My Little Farm Girl Read Online Jordan Silver

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, BDSM, Billionaire, Erotic, New Adult, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 124
Estimated words: 113717 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 569(@200wpm)___ 455(@250wpm)___ 379(@300wpm)

I was going nonstop from the time we got there, but I was having fun. There was so much to do and all of it exciting.

My first real job and I was going to be paid and everything. By midday some of the girls in the office were chatting with me. I had my own little cubicle where I sat to work on the stuff aunt Marion had given me to go through, when I wasn’t running back and forth from one department to the next.

I got the feeling that aunt Marion wasn’t very well liked and some of the comments made me just a tad uncomfortable.

Like when I’d say that I was staying with her and the pitying or sometimes horrified looks would start, but I ignored it.

Momma did say that the young Marion had been a force to be reckoned with; maybe she was just one of those misunderstood types, the strong personality that people were more comfortable with in men but not so much when it came to women.

Whatever the case, she was a hard taskmaster and kept me too busy to dwell on much else except what she’d given me to do.

I felt a keen sense of disappointment as the day wore on and there was no sign of Callan. I’d thought for sure that since he was her boss that he would at least be here.

But I’d been keeping a secret eye out for him all day and he wasn’t here it seemed and I dare not bring him up to one of the others. I wondered at the feeling of loss that was almost overwhelming, when just one day ago I didn’t even know he existed.

I hoped no one noticed my ennui as the day wore on, most of all aunt Marion, I wouldn’t want to have to answer any leading questions as I’m sure my stupid face would give me away in a heartbeat.

I ate lunch alone at my desk while the others headed out to a local café. I didn’t have any ready cash except for the little bit daddy had given me for emergencies, so the apple I’d snagged from the break room earlier will have to do.

Tomorrow I’ll have to remember to bring something from home, if aunt Marion wouldn’t mind. All she’d asked me to get her was bottled water and a power bar for lunch. I don’t think she even noticed that I didn’t have any. Oh well, it’s not the end of the world and it’s just one day.

My first day on the job was winding down, and though it had been tiring, it had still been the most exciting day of my life, except for the pang in my chest from not seeing him.

Everyone was packing up to go and aunt Marion was still on the phone in her office, still hard at work. I just wanted to go home and hide out in my room to lick my wounds. I guess he’d really only been nice because of her, or because he felt sorry for me.

The thoughts in my head were confusing and left me feeling a bit lost and at sea. There was no one I could turn to for advice so I guess I’d just have to muddle through on my own somehow.

Back home, momma would wash my hair and sit with me while I cried my heart out over some boy that had overlooked me once again for one of the more popular girls.

She hadn’t done that since I was about fourteen I think, but there was a time there when that was a regular Saturday night occurrence in our home.

Only this time, I don’t think momma could wash this one out of my hair that easily. Somehow in the short amount of time since we’d met, he’d wormed his way much deeper into me than anyone else ever had.

“So Gabriella, a couple of us are going out this evening would you like to come with?” The voice coming out of nowhere made me jump in my seat where I’d been daydreaming as I waited for aunt Marion to finish up.

Robyn was one of the girls I’d met earlier; she worked in design or something I think. There were too many new faces to keep straight but I knew I liked her, she seemed fun and friendly, and she’d told me how beautiful my hair was so...

“I’m not sure if I’m allowed.” I kept my voice down so as not to attract aunt Marion’s attention.

For the last five minutes she’d been yelling at someone on the phone and it had started to get ugly. Knowing that I was facing a long evening ahead alone with her in her apartment, I was trying to avoid another scene like the night before.

“What do you mean?”


