Helping Hand Read Online Jay Northcote (Housemates #1)

Categories Genre: College, Erotic, Gay, GLBT, M-M Romance, New Adult, Romance, Young Adult Tags Authors: Series: Housemates Series by Jay Northcote

Total pages in book: 42
Estimated words: 43759 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 219(@200wpm)___ 175(@250wpm)___ 146(@300wpm)

he m uttered.

“That good, huh?” Mac sounded am used.

“Yeah.” Jez wasn’t capable of m ore than m onosy llables. He loved

being in Mac’s arm s. Mac was so strong and powerful, y et gentle too. The

steady thud of Mac’s heart vibrated through his ribcage. The beat was

slow com pared to Jez’s, but as Jez lay there, the frantic beat of his heart

gradually calm ed, pulled into sy nc by the rhy thm ic lub-dup, lub-dup,

lub-dup of Mac’s.

Later that night, Jez showered before bed. As he soaped him self up

and washed away the sweat and com e from earlier, he paid m ore

attention to his arse than he usually did. Curious, he probed his hole with a

slippery finger and m et resistance. Pressing harder, he m anaged to

breach the ring of m uscle with a fingertip. It felt weird—stretched and

uncom fortable—and triggered the urge to push. But when his m uscles

acted reflexively, they softened and his finger slipped in further.

He hissed in surprise, tensing again at the burn and surprised by the

strength of his m uscles as they clam ped tight around the intrusion. It

didn’t feel good exactly, but it didn’t feel bad either. Mostly it felt strange.

He im agined how it would feel if it was Mac’s cock instead. He found it

hard to believe taking som ething that thick could be pleasant, prostate or

no prostate. But he supposed it m ust do, otherwise why would people


Done with experim enting for tonight, Jez withdrew his finger,

wincing a little at the sensation of it slipping free.

When he was tucked up in bed later with his laptop, supposedly

researching geom orphological hazards for their current assignm ent, he

took a sharp detour via Google.

How to have anal sex, he ty ped.

Overwhelm ed by choice, he started at the top of the results and

worked his way down the list for a while, skim m ing through the various

articles and advice pages. By the tim e sleepiness finally overcam e him ,

Jez had learned a lot. He wasn’t sure whether he was ready to put his

newfound knowledge into practice y et, but he couldn’t deny he was


Chapter Ten

The following evening was Friday. The house was quiet—they were

the only two in again—and Jez and Mac had their books spread out on

Mac’s bed as they worked on their latest assignm ent. Mac had

deliberately chosen a different essay topic to Jez. He welcom ed Jez’s

help with planning but was afraid that if he picked the sam e question,

they ’d end up with work that was too sim ilar.

They took turns to go through their notes, offering suggestions. Mac

had done a good j ob this tim e, and when Jez told him he thought it was

fine and that nothing needed changing, Mac gave a sm all, pleased sm ile.

“Really ?”

“Yeah, it sounds like y ou have it covered,” Jez assured him .

After that they started writing in earnest, try ing to stay focused and

challenging each other with word-count goals until Mac started y awning.

“My words aren’t m aking sense any m ore,” he said. “I think I’m

done for tonight. I need sleep.”

Jez y awned too, stretching until his back cracked. He rubbed his ey es

and realised how tired he was of staring at a glowing screen. “Me too.”

He closed his laptop and started tidy ing up his books. Mac did the

sam e, stacking them neatly onto his well-ordered desk.

Jez picked up his pile of books, paper, and laptop and headed for the

door. “Night, then.” He was a little disappointed they ’d wasted the whole

evening study ing, but the work had needed doing, and he’d enj oy ed Mac’s

com pany.

After dum ping his books in his room , he went to the bathroom . When

he em erged a few m inutes later, Mac was waiting outside.

“It’s all y ours,” Jez said.

Mac paused, and Jez clenched his fists to stop him self from reaching

for him .

“Com e back to m y room … if y ou want?” Mac offered.

Jez was knackered, but he couldn’t say no to Mac, not when he

looked at Jez with that expression of hopeful vulnerability. “Okay.”

Mac sm iled, and the sight of it did weird things to Jez’s belly.

Jez was glad nobody else was around to see him letting him self into

Mac’s room in his boxers and T-shirt. He got straight into the bed,

shivering as the cold sheets slipped over his bare legs and arm s. It was

chilly today, and the heating in the house was alway s on low to save on

bills. He turned away from the door and lay on his side with the covers

pulled up to his ears, hugging his body for warm th. By the tim e Mac

returned, the bed was warm and Jez was sleepy.

Mac turned the overhead light off, leaving only the dim glow of the

lam p by the bed. The m attress dipped and squeaked as he clim bed in. He


