeth as he enters me, an animal glint in his eyes.

Even through the nerves, he almost sets me off again.

“K-keep going,” I whisper, raking my nails down his shoulders.

“You’re okay so far?”

“I’m burning up. You’re the only thing that can put this fire out,” I confess. “But please go slow.”

I can tell he doesn’t want to.

The beast in his lightning-blue eyes protests, but I trust him to restrain the monster I hope to tame soon.

And now I understand.

I moan as he sinks in slowly, one inch at a time, bringing my knees up to force us closer together—I don’t want to know where I end and he begins—but also to deepen this sweet insanity.

His arms tighten around me as he pushes on.



I don’t expect it when he bottoms out with a low grunt, his eyes searching mine to check for anything broken.

Nope. Only in my head since I’m having fever sex with my boss.

“I’m fine,” I force out.

He moves so slowly, caressing my face, looking down on his work with blue-eyed pride.

We ride this timeless moment where I adjust to him, and he tries so hard not to tear me apart.

He leans his head down and brushes my lips.

I open my mouth and our tongues move together.

The kiss becomes more frantic—desperate—and even though he’s fully in me, I still need more.

He breaks away, gasping for air and raising me with him.

Just when I think he’s going to pull out, though, he thrusts, this time faster.

My whole body stretches, taking the impossible.


And then he does it again and we’re moving together, finding our rhythm, all jousting breaths and mad desire.


