Falling for the Forbidden Read Online Pam Godwin, Jessica Hawkins, Anna Zaires, Renee Rose, Charmaine Pauls, Julia Sykes

Categories Genre: Dark, Romance Tags Authors: , , , , ,

Total pages in book: 767
Estimated words: 732023 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 3660(@200wpm)___ 2928(@250wpm)___ 2440(@300wpm)

“If they do, they won’t find more than what’s left of your body.”

Ice crystallized in my veins. He took a step toward me, raising the knife. I tried to shrink away, but the unyielding metal chair behind my back kept me immobile.

“You can’t hurt me,” I said desperately, twisting against my restraints. “If you kill me, my friends will hunt you down.”

His dazzling smile illuminated his darkly handsome features with cruel amusement.

“I want them to know what I’ve done. Your death will be a warning. We’re going to send a little message to your friends.” He gestured behind him, and for the first time, my gaze darted away from the threat before me.

A man loomed a few feet away, the light on his smart phone indicating that he was recording me. A wicked scar puckered his tanned cheek, deepening his fearsome scowl. His black gaze bored into me, his dark glare penetrating my soul. I shuddered and tore my eyes away, unable to bear looking at him.

Moreno laughed again. “What, you don’t like my little brother?” He cocked his head at me. “Maybe I’ll give you to him to play with, after I’m finished with you. He has… very unique tastes.” He reached for me, his long fingers trailing down my cheek. I cringed away, my stomach churning. “I think Andrés will like you. Such pale skin. It will mark up nicely.” He shook his head slightly, still smiling. “But I’m getting ahead of myself. He can have you when I’m done. I’m going to extract my answers first.”

The cool tip of the knife kissed my throat, and I choked on a scream as horror overwhelmed me.

Chapter 1

One Day Earlier

I sat at my computer, my mind completely absorbed in the task before me. The fact that I was staring at the screen didn’t register; I’d fallen into my work, as though I was inside the code, surrounded by information. I was in my element. I might not be physically kicking ass, but I was powerful in this technological world.

Truthfully, I wasn’t all that good at kicking ass. I’d transferred from tech analyst to field agent a few months ago, and I was coming to realize it hadn’t been the best life choice. It had been a reactionary thing, a desperate cry for attention. I’d thought that maybe if I put myself in the line of fire, Dex’s protective instincts would kick in and he’d finally realize what had been right in front of him for years: me, hopelessly in love with him.

Despite a very small voice in my mind telling me I shouldn’t, I diverted from my mission and hacked into the webcam on Dex’s computer. He was seated only a few desks away from me in the FBI field office, but I couldn’t allow myself to be caught shooting furtive glances in his direction. This was much more discrete.

Some people might classify my activity as stalking, but I’d never quite been able to wrap my mind around unspoken social boundaries. Besides, how else was I ever supposed to work up the courage to look the man I loved in the eye?

Dex was frowning at something on his computer screen, deep in thought. With his chiseled features and piercing, pale blue eyes, he was painfully perfect. Not to mention his blond hair that made him appear like a fierce avenging angel when he was intent on protecting those closest to him.

But he’d never seen me as more than a buddy. I wasn’t even sure if he saw me as a woman at all.

I really shouldn’t have been surprised. With my skinny figure, shockingly orange hair, and decidedly tomboy-ish sense of style, my feminine side was all but invisible. Maybe if I’d put in more effort, he’d have noticed me. But seductress wasn’t exactly my M.O., and I’d probably trip in high heels.

I sighed. I was certainly the polar opposite of the brunette bombshell Dex had fallen for: perfect, gorgeous, sensual Chloe Martin. No wonder he was smitten with her instead of me.

Cruelly familiar pain knifed through my chest at the thought of them together, perfectly gorgeous and perfectly happy. Grimacing, I closed the connection to his webcam and threw myself back into my work.

“What are you doing?” I recognized the masculine voice, but I still jolted at its proximity.

I whirled in my office chair to face Jason Harper, the agent I’d been working for over the last few weeks.

Working with, I internally corrected myself, even though it didn’t feel that way. Jason tended to bark orders, and I tended to comply. We were supposed to be equals, even if he did have seniority as a field agent. But Jason had a commanding presence about him, and when his green eyes flashed, I jumped to obey.

“Sam,” he prompted me in that stern tone that made my insides quiver with unease. I snapped to attention, my gaze fixing squarely on him rather than darting around the room in my familiar nervous pattern. “What are you doing?” he asked again, somewhat impatient. He peered behind me at my computer, squinting at the code scrolling across the screen. He’d have an easier time reading it if it were Cyrillic script, and Jason didn’t know a word of Russian.


