Good Enough (Meet Me in Montana #3) Read Online Kelly Elliott

Categories Genre: Contemporary, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Meet Me in Montana Series by Kelly Elliott

Total pages in book: 127
Estimated words: 120708 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 604(@200wpm)___ 483(@250wpm)___ 402(@300wpm)

She frowned as she stared at her phone. “I don’t have a signal.”

“You might have to stand by the window.”

Timberlynn got up and walked over to the window and then gasped. “Tanner! I thought you said it was going to be warm today.”

I stood and made my way to where she was standing.

“It’s snowing!” she exclaimed. “Oh my gosh, look at how beautiful it is. Wow.”

I turned to look at her and felt my chest squeeze. She was practically shaking she was so giddy. My feelings for Timberlynn hit me all at once so freaking hard that I nearly jumped back from her. I wanted her, that much I knew, but not in the usual way. I wanted to wrap my arms around her, have her lean back against me and simply watch the snow fall together.

Hell, this was confusing and exciting all at once.

Not taking my eyes off of her, I said, “Very beautiful, indeed.”

Chapter Ten


A day had passed since the morning ride I took with Tanner. We had walked the horses back since it was snowing and neither of us wanted to risk them slipping. Tanner went to help his father on the ranch, and I met Lincoln and Kaylee in town for some last-minute Christmas shopping. Whatever Kaylee wanted to show me had been pushed off for reasons she didn’t share. Interesting…

The stores in Hamilton were darling, and I quickly fell in love with the town all over again. I could easily find myself living here, and knew I had already made my decision. If I was honest, I’d most likely made it weeks ago.

When I came for Kaylee’s wedding a few months back, I hadn’t been able to stay long. With just having graduated school and being new at work, I wasn’t given many days off, so the trip was short. I wasn’t able to look around like I had in Park City. But what I had seen today had pretty much sealed Hamilton as my new home.

“Penny for your thoughts,” Kaylee said as she bumped my arm.

We were sitting on the living room floor of Stella and Ty Senior’s house, where Lincoln was knee-deep in present wrapping. Kaylee and I were helping her wrap Blayze and Morgan’s Christmas gifts. “Sorry, I was thinking about how cute Hamilton is.”

“Isn’t it?” Kaylee said with a wide smile. “Tomorrow we’re going to see the little surprise I have for you. Sorry we had to bump it out a few days.”

“You like to torture me because you know I hate surprises.”

“Lincoln, can you come too?”

Lincoln glanced up at the mention of her name. “I wish I could, but I need to go into the office tomorrow. I’ve got a client who wants to redo her living room, dining, and kitchen, and I’m presenting the drawings to her. If she likes them, I’ll be able to get a number of things ordered before the holidays and get a jump start.”

Lincoln was an interior designer who had once owned her own business in Atlanta. From what Kaylee told me, it sounded like Lincoln had a controlling father who was hell-bent on making her successful, even if that meant paying for—and sometimes threatening—people to use her for their design needs. Once Lincoln found out how much her father had been stepping into her business, she sold her company and moved across the country to start over on her own.

“What time are you meeting them?” Kaylee asked.


“That’s perfect! I’ve got an appointment at nine tomorrow morning. You’ll have plenty of time to get back home and head into work.”

Lincoln nibbled on her lower lip as she thought about it. “I can’t ask Stella to watch Blayze and Morgan all day. I really do want to come, but I think I have to pass.”

Kaylee tossed a crinkled-up piece of wrapping paper at Lincoln. “Boo. You’re no fun.”

She smiled, then stopped suddenly. “Oh no.”

Lincoln suddenly stood and ran out of the room. I’d never seen anyone move so fast in my life.

“Morning sickness?” I asked as Kaylee got up and made her way after her.

“Yep, but it’s not nearly as bad as it was with Morgan.”

I laughed and reached for another present.

“Keep wrapping, I’m gonna check on her,” Kaylee called out.

“No rush!” I replied as I searched for which wrapping paper to use next.

The air in the room suddenly felt charged with a delicious electricity, and I didn’t even have to look up to know he was there. “Don’t tell me my sisters-in-law left you with all the wrapping?”

With a smile, I cut a piece of red-and-white-striped paper and answered him. “I wouldn’t step foot in this room unless you’re ready to commit to helping.”

When I looked up at him, my breath caught. His large frame leaned against the wall, and the smile he wore made my insides tingle. The cowboy hat was gone, and his brown hair looked slightly messy, as if he might have run his hand through it a number of times. Those blue eyes seemed to light up the entire room. It should be against the law for a man to be that good looking. Tanner simply grinned and walked closer to me, where he surveyed the pile of toys. “All of this is for two kids?”


