Falling for the Forbidden Read Online Pam Godwin, Jessica Hawkins, Anna Zaires, Renee Rose, Charmaine Pauls, Julia Sykes

Categories Genre: Dark, Romance Tags Authors: , , , , ,

Total pages in book: 767
Estimated words: 732023 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 3660(@200wpm)___ 2928(@250wpm)___ 2440(@300wpm)

Yeah. I’ve had this conversation with myself already. It gnaws me up inside. Stefano is a product of his family and he can’t get away from them, even if he and his brother are doing their best to rise above it all. So it’s absolutely possible there will be another death. More violence. Illegal acts that could endanger Stefano.

But I can’t even think about that. I’m just trying to find my way through this crisis, and if I have a way of protecting Stefano, I’m going to do it.

“That’s for me to figure out,” I say. “Not your problem.”

My dad gives a humorless chuckle. “Right.” He picks up the bag of cash. “I’ll clean up the mess this time. But I suggest you get the hell away from the Tacone family. If I find myself investigating you next time, it won’t be so easy for me to suppress evidence.

I want to ask him what evidence he has, just so I know, but I’m itchy to get away from him. I feel dirty and wrong having this conversation and I want it to be over.

“Got it, yeah.” I walk to the door and hold it open for him.

He tips an imaginary hat and walks out. “You take care of yourself, Corey Jean.”

Fuck you.

I don’t say it because he’s not worth the breath.

Chapter Sixteen


I may have been riding the wave of luck on my way over, but a growing sense of dread tells me my run is over.

The money’s gone, boyfriend saved. I used up my mojo for the moment.

Time to lie low and recharge.

Nothing feels sweet or special anymore. My win in Memphis, Stefano’s sweetness, all feel tainted by this exchange.

I drive back, hollowness stretching inside me, threatening to take over, drag me under. I want to go up to Stefano’s suite and crawl into bed, pull the covers up over my head and block out life for a few hours. Instead, I stop in Stefano’s office to let him know I’m back, or maybe it’s because guilt about lying to him is gnawing at me.

Leo’s in his office, but Stefano waves me in with a smile. Again, I have that sense of my luck going flat. The buoyancy that swept me through the tournament is dead still. Next time, I’ll heed the prickle of warning, the knowing that everything is off. That something’s about to go horribly wrong.

As it is, I push away the queasiness, sit down in the chair Stefano waves me into.

“Leo’s just showing me a new piece of equipment we got in for security.”

“Oh yeah? What is it?”

Leo produces a small wand-type instrument and flips a switch. Green lights illuminate the tip. “It scans for microdevices with signals in them.” He stands up and runs it over his own body. It beeps when it goes over his jacket pocket. “You see? That’s my cell phone.” He produces the phone and sets it on the desk.

He continues waving the wand around, bringing it over my purse, where it turns red and beeps again. “That’s your phone.”

I unzip my bag and produce the phone, setting it on the desk beside his. He continues scanning my purse and the device beeps again.

“That’s weird,” I say, digging in my purse again. “What else sets it off?”

Leo and Stefano go dead still. “Bugs.” Leo’s affable manner’s fallen away, his expression icy. “May I?” The words are polite, but the way he says them makes me shiver.

I shove my bag in his direction. Of course I know there’s nothing in it. I glance at Stefano, but he’s not looking at me, he’s intent on the bag.

Leo waves the wand inside the bag, setting it off again, and he turns the bag inside out. Attached to the lining is a tiny button that makes the device go wild.

Cold flushes through me. “What is that? I’ve never seen that before.” My voice is higher in pitch. I sound like a liar, even to my own ears, but it’s the damn truth.

Leo produces a gun and cocks it at my head, the sound loud in the silent office.

I fully expect Stefano to tell him to put it away but he doesn’t say a word. His face is pale, expression flat.

Panic surges and I scramble up to my feet. The muzzle of the gun follows me. “I-I didn’t know that was in there.”

Still keeping the gun trained at my head, Leo advances, waving the wand over me. It doesn’t beep again. Stefano picks the bug up and crushes it between his fingers, then he smashes my phone on the side of the desk until it pops open. He examines the inside of it and sets it down.

Tears spear my eyes. “My dad,” I choke. “My dad must’ve put it in there. But I never told him anything. I swear.”


