Lust (Saints & Sinners #1) Read Online Devon McCormack

Categories Genre: Fantasy/Sci-fi, M-M Romance, Magic, Paranormal Tags Authors: Series: Saints & Sinners Series by Devon McCormack

Total pages in book: 93
Estimated words: 90672 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 453(@200wpm)___ 363(@250wpm)___ 302(@300wpm)

Brad snickers. “Okay. You want to jump to the next part? Fine. Give it here.” I hand it to him, and he walks on his knees in front of me, blocking the mirror. Facing me, he assumes the same pose I was in, the necklace dangling from his finger. “Now do it,” he says.


“It’s the same idea, but now instead of doing it on your finger, you need to make it move in circles while it hangs from mine.”

“That’s impossible,” I blurt out. Of course, after everything I’ve seen, I know better, but it was one thing when Seth and Cody were influencing my mind, another to think telekinesis is real.

But the necklace begins spinning, slowly at first, then much more dramatically. I inspect Brad’s hand and arm, both stiff, unmoving. I’m not totally convinced this isn’t just the ideomotor effect again and physics, but then the necklace starts spinning so fast, I can’t even make out the cross. Then it abruptly moves side to side.

“Okay, Seth,” Brad says. “Stop showing off.”

The cross comes to a sudden halt to the side of Brad’s hand, hanging midair, before dropping to its original position, dangling from Brad’s finger.

I turn to Seth, who grips his necklace as he sports a cocky grin. “Just trying to help,” he says.

“Not so impossible now, is it?” Brad asks, quirking a brow.

“I—wait, you guys can levitate shit with your minds?”

Brad’s forehead creases. “We can do little tricks. Mainly because of the energy already in these amulets. On a good day, we can get a pen to roll off a desk, but we can’t like, throw bricks across a room or anything like that.”

Still, even just what he showed me is beyond what should be possible.

But… “Even if I can do this, if you can’t do something bigger, I don’t get what this helps.”

“You have to use your powers,” Seth says. “It’s the only way you become more attuned to them. A lot of this is based on feelings and instincts, and you have to get in touch with those.”

Finally, he says something useful!

“So let’s go again,” Brad says.

I feel like such a fucking moron, on my knees in front of Brad, focusing on a necklace, trying to get it to spin. But after what I saw in my mind and then the missing and certainly dead guy, I know I must take this seriously.

I study the cross.

“Just imagine it moving in a circle,” Brad says. “Spinning and spinning.”

I follow his instructions. It reminds me of being a kid and trying to use the Force like I saw in Star Wars, but like when I was a kid, nothing happens.

“It can take a while,” Cody says. “Don’t be hard on yourself.”

“I mean, it’s not that hard,” Seth adds.

“Keep that up, and I’ll tell him how long it took you,” Brad says, which shuts Seth up.

“Why don’t you let him wear your amulet?” Cody says. “That’s how we got Seth to move his.”

“That’s not a bad idea.” Brad removes his necklace and places it around my neck. There’s a warmth to it as it rests against my chest. His warmth.

I close my eyes, enjoying a swirling sensation, as though he placed his finger where the cross rests. A soft gasp escapes my lips as I open my eyes, and Brad’s gaze shifts to my mouth. He smirks, like it pleases him to see my reaction, and when I glance at his crotch, I notice just how much he enjoyed it.

“Focus,” Brad says in a stern voice, but he’s still smirking. “You can touch it if you want.”

I reach for his crotch, and he glares at me. “Not what I meant.”

“Gross,” Seth groans. “You guys have plenty of time to do this outside of training.”

But Brad’s still chuckling, and blushing a little, so fuck what Seth thinks.

I grip Brad’s necklace, imitating the way I’ve seen him hold it. Then I stare at my necklace, dangling from his finger, imagining it spinning the way Seth had it going.

I wait.

And wait.

And wait some more.

“Don’t get so tense,” Brad says, and only then I realize my face is all tensed up. “It works better if you’re at ease. You’re not forcing it with your body. That’s what I meant before when I said you have to build up confidence. You’re not accessing anything physical. It’s something deep within you.”

I try again, but still, nothing happens.

“I told you,” Seth spits out, and Brad’s nostrils flare.

“Told him what?” I ask.

Brad sighs. “Nothing. He’s just being a dick.”

I glare at him. “I thought you guys were including me now.”

Brad bites his bottom lip, and I have the urge to lurch forward and kiss him, but I stop myself.

“We hoped because of all the power we’d seen from you already that you’d take to it faster than we did. But if you had done it already, that would have been ridiculously fast. It took Cody days, and that was hours and hours of trying. A few minutes is nothing. Here. Let’s go back to you doing it on your hand. I’ll let you know when you’re moving it, and once you get better at that, we’ll come back to this, okay?”


