Little Hoodlum Read online K. Webster (Hood River Hoodlums #2)

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Contemporary, Dark, New Adult, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Hood River Hoodlums Series by K. Webster

Total pages in book: 89
Estimated words: 88080 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 440(@200wpm)___ 352(@250wpm)___ 294(@300wpm)

By the time I’ve showered and changed into some sweats and a T-shirt, Tom and Samantha are gone. Garrett is huddled with Hollis and Roan while Roux sits in the recliner, her face pale. As though she’s seen a ghost.

“You okay?” I ask, sitting on the coffee table in front of her.

She nods. “I am. Can we talk?”

“Yeah. You want to go outside?”

Shaking her head, she stands. “We can go in my room.”

I follow her into her bedroom. She closes the door behind us. I take her hand and push her hoodie up her arm to look at where Renaldo hurt her. Seeing the bruises already forming has rage bubbling up inside me.

I want to kill him.

For Roux, I would.

“Hey,” she murmurs, seemingly reading my mind. “Don’t go there.”

“I fucking hate him.”

“Me too.”

Someone knocks on her bedroom door.

“Come in,” Roux says.

Hollis peeks his head in. “We’re going to grab dinner and then stop by Dad’s office. You guys coming?”

“No,” Roux says. “I’m tired and we have to talk.”

“Okay,” Hollis says and then his voice grows stern as he narrows his eyes at me. “Be good.”

I snort and flip him off. “Go away, rat.”

His grin makes me laugh. “We’ll bring back food.”

As soon as Hollis leaves, Roux kicks off her shoes and pulls off her hoodie before climbing on top of her covers. I lie down next to her, stroking her dark hair away from her face. Her amber eyes brew with a storm of emotions.

“Are you really okay?” I murmur, nudging her nose with mine.

She swallows. “No, but I will be.”

“I’m sorry shit is such a mess.”

“We’ll fix it.”

I hope so.

Her fingers thread into my wet hair as she draws me to her lips. I’m unable to resist her and my mouth devours hers. She tastes sweet like the Coke she was drinking. I groan as my tongue slides against hers, desperate to own her with just a kiss. She nips at my bottom lip, making my dick jolt in my sweats.

“Roux,” I growl.

Emboldened by my tone, she moves across me, straddling my waist. Her T-shirt gets tossed away, revealing her pert breasts in her black bra. I groan when she undoes the bra and flings it away.


So fucking perfect.

My palms find her tits and I run my thumbs over her peaked nipples. She reaches down to undo the top button of her jeans.

“Roux,” I warn. “I have no self-control with you.”

Her hooded eyes meet mine as she unzips them. “We’re not going to fuck, Jordy. Relax.”

I can’t relax when she shimmies out of her jeans. In just her striped socks and black panties, she’s a fucking vision. And mine. All mine. Her slender thighs straddle me again. Greedily, I roam my palms up her thighs, teasing my thumbs under the seam of her panties.

“Take your shirt off,” she orders, her amber eyes flaring with heat.


I obey Little Hoodlum because she’s so fucking fierce and beautiful. I’m under her wicked spell. I toss away my shirt, groaning when her nails scrape along my pectoral muscles. She grinds against me as she leans forward to kiss me. My hands are all over her, wishing I could touch her everywhere all at once. She slides down my thighs, tugging at the waistband of my sweats. My dick springs free, slapping heavily against my lower stomach.

“Roux,” I rasp out.

“We’re not going to fuck,” she reminds me. “I just…I need this before everything really sucks.”

I know what she needs.

I’d been hoping to fuck it wouldn’t come to this, but it has.

Renaldo forced our hand today.

She rubs her panty-covered cunt along my bare dick, making us both hiss in pleasure. I’ve never felt something so good in my entire life. My hips buck up, desperate to feel every part of her. Her panties are wet, soaked through with her arousal. With every grind of her hips, she smears her wetness over my shaft.

“You’re killing me,” I breathe.

“It’ll feel good to die this way.”

I grip her delicate neck and haul her to me for a devastating kiss. Our mouths fuse desperately together as our bodies try to fuck through that thin layer of fabric. I slide my hands to her ass, pushing under her panties to feel her bare skin there. My fingers dig into her flesh, needing to mark her as mine before everything changes.

The change will happen before I can blink.

I need this to get me through the hard times.

“Jordy,” she breathes. “This feels so good.”

“I know,” I groan. “Don’t stop. Keep rubbing your clit on my dick. I need you to come. I want to taste your moans when you do it.”

Her tongue lashes against mine as she works her hips in a sinful way that maddens me. I want to tear her panties from her body and impale her right now. It’d be so simple and Roux would let me. We both want it.


