Falling for the Forbidden Read Online Pam Godwin, Jessica Hawkins, Anna Zaires, Renee Rose, Charmaine Pauls, Julia Sykes

Categories Genre: Dark, Romance Tags Authors: , , , , ,

Total pages in book: 767
Estimated words: 732023 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 3660(@200wpm)___ 2928(@250wpm)___ 2440(@300wpm)

“You have a pretty neck. I’d say up.”

She all but skips from the scullery, leaving me with a smile. I’m glad Gabriel finally agreed to let her go out after meeting Sebastian and his parents. It didn’t take a brain surgeon to see Carly was smitten with the boy. He has all the qualities to make a schoolgirl’s knees weak, including playing for the school rugby team.

I finish pressing the tablecloth, hiding a yawn behind my hand. I’m exhausted. It’s a battle to keep my eyes open past eleven. Every night, Gabriel comes to me. My body has learned not only to respond to him, but also to need the pleasure he gives me like I need food and water. When my body hits the mattress, it starts craving him. I’m wet and aching before he even walks through my door. By the time he fondles and kisses me, I’m begging for release. Sometimes, he lets me return the favor. It’s always the same routine. When it’s me making him come, he leaves everything up to me. I find comfort and power in this, and I also find I need more. I’m ashamed to admit I want more from Gabriel than oral sex. I’m fantasizing about having him inside my body, feeling him rock a rhythm into me with his cock. I shouldn’t want this, not from him of all people. I crave what he does to my body, but I hate him for having this effect on me. I never wanted a man before or had erotic dreams, but now I wake up soaked and needy every morning, my senses super aware of him as he moves around the house. Last night, I was on the verge of asking him to fuck me, but my pride won’t let me. Maybe controlling me with powerful orgasms is enough for him, but it’s not enough for me. Not only did he make me a whore, he made me a greedy one.

“Meeting in the kitchen,” Marie says, breaking my train of thought.

I let my hair fall around my face to hide my flustered cheeks. “Coming.”

Magda is waiting for us with a clipboard in her hand. As usual, she jumps straight into business. “It’s my son’s birthday in four months, and we’re hosting a party at the house. I’m hiring caterers and servers, but everyone’s help is needed. Make sure you’re available on Saturday and Sunday the tenth and eleventh of March. It’ll finish late, so, Marie, you’ll have to sleep over. You can share Valentina’s room. Any questions?” Both Marie and I shake our heads.

“Good. I’ll give you more details closer to the time.”

When she’s gone, trying to sound casual, I ask, “How old is he?”


“He had Carly young.”

“He married Mrs. Louw when they were both only nineteen. They had Carly the following year.”

“Was it an arranged marriage?”

Marie pulls her back straight. “You shouldn’t ask questions about affairs that don’t concern you.”

She’s right, but I have an insatiable curiosity about my keeper. I’m devastated to admit I want to know everything there is to know about him.

“The table needs to be cleared,” she says harshly.

I tidy the dining room and smuggle the untouched food to my room. On my break, I carry the Shepard’s Pie outside and make myself comfortable on the low wall separating the garden from the pool.

* * *


Before Valentina’s arrival, I never spent time in the kitchen. I never had reason to. Now, I gravitate to that part of the house with increasing frequency. An urge to see Valentina drives me there, but she’s nowhere to be seen. Marie can’t hide her shock at my presence, more so when I switch on the kettle and take a mug from the cupboard.

“Anything I can do, Mr. Louw?”

“I’ve got this.”

She eyes me warily as I drop a teabag into the mug.

“I can prepare you a tray,” she says, “or get Valentina to bring it to your study.”

“Where is Valentina?”

“Lunch break.” The way she wrinkles her nose tells me our maid isn’t one of her favorites. Any resentment she has should be directed at me. The little maid came voluntarily, but only because I made sure there was no other choice.

“Shall I call her?” Marie asks, watching me with hawk eyes.

“No.” Valentina needs her rest. Her back is breaking under the burdens Magda piles on her.

“As you wish.” Her dismay is laughable. If she weren’t a loyal employee, I would’ve kicked her ass out on the spot.

As if sensing my discord, she moves away quickly, busying herself with chopping vegetables. I don’t really want the damn tea, but if I abandon the task, Marie will know my ulterior motive for gatecrashing in the kitchen.

I walk to the window while I wait for the water the boil and jolt to a standstill. Valentina sits on the wall with a plate in her hands.


