Marx Girl Read Online Free Book T.L. Swan

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Romance, Suspense Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 131
Estimated words: 131799 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 659(@200wpm)___ 527(@250wpm)___ 439(@300wpm)

I stare at her as time stands still.

She bounces again. “Come on, Ben. Jump off the cliff with me. Let’s live today like it’s our last.”

I feel like I’m in deep water and swimming towards her to be rescued.

Could this be happening?

“Ben, don’t make me beg.” She laughs.

I smile broadly as the last of my resistance dissolves. I take her face in my hands and I kiss her perfect lips. “Okay,” I breathe, and our foreheads touch. We kiss again. “I love you,” I whisper, and then I laugh in disbelief. “Is this something you’re going to wake up tomorrow and regret?”

She shrugs. “Who cares? I’m living for today.”

“Since when?” I smile.

“Since now.”

“Can I stop filming now?” the lady interrupts.

“Oh, sorry,” Bridget says. “I forgot about you.”

“I thought you did. Congratulations.” She smiles as she hands the phone back.

It’s then I notice everyone standing around watching us, and I become instantly embarrassed.

I grab her hand. “Let’s get out of here. You totally just emasculated me.”

She bursts out laughing as I pull her towards the elevator. “Finally!” She laughs. “Someone had to do it.”

* * *


“Are you sure about this?” Ben asks as we walk up the stairs to City Hall.

I smile at my beautiful man. “Positive.” I lean in and kiss his big, beautiful lips. “Happy birthday, baby,” I whisper as I run my hand through his stubble.

His eyes glow with happiness and he squeezes my hand.

I’m wearing an ice-pink dress that has a fitted waist and flared skirt that falls just below my knees, and matching pink high-heeled sandals. My hair is down and full, and I have a large white flower tucked behind my right ear. My makeup is natural and my lipstick is pink.

It’s my wedding day. I made this split decision last night at dinner before sneaking off to the restaurant bathrooms to apply for a marriage license online.

Ally’s words love him like it’s your last day with him have played on repeat in my mind since she said them three days ago, so that’s exactly what I’m doing.

I’m beaming with happiness and I have no regrets.

This is the right thing to do. I love Ben. I have always loved Ben, and this is crazy. I know we just got back together. Maybe I’m completely blind and stupid. Am I marrying the wrong man? No, I’m not.

It feels right. Every cell in my body wants to do this.

To give myself to him on his birthday—a day he hasn’t celebrated in twenty years—is the ultimate gift.

You know, I used to think that weddings were all about the dress and the guests and the reception venue… until today, when all that matters is him.

Ben moving forward without painful memories every birthday is all that I want. Ben is wearing his clothes that he brought to wear out tonight. They’re nothing special, but he couldn’t look more perfect if he tried.

It’s as if this happiness beacon has been turned on inside of him and he’s glowing.

All uncertainty between us has disappeared in an instant.

We both know.

We get to the counter and I smile through the window. “Hello. I called before; we have an appointment at three.” I smile.

Ben bites his bottom lip as he tries to remain calm.

I have to concentrate and try not to bounce on the spot. “Yes, do you have all the paperwork?” she asks.

I take all of our identification from my bag and slide it across the counter. She goes through and copies it all down. “First door to your right.” She smiles.

Ben takes my hand, and we turn and walk down the corridor and knock on the office door. “Come in,” a male voice calls.

Ben and I take one look at each other and I smile broadly, rising to kiss him on the lips. He shakes his head, as if not believing what we are about to do. He pushes the door open and we find a man sitting at a large mahogany desk. He looks at us over the top of his glasses. “Hello.”

“Hello.” We both smile.

“Close the door behind you.”

Ben turns and closes the door.

“I’m Henry Thomas, I’ll be performing your ceremony today.” He shakes our hands. Ben and I smile nervously.

“Okay, so you have some documents for me?”

“Yes.” I hand the file to him and he looks through them.

“Do you have the rings?” he asks.

Ben takes his mother’s ring and the gold band we bought him today out of his pocket, and hands them over. I hunch my shoulders up like a little kid. Are we really doing this? We both go through and sign a lot of documents until, finally, its time.

“Please stand and face each other.” He smiles and gestures to a place on the carpet.

Ben and I stand and face each other. He takes both my hands in his. I begin to giggle like a stupid schoolgirl, and even Ben is having trouble keeping a straight face.


