Mr. Masters Read Online T.L. Swan

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Billionaire, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 141
Estimated words: 141251 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 706(@200wpm)___ 565(@250wpm)___ 471(@300wpm)

We wait for the crowd to clear a little. He takes my hand, leading me into the ballroom and through the crowd. He checks where we are sitting on the map and we make our way over to the table.

Julian suddenly stops mid-step.

“Fuck,” he whispers.


“One of my work colleagues is here.”

“So?” I frown.

“I don’t want them to fucking know about you.” He drops my hand like a hot potato and strides to our table, pulling my chair out angrily.

What the hell? It’s not my fault his work friend is here, but I take a seat anyway.

“Drink?” he snaps.

Is he kidding me? I’ve done nothing wrong.

“Please,” I reply calmly.

He disappears to the bar and I sit alone as people slowly begin to make their way in, one by one, filling the tables up.

“Hello, I’m Veronica.” One lady smiles as she sits down beside me.

“I’m Ted,” her husband says, and they begin a conversation with me about the entertainment that’s scheduled for tonight. I’m too distracted.

What’s taking Julian so long?

I glance over to the bar to see him talking to a lady and a man, deep in conversation. I take out my phone.

There's a message waiting for me from Willow.

Hi, Brell,

We can’t forget the uniforms tomorrow.

I close my eyes. Shit, the uniforms.

I completely forgot about them. It was our turn to wash the jerseys after training on Thursday night. We threw the big bag of them in the trunk. They’re still in there, all dirty.

Damn it. I’m going to have to wash them tonight when I get home.

Yes, of course.

What time are we leaving again?

She texts back.

Eight o’clock.

I blow out a breath. Great. Looks like I’m washing when I get home. I text back.

Are you guys okay at Grandma’s?

A reply bounces in.



I smile.


I sit at the table alone for a full twenty minutes while people try to make polite conversation with me. With every moment that passes, I get a little more agitated. I glance over and see him laughing out loud, having a great time as he talks, while he leaves me sitting here alone.

I don’t get it.

I sip my champagne, wishing I could drain the whole bottle.

The entrees come out, but he still doesn’t return to the table. He and the woman are the only two standing by the bar now, and it’s apparent that he’s avoiding sitting down beside me.

Okay, now I’m getting pissed.

I roll my lips and push my chair out. I’m going to the bathroom.

I make my way out to the bathroom and sit in the cubicle for a while. Why would he bring me to a dinner and not even make an effort to sit with me? I know he doesn’t want anyone to know who I am, but would he really treat a friend like this if he took her out? I don’t think so.

My heart is hammering in angry beats.

Stop it. He’s probably talking about some very important case and I’m just being melodramatic. After fifteen minutes, I make my way back to the table. He’s now sitting in the chair next to mine, and the woman he was talking to at the bar is on the other side of him. The main meals have finally arrived, too.

I pull my chair out, and he smiles over at me as I sit down.

I give him a lopsided smile in return.

“Miss Brielle.” He gestures to me. “This is Anna, a work colleague of mine.”

I smile over at the pretty redhead. She’s around the age of forty and has an incredible body. Her shoulder-length hair is down and full, and she has olive skin that is complimented by her green eyes. She really is stunning. “Hello.” I smile.

“Hello, Miss Brielle.” She turns to Julian. “Is she one of Willows friend’s?” she asks sarcastically.

Julian’s eyebrows raise in surprise before he chuckles nervously. “No, no. She’s just our nanny. She has a love of history and this building, so I wanted to bring her to see it. She’s new to London. All the way from Australia.”

Anna laughs and says something I can’t hear, and the two of them fall into a muffled, whispered conversation.

I drop my head as my blood begins to boil.

Just the nanny.

I pick up my glass and drain it in one mouthful. Who the fucking hell does he think he is?

I push my plate to the side.

“Not hungry?” he asks.

I glare at him. “I just lost my appetite.”

For the next forty minutes, I sit in silence as the rest of the table eats and chatters amongst themselves. He hasn’t said one nice word to me in over an hour and a half, but he and Anna haven’t stopped talking since she arrived. Other members of the table, who obviously feel uncomfortable, are trying to make idle conversation with me because they feel sorry for me.

Why did he bring me? I feel so stupid.


