Football Royalty – Franklin U Read Online Eden Finley

Categories Genre: College, M-M Romance, Sports Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 85
Estimated words: 82543 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 413(@200wpm)___ 330(@250wpm)___ 275(@300wpm)

Coach waves his hand. “Go for it.” He’s so resigned to the fact we’re going to do what we want anyway, but his eyes silently plead with me. Please don’t make me drive to the hospital tonight.

I give him a mock salute as I get off the bus, and even though I beeline it for Levi, my dads and brother get in first, squashing me in a hug from every side.

“You fucking did it,” Dad says in my ear.

“We’re so proud,” Pop adds.

Brady squeezes me tight. “I’m so happy I’m going to be making money off your talent.”

I laugh. “Thanks, bro. And as much as I’m loving the family shit, I can hug you guys anytime.” I push them all off me and lock eyes with Levi, who’s waiting patiently for me. “Didn’t want to join in the group hug?”

When I’m close enough to him, he grips my shirt in his fist and pulls me toward him.

“I want you all to myself,” he says lowly so no one else can hear.

“Is that so?”

“Mmhmm. I want to congratulate you properly.”

“I know you think we can’t hear you, but we can,” Brady interrupts.

I flip him off without looking back. “We might have to save that for after we’re home. I am not getting out of team duties tonight.”

Levi pouts, and I relent.

“Okay, maybe some hand stuff when I go drop my bag upstairs.”

His hungry look is back, and then I’m waving to my family and telling my teammates I’ll be right down.

They don’t believe me, of course, so that gives me even more minutes with Levi where they won’t be expecting me.

Levi practically drags me through the lobby, but with the team arriving back, it’s a full ride to the ninth floor.

“My room is next one up,” I say when Levi tries to pull me off the elevator.

“You also have a roommate. I told Brady to fuck off for an hour.”

I’m quick to follow Levi down the hall. “I love that you feel comfortable enough to talk to my brother like that.”

“We’re already like brothers.” Levi swipes his key card against the door and lets me in, smacking my ass as I pass him.

“Wait, if your brother is my brother, does that make us—”

His hand covers my mouth. “Don’t finish that and ruin this adrenaline mixed with horniness that’s pumping through me.” He pushes me up against the wall and gets started on loosening my tie and shirt buttons.

“Mm, winning really does it for you, huh?”

“You have no idea. The whole game, I sat there saying I can’t watch it, and I hate it, and I had so much damn anxiety from the possibility of you losing that I vowed to never watch any of your games again.”

I gasp.

“But then you won, and all those thoughts were suddenly replaced with the need to fuck the quarterback of the winning team. And when I realized I could actually do it? I want to go to every game I possibly can.”

“Good.” I spin us around so he’s the one pinned, and I put my knee in between his legs so he can grind his hard cock against my thigh. “Because I want you there. I know it’ll be a while before you can attend every single one of my home games—”

“Wherever home may be,” he adds.

“Exactly. With any luck, I’ll only be a short plane ride away. Or drive. Who knows? Either one of the LA teams might totally bomb the rest of their season and get to pick me first up.”

“I still don’t understand how the draft works, but I don’t care. I …” He glances away. “I might have decided something tonight. Something we should talk about.”

“There you go making decisions without me again. You’re not trying to run back to Chicago again, are you? Because I’m gonna be pissed.”

Levi shakes his head. “The only way I’m heading back to Chicago is if you’re signed there.”

I cock my head and try not to get my hopes up about what he’s saying. “What if I’m signed to Jacksonville?”

“I’ll be able to get a tan.”

“Mm, Buffalo?”

“Fuck, going back to harsh winters? Guess I’ll need to stock up on thermals.”

“Are you really saying what I think you’re saying?” I ask because I need to be sure.

“With the financial freedom your dads are giving me, I have the flexibility of moving wherever you are.”

“You’re going to come with me? As in this year. After the draft.” My heart flutters, but I tell myself not to get too excited because he could mean in the future. After he graduates here in Cali.

“I’d follow you to the ends of the earth if it meant getting to be with you. I don’t want to spend more time apart than we already have.”

The warmth in my chest spreads to the rest of my body, and I find myself unable to hold it in any longer. “I love you.”


