Old Flame (Judgement #3) Read Online Abbi Glines

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Biker, Dark, Erotic, Insta-Love, Mafia, MC Tags Authors: Series: Judgement Series by Abbi Glines

Total pages in book: 86
Estimated words: 81009 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 405(@200wpm)___ 324(@250wpm)___ 270(@300wpm)

The man released my arms, only to wrap one of his around my neck, pressing my back against his chest as he pointed his gun back at Kendrix.

What had Kendrix done? Why did he know these people?

This was a gang. They had all the signs of one. The matching tattoos on their arms, for starters. I hadn’t realized they all had the same one until I was so close to them. It was the grinning mouth of a skull with a cigarette in its teeth, which had smoke curling up from the tip, and two rifles behind it, crossing to make an X.

“You see, Jett,” the honey-eyed man continued, “I shouldn’t have to come looking for you.” He paused and flashed his sadistic smile over at me. “Although that part might be forgiven, seeing as what lovely company you keep.” Then he turned back to Kendrix. “But it’s respect, yeah. The respect that is due. You do your job. You get to live. You get to keep the little art gallery you have. Rent-free. But you disrespected me. Did you think I wouldn’t notice the candy missing?” He shook his head, as if disappointed with a child. “I didn’t get the title of Lord because I was a stupid fuck.”

My breathing came in small, rattling gasps as I watched Kendrix. His eyes swung to me, and he did look very sorry. That didn’t get me released, but he appeared to be upset about this. Well, maybe more like petrified, which didn’t ease my mind. There was literal sweat beading on his brow.

“I had some bills,” Kendrix began, turning his eyes back to the man. “It was a mistake. I was going to pay you for it.”

A deep, amused laugh rang out, and I jumped, startled. The man’s hold on me tightened, but when he realized I wasn’t trying to get free, it loosened.

“You smell fucking delicious,” his voice said close to my ear.

Bile rose in my throat, and for the first time, I started considering what they might be planning to do to me. What if they didn’t give me back? What if they took me with them?

“You had bills that cost more than half a mil? You were gonna pay that back? When, Jett? Please tell me when you were gonna have cash like that? Hmm? Because last I checked, that gallery don’t make that kinda cash.”

Half a million dollars? What candy cost half a million…oh. Wait. Holy shit.

My eyes widened as I stared at my boss, the guy I’d thought was a divorced dad of two, who went to bed before ten, liked to watch baseball, and was an avid collector of vinyl records. Had he been involved with drugs? That had to be it. The candy that was worth more money than I’d ever make in a lifetime.

Pepper moved then, sauntering out from behind the bar like a supermodel on a runway. I held my breath.

“As fascinating as this entire situation is,” she said in her thick Southern drawl, “can I ask you gentlemen to perhaps take it outside? I got to make a living myself, and this ain’t helping my business.” She stopped, placing a hand on her hip and glaring at the honey-eyed man who had called himself Lord, as if he didn’t have two of his men pointing their guns directly at her. Although, by the way she was acting, you’d never know it.

“You’ll have to forgive me,” the man replied. “I intend to take this elsewhere.” He glanced at his men. “Not that one. She’s Micah Abe’s sister.” Then he turned his gaze back to her. “I’m not here to piss off your brother or The Judgment. Fuck’s sake, the last thing I need is the damn Mafia on my ass.”

She nodded her head at me. “I’d like my friend back.”

He sighed. “That I can’t do. She’s not Micah Abe’s or The Judgment’s. She was here with Jett. I’m taking her as my insurance in case this one tries to run.”

Pepper’s eyes flickered with fury. Was she insane? They had guns. Why was she so, so calm? And who was the Mafia? The Judgment was an MC. Did Florida have a Mafia?

“That ain’t gonna work for me,” she replied.

The man holding me laughed, as did a couple of the others.

“Like I said, you are the only one off-limits.” He licked his lips. “Because of The Judgment. If not, you’d be going with me too.”

Pepper rolled her eyes. I stared at her in shock, horror, and a touch of awe. I wanted to be Pepper Abe in my next life.

“With or without Micah, I wouldn’t be going with you. And neither is she. Now, you can let her go, or I can make you,” Pepper warned him.

All the men began to laugh as if this were a stand-up comedy club and some comedian was onstage.


