Moments of Mayhem (The Hunters #3) Read Online T.L. Smith

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Contemporary, Dark, Suspense Tags Authors: Series: The Hunters Series by T.L. Smith

Total pages in book: 64
Estimated words: 62497 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 312(@200wpm)___ 250(@250wpm)___ 208(@300wpm)

“We all know you like to set things alight,” Kalilah cuts in with a giggle.

“That was one time. And he deserved it,” Alaska replies with a smile. “But if I did walk into a burning building, he would follow. If I went left, he would too. You get me?”

I do. At least, I think I do.

“That still doesn’t make everything right,” I say.

“You don’t always need right. You need right now. And you need someone who ticks all your boxes, who you can’t live without. Even though I hate being touched, he knows when to touch me without me even asking. He is my right now. And I know he will be for a very long time.” Her eyes get a little misty with her last statement.

“Okay, let’s drink. No more talk of men,” Kalilah says. “I need to get drunk. I’ve been sober way too long, and this momma’s gotta have some wild, tied-to-the-bed, made-to-crawl type of sex.”

“Are you not having that right now?” Alaska asks.

Kalilah’s cheeks redden.

“You are.” Alaska laughs. “Gosh, maybe it’s Mayve who needs to be fucked. Where was the last time you had sex?”

“Like, in a bed?” I ask.

“Yep. Was that the last place, a bed?”

“Uh, no, it was a graveyard,” I reply, a little embarrassed.

She slams her hands down on the table. “Wahoo! Now that’s some interesting shit right there. Get drunk and tell me more.”

“Does the killing bother either of you?” I ask, my gaze going from one quickly to the other.

“I think it did at first. But I soon realized I fell for him doing what he does, and well…” Alaska shrugs. “When he wants to stop, I won’t be opposed to telling him no.”

I look to Kalilah.

“No, it doesn’t.” She looks right in my eyes. “It’s a part of him, and so am I. How can one fit so perfectly without the other?” She smiles.

And I get it.

I really do.



“Stop stalking her,” Kyson scolds, as I sit back while Lyla climbs over me.

“I’m not,” I say defensively like some love-sick schoolboy.

He snatches the phone from my hand and checks the screen. “You suck at lying, you know that, right?”

I suck at lying to him only because he knows me better than anyone else does.

“Black is your favorite color.” He throws me the phone after he reads the messages. “Just go there and join them.”

“She doesn’t want me around her.”

“Who started the conversation?” he asks, nodding to the phone. “You’ve been moping around for weeks, and now you’re sitting there with a smirk. So who started it?”

“She did.”

“Well then…fucking go! Talk to her in person and see where it goes from there.” He reaches over and takes Lyla from me.

“No,” I say, shaking my head.

“Go and tell Kalilah that Lyla needs her.” He smirks, and I stand and think about that idea because it’s a damn good one.

The best one yet.

My phone beeps, and I see a notification that she’s posted to her socials. I click it open and see a picture of her holding a drink and showing the black and red heels I bought for her. The caption reads…

There is only one thing that could make this night better…

Kyson leans over my shoulder and reads it.

“Go. If she doesn’t want you there, leave.” He pats Lyla’s back, soothing her to sleep. “She hasn’t signed the papers yet, so that means you still have a chance. If I’d let Kalilah get away, I’m not sure what I would be doing, but I for sure wouldn’t be here, happy, holding my daughter, and waiting for you to go and get her so I can tie her to the bed and have my way with her. She’s always a little friskier when she drinks.” He laughs. “Go! What the fuck are you waiting for?”

I comment under the post as I turn and start walking out his door.

My hand around your…

Just before I get on the bike, she replies…


That’s all the invitation I need to ride straight there.

It doesn’t take long before I pull up to the bar. I spot them straight away when I get inside. Mayve is standing with Kalilah, both of them shaking their hips.

“She’s really pretty, that one.” I turn to see Alaska next to me.

How did I not hear her come up to me?

Maybe she’s learning too much from Zuko.

“So if you don’t treat her right, I’ll cut your balls off.” She pokes me in the chest and smiles. “You feel me?” Her brow raises, and I know she’s waiting for me to reply, but I just look back at Mayve. “Which brother sent you?” she asks.


“Of course he did.” She snorts.

“Yours is already sitting in the car outside waiting for you.” I smirk and motion over my shoulder, where I spot Zuko.

“He looks asleep. Is he asleep?” She cranes her neck to get a better look, but the lights flash on the car, and as they do, she flips him off and chuckles. “Okay. You tell them I’m out. I’m going home to be strangled by a bag or whatever the shit he has up his sleeve this time.” She grins and saunters off.


