How About No Read Online Lani Lynn Vale (Bear Bottom Guardians MC #3)

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Biker, Funny, MC, Romance, Suspense Tags Authors: Series: Bear Bottom Guardians MC Series by Lani Lynn Vale

Total pages in book: 77
Estimated words: 76046 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 380(@200wpm)___ 304(@250wpm)___ 253(@300wpm)

And, seeing as we were at an open field without any water whatsoever, she wasn’t going to be fixing it any time soon.

“Ready?” I asked.

“Ready, Freddy,” she confirmed.

I pinched her ass and led her up to the bonfire, saying hi to a few friends I hadn’t seen in a while, and introducing Landry to them as I passed.

“How do you know all these people?” she asked warily.

I’d invited her to an MC party, and she’d instantly agreed. But as she was looking around the area and seeing all the wild bikers drinking and having a good time, I was sure that she hadn’t realized what she was getting into.

I barely hid my smile and pulled her in close to my chest.

“I know some of ‘em.” I paused. “Like that guy right there chugging his beer? That’s Casten Red. He’s a member of the Uncertain Saints. That one over there in the corner with the woman draped all over him? He’s a member of Free, though they’re not an official motorcycle club. Once or twice a year we get together and have a big party. Multiple motorcycle clubs from all over the state show up.”

She swallowed. “I’ve never been to anything quite so…rambunctious.”

I snorted. “Don’t worry, honey. You ain’t seen nothin’ yet.”

Six hours later, everyone was tired, totally sated from the shared cooking, and well on the way to being ready to go to bed.

Which was why I’d pulled the sleeping bag out of my saddlebags.

Landry looked at me warily. “Uhhh, what are you doing with that? And what the hell is it?”

I grinned and unzipped it, causing all the air to rush in and inflate the bag.

“It’s a vacuum bag that I sucked all the air out of when I got my sleeping bag in there,” I paused. “Otherwise it wouldn’t have fit into my saddlebags.”

Her smile grew as she looked around and saw a lot of the other people doing the same. “We’re gonna sleep here in the middle of the field?”

I nodded and pulled the sleeping bag out of the vacuum bag and then unrolled it next to my bike. “Sure are.”

Her smile was bright then. “I don’t know why I’m so excited about sleeping on the ground, but I am.”

Grinning, I bent down to unzip the bag and tossed it to the side. “Take off your pants and shoes and climb in.”

She looked around the immediate area and frowned.

“Don’t worry, baby. They’re all doing the same thing you are.” He paused. “And it’s so dark that they’re not going to see a thing.”

Biting her lip, Landry followed my directions, starting with first her boots and then her pants. She did it so fast, though, that even I could barely see her.

“You could’ve at least given me a small show,” I teased.

She giggled, making my heart lighten. “I’ll remember that for next time…your turn.”

I went about getting undressed much more slowly than her, and by the time I was laying on the sleeping bag next to her and zipping her up, I was horny as hell and needing her.

Having her zipped up so tight next to me was making my heart and other things do funny things.

“We’re not doing it right here in the middle of a field surrounded by a hundred other people…”

“No?” I teased, pulling her lithe body closer.

When I did, she could clearly feel my erection, and it wasn’t lost on me that her nipples were hard as diamonds.

“No,” she whispered, sounding like she was trying to convince herself she meant no rather than convincing me.

“Okay,” I murmured, twisting her so that she was back to my front, and my cock was pressed up tight to her ass crack. “We’ll just go to sleep then.”

We stayed like that for long minutes, and not once did her body calm down enough to relax. She wanted me just as much as I wanted her…there was no doubt in my mind. I just had to wait patiently…

A small moan pierced the quiet of the night, and I knew that I wasn’t the only one in the entire field who was on the verge of getting some.


“That was the worst ten minutes of my life,” Landry whispered. “I wanted you so freakin’ bad, but I was fighting my every instinct. The mere idea of having sex with you in that field made my blood run hot…but my brain said that I shouldn’t do it…shouldn’t want it.”

“But you did,” I paused. “And it was hearing all those other people quietly doing it, too, that finally convinced you.”

She shivered against my side, and I felt my cock stiffen even further.

The loose sleep pants that I wore were doing nothing to conceal the erection that was tenting the front of my pants.

Landry tried to ignore it, but there really was no ignoring the thing. It bounced and bobbed with each beat of my heart, causing her to laugh.


