Total pages in book: 66
Estimated words: 62128 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 311(@200wpm)___ 249(@250wpm)___ 207(@300wpm)
Estimated words: 62128 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 311(@200wpm)___ 249(@250wpm)___ 207(@300wpm)
My hands drop from her cheeks, roaming over her body in quick touches that have me aching to sink into her perfect body. She’s starred in more than one of my dreams lately, but the reality is so much better.
“Happy New Year!!!” someone yells so loud next to us it makes us break apart.
She draws back farther, her green eyes molten as she grins up at me.
Then she laughs and shakes her head as she pulls away from me. “You can’t be bad at anything, can you?”
“Some things,” I say.
“Happy New Year, Stokehill,” she says, brushing past me and heading toward where Blakely and Monroe are celebrating at the bar with Lawson and Pax.
“Happy New Year, Reese’s Pieces,” I say, wondering why the hell I hate watching her walk away so much.
And then I do something I never do.
I chase after her.
“Are we seriously doing shots?” I ask once I’ve found my spot next to Blakely and Monroe at the bar. Pax and Lawson have waters in front of them, but there are three shots of clear liquid lined up for us.
“It’s a new year!” Monroe says, scooping up her shot as we do the same. “We’re allowed to let loose.”
My cheeks flush as I clink my shot glass against my two best friends’ glasses, then throw back the contents. The alcohol burns all the way down, adding another wave of heat to my already sensitive skin.
Nash freaking Stokehill kissed me.
I want to shout the words at my friends, but it’s a little hard to when the man himself saunters up to the bar to join our little group, like he has nowhere more important to be.
A warm shiver runs the length of my body just from his approach, let alone the way I can still feel the effects of his kiss.
God, he knew how to kiss.
My lips are still tingling.
His hands had been delightfully handsy on my body, never once shying away from my curves. He held me suspended in time and space for those few blissful moments as all my fantasies came true and then some.
I’m not ashamed to say I’d thought about what it would be like to kiss Nash Stokehill more than once, but I’m not the only one. He’s a freaking rockstar in the NHL world with a bad boy vibe that he backs up with nothing but pure, sexual confidence. Add to it he’s gorgeous, with blond hair and crystal blue eyes I want to get lost in, and one might say he’s the perfect male specimen.
Because the man drives me absolutely crazy. I used to have a fangirl level crush on him in my third year in college, but that was before I knew he liked to run through women like he did designer shirts. There isn’t anything wrong with that, of course, I’m just not built for that lifestyle. I like my men one at a time and exclusive, and even now, simply standing next to him at the bar is earning me death glares from the women who follow him around.
I could never get used to that, let alone handle it emotionally. Not that he’s asking me to.
It was just a kiss.
A ridiculously hot New Year’s Eve kiss.
“Another!” Monroe playfully smacks the top of the bar with her empty shot glass, wiping some of the stray liquor off her lips.
Pax watches her with an affable grin, and she shrugs.
“What?” she asks with a laugh as the bartender fills up our empties again. “You said you were driving.”
“I am,” Pax says, holding up his water.
“I’ll take a water too,” Nash says, leaning over the bar so close to me I feel his chest brush along my shoulder.
Damn him, it’s a nice, muscled chest too.
Ugh, if he didn’t find pleasure in arguing with me every other time we speak, I might forget I have rules and ask him to indulge me in one of his infamous one-night stands.
Whoa, no way. That must be the alcohol talking.
I cheers my friends again and throw back another shot, hissing at the afterburn.
My muscles loosen another fraction, even the voice in my mind going a bit giggly. But Monroe is right, we deserve to have a little fun.
“Will you take me home too, Pax?” I ask, giving him my best pretty please look. He waves me off immediately.
“You know I will, Reese,” Pax says at the same time Nash says, “I can take you home.”
I step back a little from the bar so I can face him, our tight-knit group forming a makeshift huddle at the bar. “Aren’t you drinking, Stokehill?”
Nash waves his water at me. “Nope,” he says. “But you can drink up. I’ll take care of you tonight.”
Shock radiates throughout my body alongside a heaping dose of lust as his kiss flashes to the forefront of my mind.