Total pages in book: 83
Estimated words: 77816 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 389(@200wpm)___ 311(@250wpm)___ 259(@300wpm)
Estimated words: 77816 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 389(@200wpm)___ 311(@250wpm)___ 259(@300wpm)
“I’ve been through hell and back, Luca,” Nash says, low but steadfast. “I know what it’s like to feel as if you’re losing everything, to be at rock bottom. But that’s what makes this different. I’m not the same guy who walked away from FI three years ago. I fought my way back. I don’t have any illusions about what this sport demands. It’s ruthless, and I’ve seen firsthand how quickly it can tear you apart.”
“But can you handle it?” Luca presses, and I admire his ability to step into his new role with such confidence.
Nash leans forward in his chair. “Honestly, Brienne hit me with this only a few hours ago and I haven’t had much time to reflect. I’m going with my gut here. Technically, I’m ready. I’m strong and recovered. If you want to take a chance on me, I’ll prove I can handle the pressure. I’m not here for a consolation prize or to be anyone’s second choice. I’m here to race, to win, and to put everything I’ve got into this.”
His words hang in the air for a beat, and I can see Luca processing them, weighing Nash’s conviction. There’s a moment of silence before Luca speaks again, but Nash’s response has set the tone. Whatever happens next, he’s not backing down.
Luca nods slowly, a hint of approval flickering in his eyes. “You’ve got a lot of guts, Nash. I respect that.” He then turns to Brienne. “I think you understand my reservations.”
Brienne nods, satisfied with Luca’s handling of the matter—his assured questions, his desire to voice his concerns while being respectful. She looks around the room. “We’re not just a team that’s here to survive. We’re here to win. If we falter, we’ll adjust, but I truly believe Nash is the key to unlocking our potential. Does anyone have anything else to add? I’m a fair listener, just as I appreciate you to be the same.”
I glance around the table. Nadine looks unsure, her fingers tapping nervously. Markus stares blankly, and Hendrik is clearly harboring some reservations but remains quiet. Matthieu looks like someone rubbed dog shit under his nose, obviously unhappy with this development.
Brienne looks to me and smiles. “What about you, Bexley? We haven’t had a chance to meet formally, but I was very happy to see them put a female in the position. I saw your résumé… it’s quite impressive.”
I don’t dare look at Nash because he stokes weird emotions within me. I also have no clue if Brienne is aware of my past relationship with him. So far, not one person has looked at me weirdly or even made mention of it.
I clear my throat before answering. “Thank you for the opportunity to be here. I’m excited to be a part of the team. As for the decision on whether to offer Mr. Sinclair the job, I see both sides. However, you just said something that I believe in. If we falter, we can adjust. I don’t think you ever win championships by playing it safe, and while it’s a gamble to bring him on, I don’t see why we wouldn’t.”
Brienne smiles. “Well put.”
I dare to look down the table and Nash’s eyes are lasered onto me, but his expression is blank.
Luca draws my attention. “Bexley makes a good point. Formula racing is all about the risk-reward dichotomy. I think we should go for it.”
Brienne nods approvingly, looking from Nash to Luca. “I think we’ve got ourselves a plan. We’ll need to work out the details of our offer, and I suggest we do that in private.”
“Um… Ms. Norcross.” Nadine’s hand goes up, asking permission to speak.
“It’s Brienne,” she replies graciously. “What can I do for you?”
“Is it your intent to move the team to Pittsburgh and if so, when might that happen? My logistical brain is in overdrive.”
Brienne pauses, looks around the room. “While I had wanted to discuss this with Luca first, I need you to know it’s my intent at the start of next season we are fully transitioned to operate out of Pittsburgh. This year, however, we are going to have to figure things out.”
Nadine nods tentatively. “It’s just… I’m worried about some of our workforce not wanting to relocate.”
I glance at Matthieu, who adamantly stated to the team just moments before Brienne walked in that he wasn’t relocating. His gaze is focused on a piece of dead skin he’s picking off his finger.
“And we don’t have a test track available,” Hendrik adds, apparently feeling safe to talk. “It’s important we are able to get our cars on a track.”
“All valid concerns,” Brienne assures them. “And problems I can’t control right now.”
“Which means we need to stay in Guildford,” Hendrik cuts in over her.
Brienne’s responds, not with anger, but amusement. “I am in the process of purchasing a private cargo plane that we can use to transport our cars to Montreal for testing. Also, I’m pleased to tell you that I’ve purchased a wind tunnel that will be based here in Pittsburgh. I assume that will help the engineering department?”