Lust (Saints & Sinners #1) Read Online Devon McCormack

Categories Genre: Fantasy/Sci-fi, M-M Romance, Magic, Paranormal Tags Authors: Series: Saints & Sinners Series by Devon McCormack

Total pages in book: 93
Estimated words: 90672 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 453(@200wpm)___ 363(@250wpm)___ 302(@300wpm)

“You just said your power. So you admit you guys are fucking around with… God, this is so fucking dumb, I don’t even want to say it.”

I chuckle because some days I find it hard to admit to myself.

“Magic.” He says the word through his teeth, softly, like he’s embarrassed. Reminds me of how Seth, Cody, and I felt after we stumbled across this stuff.

“Like you don’t already know that.”

“I didn’t know it until you guys started bullying me. And you guys weren’t exactly subtle.”

“That was the point. And now that you know our secret, it’s time to cop to yours. Where did you learn how to use your powers?”

“I don’t have powers, Brad.”

His continued denial makes my rage flare up again. “Shut your lying mouth. You know how long it’s taken us to get to where we are? We found out about this shit last year, and we’ve been training ever since. Enough to know not only that you have powers, but that you must’ve been training for even longer.” It’s the reason I became so suspicious of him after what he did to Cody. The reason I was convinced what he was doing must’ve been intentional.

“Are you messing with me?” he asks.

“What you did to Cody. You got another explanation for that? Because I’d love to hear it.” Real eager to hear how he tries to weasel his way around that.

“I just resisted what he was doing to me.”

“Yeah, and he’s been having the biggest fucking panic attacks since that day. He still can’t get out of bed.”

“I didn’t do that, but you expect me to feel bad for him after what he brought up in me?”

I ball my hands into fists. I want to beat the shit out of him until he confesses, but I can feel those familiar sensations rising. Making my dick shift in my pants.

“Stop,” I tell him.

“I told you—”

“I’m not talking about Cody.” I take his hand and press it against my crotch, running it along the zipper so he can feel my girth. “You’re doing this to me.”

He grips my jeans and strokes, not like he’s assessing it, but like he’s playing with it again.

Pissed as I am with him right now, I fear this power he has over me. That all he has to do is ratchet it up enough and, like with that jerk-off session, he’ll be free to make me do whatever the hell he wants.

He releases me, grabs my hand, and puts it on his crotch. “And what’s this? Am I doing this to me too?” It’s like he’s got a stone in there.

“When I use my power on guys, it affects me too,” I say. “I assume it works the same for you.”

“Brad, I don’t know how you got accepted to St. Lawrence if you can’t get it around your thick skull that whatever’s happening right now is clearly from whatever shit you and your friends are messing around with.”

I take a few controlled breaths. I hate that he could have a point. It’s not like we’re experts in this. Although, what if this is just the part of me who wants to fuck around with him getting me to let my guard down?

Whatever it is, I can hear him out and reserve my judgment. What other choice do I have?

“Take me to the other guys,” he says.

“Seth will fucking lose his mind right now. He’s so on edge about Cody. We both are. Cody’s very sensitive.”

“Didn’t seem all that sensitive when he was coming for me, weaponizing one of the hardest days of my life,” Luke spits out.

I growl. “Since you’re new around here, a little advice: don’t fuck with Cody, or you’re gonna get the wrath of the Sinners.”

“The Sinners? Is that what you guys call yourselves?”

I nod. “Yeah. Cody’s a good guy, and he was only doing what we had to do to scare you off.”

“So that’s your game plan? Getting rid of me? Fucking knew it.”

He looks relieved to have some answers, and I wish I could enjoy the same catharsis.

“Why?” he presses.

“Because you being at St. Lawrence means some fucked-up shit is gonna happen.”

“How could you possibly know that?”

“If you really are encountering this shit for the first time, then I’d think you’d throw out the window what you know about what’s possible and start from scratch.”

“Okay,” he says. “I’ll start from scratch if you’ll start from scratch too and stop assuming you know what I’m thinking or doing here.”

He reaches his hand out for a shake, and I eye it. “We both know me touching you more isn’t gonna lead to anything good.”

My gaze shifts to his lips.

And already I feel the impulse to lurch forward and take them.

He gulps, his Adam’s apple shifting in a way that has another rush of energy sweeping through me.


