Four Bodyguards’ Charge (Love by Numbers 2 #3) Read Online Nicole Casey

Categories Genre: Contemporary, Forbidden, Insta-Love, Romance, Suspense, Taboo Tags Authors: Series: Love by Numbers 2 Series by Nicole Casey

Total pages in book: 60
Estimated words: 55510 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 278(@200wpm)___ 222(@250wpm)___ 185(@300wpm)

I grimaced slightly at how ominous his words sounded. They were acting like I was cursed or something.

“I will. Thanks, John,” I replied before hanging up the phone. I managed to get him to back off, but what about the four bodyguards still lingering around my apartment? They would be harder to get rid of, but I was determined to send them off so that I could have some space for once.

I swung my legs off my bed and hopped onto the floor, my socked feet thudding against the wood as I made my way over to the front door. I yanked it open and stepped out into the enclosed hallway, nearly running into the tattooed bodyguard and the shaggy-haired one, who stood outside. I whirled around to face them as they looked at me with surprised expressions.

“Of course, you’re still here,” I muttered as I narrowed my eyes.

“Just doing our job, ma’am,” the shaggy-haired one told me as his eyes burned into mine.

“I’m not fifty. You don’t have to call me that,” I replied with a light grimace. I had to remind myself that I was still young and full of life after being trapped inside for so long. I didn’t want to think that I had wasted so much of my life.

“Sorry,” he said with a small smile. “You’re certainly not fifty.”

Damn, his smile was contagious. Against my own will, I found myself smiling back slightly. It wasn’t every day that I had such a cute guy joking with me, so I couldn’t help but eat it up just a little.

“Careful, Rhett. You know how Andrew is,” the tattooed bodyguard muttered beneath his breath.

I didn’t know what he meant by that, but I coaxed myself to stand my ground.

“But I’m also not a child. I can take care of myself,” I told them once I gathered myself and adopted a serious look on my face. I couldn’t let their looks and charm get to me. That was probably why they were some of the best, because I knew my father would only hire the top bodyguards in the city to watch me.

“Yeah, that’s what I’ve been saying,” the tattooed bodyguard muttered, earning a glare from Rhett.

“Quiet, Benjamin,” he hissed quietly.

I tilted my head at Benjamin, wondering what his issue was with me. He obviously didn’t care for me, but it wasn’t like I welcomed their company either. It would be best for all of us if we just went our separate ways.

“What’s going on?”

I turned to see Andrew and Akio heading down the hallway toward us. I sighed and shook my head, knowing that it was going to be even harder to sway the whole group to go away.

“Just telling your guys to take a hike,” I told Andrew with a fake sweet smile on my face. “Seriously. I’ll just have food delivered here and watch television all weekend. My normal routine.”

Andrew and Akio shared a brief look with each other.

“We want you to be as comfortable as possible. We’re not here to uproot your life, but your father’s imprisonment changes things whether you want them to or not. We’re just a safety precaution, not a punishment,” Akio assured me.

I peered up into his dark eyes, trying not to admire how sharp his jawline was and how perfect his features looked. It was hard to argue with handsome titans, especially when one of them could’ve been a therapist or motivational speaker.

“There’s nothing to protect me from,” I told them. “All you guys do is draw unnecessary attention. Everyone is going to be looking at me if you guys are around.”

“We’re very discreet,” Andrew said.

I turned my head, realizing that they surrounded me. They were a safe distance away so that I didn’t feel threatened, but I swore I could feel the heat radiating off them. Or maybe it was just me.

“How much did my father pay you? I’ll pay you more to leave me alone,” I asked as I turned to Benjamin, knowing that he would be the first to jump on the money. He wanted to be here the least.

Benjamin merely stared me down, looking amused.

“We’re here no matter how much money you try to throw at us,” Andrew told me.

Internally, I went into a full temper tantrum, mentally stomping my foot. Why the hell were these guys so insistent on being here? Even when I offered to outbid my father! This was just a job to them, and everything had a price.

“Just stay out of my way,” I muttered before storming back into my apartment and shutting the door behind me. I rested my back against it, breathing out sharply through my nose. I never thought that I’d ever find myself in a situation like this.

Who had to deal with four hot bodyguards?

I could behave and let them get as close to me as I wanted, but there was still a part of me that was so damn prideful. I didn’t want to rely on others to protect me. With my father, I didn’t have a choice, but I could turn these bodyguards away and protect myself. At least, I thought I could.


