Ink (Hounds of Hellfire MC #6) Read Online Fiona Davenport

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Biker, Erotic, Insta-Love, MC Tags Authors: Series: Hounds of Hellfire MC Series by Fiona Davenport

Total pages in book: 34
Estimated words: 31778 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 159(@200wpm)___ 127(@250wpm)___ 106(@300wpm)

With all of my know-how, if I’d ever wanted to, I would have made incredible counterfeiting plates. It had been one of the reasons The Family had been so loath to let me out of their clutches. Thankfully, Nic wasn’t interested in forcing people to work for him, and family came first to him…without the capital F.

Blaze and Cross were waiting for me when I arrived. “Got the car cleaned,” Cross grunted as I opened the door to my studio. He was the club brother who managed our garage and was seriously fucking talented at scrubbing and chopping vehicles. “King was just finishing up some paperwork before delivering it all to the client.”

“One of his tools busted,” Blaze muttered. “We need you to hand draw it with your heated foil pen.”

I stopped in my tracks and flipped around. “Are you fucking serious? With a foil pen? Do you have any fucking idea how stupid that idea is?” I was shouting by the time I finished.

Blaze winced. “Wow, I owe King a hundred bucks. He nailed your response verbatim.”

Scowling, I ignored his comment and proceeded to explain exactly why this idea was ludicrous. “If I hesitate for even a single second, the machines will catch it as counterfeit. If by some miracle, I managed to finish the design without a hesitation mark, it would have to be perfect. No hesitation and not one mistake? And should the gods of fake identities be with us and those two things actually happened, it wouldn’t matter because I don’t have the right material.”

Cross handed me a bag. “King said this should work.”

I frowned as I opened the bag and took out the contents to examine it. It could work, but damn.

With narrowed eyes, I studied my brothers. “Why isn’t he here asking me himself? Not like him to hide.”

“Cadell is sick,” Blaze explained.

Damn, that meant I couldn’t be pissed that King wasn’t there to yell at. This was one situation where I knew he’d allow me to let him have it because he knew, in the end, I’d give in and try.

“Fine, but tell him he owes me, so the next time I mouth off, it’ll be a freebie.”

Blaze pressed his lips together, clearly trying to hide a grin, tempting me to wring his neck. “Will do,” he muttered. “What do you need to get this done?”

“Get the fuck out of my studio and don’t let anyone disturb me unless it’s Annika, Ash, or someone who has anything useful to tell me about her situation.”

Cross saluted me, and I punched him in the solar plexus. Watching him struggle to breathe made me feel better, so I went about gathering my shit, forgetting all about them.

The only good thing about the situation was that it would take my mind off the gorgeous temptation sleeping in my bed, wearing nothing but my shirt.

Apparently, the angels were on my side because I managed to complete the project on my third attempt.

I sent Blaze a text, hoping it would wake him since it was the middle of the fucking night. Then I decided to grab a snack.

Wizard’s office door was open, so instead of walking by, I paused and glanced inside. He was intensely focused on his computer, but the second I stood in the doorway, he looked over at me.

“Finished it?” he asked, his brow practically in his hairline.

I nodded and scratched my chin, realizing I hadn’t shaved in a couple of days. My chinstrap would soon be a beard if I didn’t take care of that.

“Damn, kid. I’m impressed.”

I snorted. “You and me both.”

“Well, hopefully, the shit Ace and I have been digging up will brighten your day. But I still need some time to connect some dots.”

“Ash won’t be here until early afternoon, brother. Get some sleep.”

“Yeah, I was headed home when I had a thought and just popped in to check it out.”

“And what time was that?”

Wizard glanced at a clock and swore as he hopped up from his seat and started shutting everything down.

“In trouble with the missus?” I teased.

His expression softened in a way that it only ever did when he talked about his old lady. “Nah. She knows I get lost in my shit and loves me anyway.” He shook his head as he shoved his wallet and keys into his pocket. “She’s too fucking good for me. But I’m gonna keep her anyway.”

I stepped back into the hall as he exited the office, then shut and armed the door.

“You really think you’ve found something?” I probed as we walked toward the lounge.

“Probably, but I wanted to be sure before we head down the road.”

Sighing, I clapped him on the back. “I get it. But just know, if I lose my mind while waiting and end up beating the shit outta you, it’s your own damn fault.”


