Four Bodyguards’ Charge (Love by Numbers 2 #3) Read Online Nicole Casey

Categories Genre: Contemporary, Forbidden, Insta-Love, Romance, Suspense, Taboo Tags Authors: Series: Love by Numbers 2 Series by Nicole Casey

Total pages in book: 60
Estimated words: 55510 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 278(@200wpm)___ 222(@250wpm)___ 185(@300wpm)

“I thought we were dead. Your dad would’ve flipped if he saw that bullet vibrator on your bed,” Delilah said with a smirk on her face.

I shook my head at her as I cradled my wine glass close to my chest.

“Why were you carrying it around in your purse?” I asked, my sentence broken up by light laughs. Tears glimmered in my eyes as my stomach lightly ached from laughing so hard.

“Just in case,” Delilah said with a shrug. She then looked over at Andrew, who chose to stare at the television instead of us. She tilted her head at him with a playful smile on her face. “I hope we’re not making you blush over there.”

Andrew turned his body slightly to peer at us. The corner of his mouth was curled up in a small smile, but he still seemed tense.

“I’ve heard worse,” he assured us with a faint chuckle.

“He’s pretty uptight. I don’t think anything can make him blush,” I whispered to Delilah, but my voice came out as a loud hiss rather than a whisper.

Delilah placed her hand over her mouth as she giggled and leaned against me.

“Uptight? That’s kinda ironic for a virgin to call someone uptight,” she said, not realizing what she said at first. Alcohol led to loose lips on her part and sheer embarrassment on my part.

“Delilah!” I gasped as my face burned red. My eyes shot over to Andrew, wishing he somehow didn’t hear that. I didn’t want him to know I was some blushing virgin! I wanted them to think that I was somewhat experienced.

Andrew’s eyes widened in surprise, but he was too much of a gentleman to say anything about it. Instead, he cleared his throat and checked his watch as he rose to his feet.

“The others should be getting back from dinner in a few minutes. I’m going to meet them downstairs, and Benjamin will come up here to take my place,” he informed us as he adjusted his black tie. He nodded to Delilah politely before walking out of the apartment and shutting the door behind him.

With a burning face, I whipped around to face Delilah.

“Why did you say that?” I hissed, seeing Andrew’s face over and over again in my mind. Who knew what he thought of me now? Not that it mattered, but I didn’t want him to think I was opposed to sex or anything like that. It just hadn’t happened yet.

Delilah cupped her own face as her eyes grew wide.

“I don’t know. It just came out!” she said with an apologetic look on her face. “I promise I didn’t mean it.”

I sighed and set my glass of wine down on the nightstand before flopping down on my back. It didn’t matter anyway. It was only a matter of time before I embarrassed myself in front of them when they got me so flustered so easily.

“At least you scared him away for a minute,” I said. I didn’t count Delilah as unwanted company, so this was the first time in a few days that I was away from lingering eyes. What a relief.

Delilah suddenly leaped on top of me, giving my shoulders a shake.

“They’re all gone!” she whispered to me with urgency.

I gave her a perplexed look, feeling slightly dazed as she shook me. I blinked a few times to steady myself and my vision.

“Yeah, so?” I asked.

“Let’s sneak out,” Delilah said with an excited giggle that she quickly stifled. “But we have to move fast.”

“Wait,” I told her as she stumbled off me and started slipping her ankle boots on. She was already dressed in a pair of black jean shorts and a white tube top, while I was still in lounge clothes. If we were going to sneak out and have some fun, I needed to wear something better than this. “Go to the closet. Red dress.”

Delilah headed that way, throwing open the doors to look at the clothes I managed to pack before the investigators gave me the boot. She admired a red cocktail dress with thin straps and a low neckline.

“Hot,” she said with a cheeky smile before ripping it off the hanger and tossing it to me.

I quickly got dressed, stumbling in and out of my clothes at a record pace. Delilah tossed me a pair of black heels that I quickly slipped on before we grabbed our things and peeked out of the apartment. The hallway was clear, but I could already hear the elevator coming up to the second floor down the hallway.

“This way. Stairs,” I whispered to Delilah as I grabbed her hand and hurried toward the other end of the hallway. I pushed open the door to the stairs before hurrying down them, grabbing the rail for support. I would look like an idiot if I didn’t even make it down the stairs for my escape plan.


