Hail Mary – Red Zone Rivals Read Online Kandi Steiner

Categories Genre: Contemporary, Romance, Sports Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 139
Estimated words: 130380 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 652(@200wpm)___ 522(@250wpm)___ 435(@300wpm)

“I think this speaks louder than words,” I said, lining my fingers behind his as I pressed him to my core, slicking both of us with just how badly I wanted him.

“Fucking Christ,” he cursed, and then he was kissing me again, pushing me so hard against the wall with his body that I felt pressure everywhere. But none of it compared to where he spread my legs wider with his thigh, skating one digit through my wetness before dipping the tip of his finger inside me.

I gasped, arching into him, and he visibly shook at the contact, burying his face in my neck as he toyed with my entrance before pressing just a little more inside.

“Sweet, perfect fucking pussy,” he praised. “Wet and ready for me. I should just turn you around and fuck you against this wall right now. I’d slide inside you so easy, fill you to the fucking brim.”

“Yes,” I said, the word a breath and a plea.

Leo smiled against my lips, but then his hand withdrew, and I shuddered at the loss.

“No,” I whined.

“If you think I’m going to fuck you without worshipping this perfect fucking body first, you don’t know me at all.”

“Fuck now. Worship later,” I managed before wrapping my arms around his neck. I climbed into his arms, surprised that he lifted me so easily, that he held me like I didn’t weigh more than he did.

He held me sturdy with one arm wrapped around me, and it had pulled up my t-shirt just enough to expose the bottom half of my ass. Leo’s lips curled up again as he reared back and laid his palm against the exposed skin with a slap.

“I’ve played by your rules all summer,” he growled. “Tonight — you play by mine.”

I didn’t have an argument left in me when he tossed me back into his bed, the scent of him invading me once again. But this time, it wasn’t just the sheets. It was his hands bracing either side of my head, his triceps flexing under my fingernails, his hips pressing into my middle, thighs spreading my own for him as he settled between them.

“Te ves tan bonita en mi cama,” he said, eyes raking over where my hair splayed out over the pillow. “You look so fucking pretty in my bed.”

Then, he leaned back on his knees, grabbed my t-shirt in a fist again, and pulled me up until he could peel the fabric up and over my head. He tossed it somewhere behind him and then wrapped his hand around my neck, gently guiding me down until I was splayed naked in the sheets under him.

He squeezed, just a little, enough to make my toes curl before he dragged his palm flat down my neck, sternum, stomach, and just the top of where I ached for him before he sat back on his heels again. He shook his head, licking his bottom lip before he pinned it between his teeth, letting his eyes sear every inch of my exposed skin.

Instinctively, my knees folded in toward each other, and I was on track to cover my stomach when Leo caught my wrists.

“Oh, hell no,” he said, shaking his head. “Fuck no. You’ve been teasing me for months in those little boy shorts, wearing no bra, giving me just enough to drive me fucking insane.”

He moved my hands until they were above my head, then sat back again, gently pressing his fingertips against the insides of my knees until I had no choice but to spread.

“Open these legs wide for me, baby.” He pushed and pushed until my hips hit their maximum, until I was completely at his disposal. “Let me see my girl.”

His words were like little prods of electricity, so filthy and yet so hot I couldn’t help but squirm with need beneath him.

I watched him smirk as he took in every inch of my body, and I didn’t feel self-conscious then, didn’t feel like I was too heavy or curvy or too much in any way. I felt like a goddess, like a prize he’d won in the fight of his life, like he could do nothing but sit there and rake his eyes over me and be perfectly content for life.

His eyes snagged on my breasts, and he groaned, bending until he was leaning over me again. “These fucking tits,” he swore, balancing on one palm while the other cupped my right breast. “Tan perfecta.”

He tested the weight of it, another growl of appreciation at how it wouldn’t all fit in his hand. He circled my nipple with his thumb before flicking it over the rose gold bar that spiked it, and he didn’t know how that metal was like having an exposed nerve, that the slightest touch felt like a waterfall of pleasure.


