His Theo – The New Neighbors Read Online M.A. Innes

Categories Genre: Alien, Fantasy/Sci-fi, M-M Romance, Paranormal Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 60
Estimated words: 57876 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 289(@200wpm)___ 232(@250wpm)___ 193(@300wpm)

“You are uncomfortable, my Theo.” Picking me up before I realized he was talking about my having to piss like a racehorse, Jerker was gentle as he hauled me off to the bathroom. “Humans are fragile, so multiple physical pleasures before work commences is not recommended.”

He wasn’t wrong, but I found myself pouting as he put me down in front of the toilet. “But I like multiple pleasures.”

And he was really good at giving them to me even when my body tried to complain that wasn’t always a good idea.

Master patted my head as he grabbed my cock and aimed it at the toilet—evidently I wasn’t supposed to do that by myself anymore? “You are a very good boy, my mate. However, I must be constantly vigilant about your physical health.”

That didn’t sound like I was going to get another orgasm before work.

“I will monitor your health closely and if I deem multiple pleasures safe, we will incorporate it into our morning routine.” Before my brain could wake up enough to figure out where the red flags in that sentence had come from, he patted my head again. “You must evacuate your bladder. Be a good boy.”

I wasn’t awake enough for discussions with Jerker yet.

Once I’d realized that, everything else went more smoothly. I submitted. He was proud of me. Verbal negotiations weren’t required at all.

Submissive, relaxed thoughts meant confident, take-charge Master.

Reminding myself that I needed to remember that, I snuggled into him as he carried me into the kitchen and just let him keep going. “You require a variety of healthy nutrients for your body to use as fuel.”

I was going to require caffeine too but I wasn’t sure if that was considered a health nutrient or something I was going to have to sneak later.

As I tried to figure that out without sending longing looks at my coffee maker, Master moved around the kitchen and opened every door and analyzed every appliance before setting me down at the table. “I have the knowledge that humans do not need to be hand-fed. You may sit on your own unless it is required for your submission.”


Thank God for weird lectures…I was going to owe Nicholas flowers or something.

“If it’s something we want to explore in a scene, that might be fun, but yes, I can sit by myself and feed myself. Thank you, though.” I’d forgotten the subs in their society submitted that completely.

“Very good, my Theo.” After studying the contents of the fridge, he turned back to me. “Would you prefer a meat-based portable breakfast or would you enjoy consuming a grain-based meal?”


I was going to have to brave the coffee discussion sooner rather than later.

Okay, grain-based meal probably meant oatmeal because nothing else made sense.

Simpler question…was there anything in the kitchen that I wouldn’t eat?

When nothing came to mind, I shrugged. “I would appreciate anything you made for me and…and I don’t know what I want for breakfast.”

It definitely wasn’t the time to point out that the Pop-Tarts in the cabinet weren’t as bad for humans as everyone kept saying.

“Decisions. Yes.” Nodding more to himself than to me, he ran a tentacle over my head and started moving around the kitchen. “I will remember that going forward.”

Remember what?

Waking up was so hard.

“My Theo, are your sounds of need a desire for more physical pleasures or have you become enamored of the device that dispenses roasted caffeine?”

Would both be a reasonable answer?


Did he think I was horny for the coffee pot?

Fuck it.

“I would like caffeine, Master, but I wasn’t sure if you would think it’s unhealthy.” Honesty wouldn’t kill me, but as he kept me waiting, I wasn’t sure it would give me what I wanted.

“Chemical dependence is something humans struggle with.” Heading over to the fridge, he finally got to his question as I realized he’d been talking about making me a breakfast sandwich. “Do you struggle with that, my Theo?”

Chemical dependence.

“No. I don’t think so.” How were we defining that?

I wasn’t sure if we both had the same understanding about what that meant, but I couldn’t figure out the answer until I’d gotten my chemical dependence fix.

So, rock meet hard place?

“Um, I like a cup first thing because I sleep very soundly and it helps me wake up and then another one mid-morning when I take a break. I don’t think that’s too much coffee. Oh, and I don’t drink alcohol very often. I don’t do drugs either.” I made a variety of stupid decisions without fucking up my brain to help me get there.

Looking lighter as he set down eggs and ham on the counter, he nodded. “Then I do not think we need additional negotiations about that substance.”

Yay, I didn’t have to defend coffee.

Oh, wait. I could’ve had to negotiate coffee?

Having a Dom was going to be harder than I thought.


