Feral – Darkly Ever After Read Online Mila Crawford

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Dark, Insta-Love Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 55
Estimated words: 51051 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 255(@200wpm)___ 204(@250wpm)___ 170(@300wpm)

No one I knew had that kind of money. No one, except… I turned to the guys waiting in the hallway, and my gaze zeroed in on the moody man in a hoodie.

Levinston Cartwright.

Chapter 7

Azadeh—Age 29

Present Day

Conflicted emotions burn within me, ranging from homicidal rage to sympathy and compassion. I despise every single one of them except rage. I hold on to anger and let it consume me until it flares brightly in my mind and heart.

My gaze moves to Lev’s face. I note the dullness in his gray eyes and his stiff stature. Unlike Cyrus and Zeke, Lev’s never been able to relax fully. That’s probably why he’s assumed an image beyond reproach. Prim and proper, the perfect facade for a man who wants to keep his darkest secrets hidden from prying eyes. Lev has always presented as hard and cold, but underneath, he has moments of altruism.

I squash down any fondness lingering in my heart for Lev. He deserves an ass-kicking for what he’s done. I still think this is a nightmare I’m about to wake up from. “Is that why you took my sister, Lev? Because you weren’t getting enough attention? Ever thought about seeing a professional for that? Therapy works wonders. Trust me, I did it for years.”

Lev steps forward, using his immense height as a fucked-up intimidation tactic as he towers over me. I reach behind me, grabbing Cyrus’s shirt and tugging him forward.

“What’s happening here? You wanna get naked?” Cyrus asks, lifting the hem of his shirt.

Fuck a guy a few times, and he thinks any touch means he’s about to get his dick wet.

“Bend over,” I demand. “I need a lift.”

Cyrus obediently crouches on the ground and grabs my ankles, hoisting me onto his shoulders.

“Step closer to Lev.”

Cyrus chuckles and gets right in Lev’s face.

I gaze down at Lev and smirk. “What was it you were saying, Lev?”

Lev’s eyes narrow. “You’re acting childish.”

I don’t care how childish I’m being. Don’t give two fucks. He’s lucky all I’m being is childish and not stabbing him in the eye repeatedly for losing my sister after his pompous ass kidnapped her. “I want my sister, Lev. You better know where she is and have a plan to get her back, or you'll be sleeping with one eye open for the rest of your life.”

“I know where she is. We just need to go in and get her,” Lev says, walking away.

I twist my fingers in Cyrus’s hair and tug him forward. He follows Lev to the dining room table as if he knows exactly what to do. Usually, it gets on my nerves how much Cyrus enjoys pushing Lev’s buttons, but I’m thoroughly enjoying it right now.

On the white porcelain table are blueprints and various other papers.

“What’s all this?” I ask, smacking Cyrus on the shoulder.

Cy grabs my waist, lifts me off his shoulders, and places me on my feet in one smooth movement.

Lev glides his hand over the table. “These are things we need to know to break into the compound and rescue Mona.”

I glare at him. “We wouldn’t need any of this had your idiot self not taken her.”

“You should’ve come back. It was inconvenient for me. I had too much on my plate to check in.”

I narrow my eyes on him. “What do you mean, too much on your plate to check in on me?”

Lev appears nervous. He quickly averts his eyes, focusing on the various blueprints on the table.

“What did you mean, Lev?”

“Just fuckin’ tell her,” Cyrus demands, rolling his eyes.

I know there’s more to this story, but staying on track to find my sister is far more important than any other idiotic thing Lev may or may not have done.

Lev adjusts his tie. “There’s nothing to tell. Now, how about we stop wasting time and continue our plans to get Mona back?”

Chapter 8

Lev—Age 25

Dublin, Ireland

Love made me pathetic, and obsession made me insane—both sentiments bestowed upon me from the moment I laid eyes on Azadeh Baran. Until Azadeh, I didn’t believe goodness existed in the world. My whole life had been an extensive exercise on how to manipulate, use, and discard people for pleasure. I was surrounded by monsters pretending to be otherwise in society’s prying eyes.

Then Azadeh came into my life, and I discovered that kindness and compassion were tangible virtues. But with that newfound knowledge of goodness, an overwhelming need to consume bloomed. That desperation led me to become a shadow who lurked in the darkness to be near Azadeh, whether or not she wished for it.

Cyrus, Zeke, and I were released from the institution at nineteen. Azadeh had been there for us the whole time. Originally, she was Zeke’s, but during our two years together, she belonged to all of us in one way or another. When it came to Azadeh, we were loyal soldiers ready to lay down our lives if she demanded it. I was prepared to be her sword and attack anyone I perceived as a threat to my angel.


