Hail Mary – Red Zone Rivals Read Online Kandi Steiner

Categories Genre: Contemporary, Romance, Sports Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 139
Estimated words: 130380 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 652(@200wpm)___ 522(@250wpm)___ 435(@300wpm)

She relaxed a bit when I did, rolling her hips and grinding her clit against my pelvis with me deep inside. When I realized she was going to come again, I took control, letting her brace herself while I slowly flexed my hips, working her from the inside while my fingers played with her piercings and she ground herself on me.

“One more, baby,” I whispered in her ear. “One more for me.”

A mixture of a whine and a moan left her, like those words were both permission and a command she didn’t want to follow. But her movements became more erratic, hips gyrating, and then she came in a beautiful, chaotic symphony of shaking limbs and loud moans, her walls squeezing around me.

I covered her mouth with one hand, muffling her the best I could but loving the noises too much to snuff them out altogether. By now, if the other guys had heard, they’d heard. Still, I didn’t want anyone else to hear those sounds that were just for me.

“Oh my God,” she panted, collapsing on me. “I can’t move.”

I chuckled, kissing her hair before I carefully maneuvered us. I rolled her off me and onto her stomach, and then I crawled on top of her, balancing myself above her as I positioned my crown again. She was even more wet, and I slid in a bit easier, though she tightened the farther I pushed.

“I’m almost there,” I promised, and I withdrew before pushing in a bit deeper, savoring how her full ass rippled when I did. “But I can stop if—”

Mary silenced my offer by backing her ass up and taking me deeper inside, her pussy walls tightening around me like a fucking glove.

“Please,” she begged, arching so my chest aligned with her back, and from above her, I could watch her tits pressed against the mattress as well as I could see my cock disappear inside her again. “Come inside me, Leo.”

My next curse was just a breath as I picked up the pace. I didn’t care that I had a condom on, those words lit me up with possession, with the idea that she wanted me to spill inside her. Balancing on one palm, I snaked my other hand up under her, squeezing her breast before I slid it up higher and wrapped my fingers around her throat.

She arched into me, gasping in pleasure, and I squeezed a bit tighter, holding her still while I flexed and pumped and took.

“Goddamnit, Mary,” I grunted, and then fire ripped from my toes up to my balls, from my head down to my cock, all the blood and awareness rushing to that one place. I busted hard enough to blacken my vision, and Mary’s moans only coaxed me on more. Every time I thought I was done, the orgasm would keep coming, draining me in the most powerful climax of my fucking life.

“Ho…ly… shit,” I breathed as I pumped, still squeezing her neck until I felt my cum leaking out of the condom.


I quickly rolled off her and over onto my back, and Mary looked surprised for only a second before she saw my cock twitching, more cum than the condom could handle dripping out of the edges of it.

She wet her lips, and then peeled the condom off me and took me with her mouth and hands again, sucking me dry as I shook and convulsed under her. It was almost too fucking much, my cock as sensitive as an exposed nerve, but I kept coming, kept climaxing, filling her mouth even after the condom.

When I was finally spent, Mary sat back on her heels and swallowed, smiling at me wickedly.

“Fucking hell,” I said on a laugh, running my hands back through my hair.

Then, I reached forward and grabbed my girl, pulling her into the sheets with me and wrapping her up. She giggled as I clutched her in my arms, throwing a leg over her for good measure.

“Are you caging me, sir?”

“You’re damn fucking straight, I am.”

She laughed again, but then gasped, pressing against me so she could look at my chest. “Your tattoo!”

“Is fine,” I finished for her. “I made sure not to rub it or put pressure on it.”

She took a moment assessing it for herself before she believed me, and then she laid back in the sheets, her sated eyes heavy where they watched me.

“Do you need food?” I asked.

I thought she tried to laugh, but she only closed her eyes on a sleepy smile, instead. “Pee, then sleep,” she answered.

I let her peel herself out of bed to clean up, doing the same myself. I put my briefs back on and helped her into her t-shirt, and then we climbed into bed again, and I pulled her into me, folding myself around her with her back to my chest and my legs slipping into the curve of hers.


