Little Hoodlum Read online K. Webster (Hood River Hoodlums #2)

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Contemporary, Dark, New Adult, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Hood River Hoodlums Series by K. Webster

Total pages in book: 89
Estimated words: 88080 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 440(@200wpm)___ 352(@250wpm)___ 294(@300wpm)

“You can’t run.” He turns me in his arms so we’re facing each other. “I’ll always find you.”

I can’t make out all of his features in the darkness and pouring rain, but I never need to see Jordy. I have him memorized. When you know someone your whole life, you don’t forget the details of their face.

Like the small, random freckle near his temple. I brush it with my thumb. Or the scar on his forehead from fighting with one of the other Hoodlums when they were younger. I certainly don’t forget the way his dark eyes track me no matter where I go. They’ve always done that, even when he didn’t have a romantic interest in me.

Jordy has always cared about me.

The thought warms me as I stand on my toes to seek out his lips. They’re cold and wet. I’m to warm them up with mine. Our kiss starts out sweet and within seconds, we’re devouring each other like it might be our last kiss. My fingers dive into his wet hair, tugging so he’s closer. His arms possessively wrap around me.

He doesn’t argue when I climb him like a tree. No, my Jordy assists in my efforts, moving his large hands to my ass and holding me up so I can wrap my legs around his waist. Now that I’m in his arms, he starts walking, carrying me somewhere. I hug onto his neck, needing his warmth and affection as he takes us wherever it is we’re going.

We stop in front of a car and I realize it’s his. I cling to him, not eager to let go. I know once I do, he’ll put distance between us. I hate the chasm that exists when reality sets in. When we’re in our fantasy world, we lose track of time and rules, desperate for the other. He leans me against the car, pressing soft kisses to my face.

“Are you okay?” he asks, his voice husky and filled with need.

“I am now.”

“Ready to get out of here?”

I close my eyes, hating that Charlotte’s gaunt face fills my mind. “She hates me, Jordy.”

“It won’t be forever.”

“How do you know?” I demand, my eyes burning with unshed tears.

“Because your brother hated me.” He leans his forehead against mine. “And now he doesn’t.”

Will time heal this wound Char and I share?

“I hope you’re right.”

“I am,” he murmurs. “Now let’s get you home and dry. Hollis just put in one of Kelsey’s lasagnas when I left. Roan’s home too. Maybe you need a little family time.”

Dinner with my brother, his husband, and Jordy?

I could never say no to that.

“Let’s get out of here.” I kiss him once more. “Thanks for always being there.”

“I always will be.”

His words flood through me, chasing away every doubt and insecurity. My life might be chaotic and confusing right now, but everything with Jordy feels right. How it’s supposed to be. I just have to figure out how to fix everything else.


Bob is going to kill my ass for rolling up there late on a Saturday since it’s our busiest day, but I can’t help it. I’m tired as fuck. Stayed up late shooting the shit with Hollis, Roan, and Roux. It’s the most fun I’ve had in forever. Hollis got drunk and that guy’s a funny bastard when he’s wasted. Roux wasn’t allowed to drink, but for as much as she giggled, she may have well been drunk. Roan’s eyes glittered with so much damn happiness.

My chest expands at the realization.

Roan has everything he wants now. Love. His sister. Firefighting. And his best friend. Five years ago, I would’ve never predicted the outcome of any of this. Everything was so uncertain. Roan fucked and fled. His mom was a cunt who strung them along, barely doing her job as a parent. He had shitty grades and a lack of direction. And I was on a path of destruction myself.

Somehow, though, it all turned out all right.

Or it will be.

Right now, there are some serious fucking issues in the plan that involves me. I’ll get them straightened out, but it’s going to take some time and patience. Both of which I learned while in prison.

While the three of them sleep, I rush and get ready. I’m in such a mad dash to get downstairs to my car, I almost miss the person leaned against their car parked beside mine.

Unfiltered hate ripples from him.


“What the fuck is your problem, man?” I demand, squaring my shoulders. “You stalking me now?”

The nerd—Gio—sneers at me. “I came here to ask you the same.”

“I’m not stalking you.”

“You’re stalking my wife,” he snarls, storming my way.

This dude is shrimpy. Small and thin and fucking useless. I could knock him out in one punch. I’m not afraid he’ll whip my ass, so I stare down at him in a bored way that seems to infuriate him more.


