Falling for the Forbidden Read Online Pam Godwin, Jessica Hawkins, Anna Zaires, Renee Rose, Charmaine Pauls, Julia Sykes

Categories Genre: Dark, Romance Tags Authors: , , , , ,

Total pages in book: 767
Estimated words: 732023 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 3660(@200wpm)___ 2928(@250wpm)___ 2440(@300wpm)

“I’ll have a slice of Dolly’s coconut cream pie and a cup of coffee.”

I picked the menu back up and nodded. “You got it.”

I returned with both a few minutes later.

“Thank you, Kit.”

I paused when he said my name.

“Yes, I know who you are.”

“That makes us even then,” I replied.

He laughed then. “I can see why Donovan likes you.”

I stilled. “Excuse me?”

“There’s nothing wrong with having a little fun.” His gaze dropped from mine and raked over my body. Even though I was wearing a T-shirt and jeans, I felt naked. I took a step back. “Fucking two men. It’s always the quiet ones who are the wildcats.” He glanced up at me, that creepy smile back in place.

“Maybe I underestimated you.” He looked me over again. “Fucking the detective and the prosecutor? Witness tampering. Possible evidence tampering. Conflict of interest. So many ways for you to get off scot free.”

I should have turned and left, but it was as if my feet were bolted to the floor.

“Nix is not my problem, but Donovan? He’s my boy. Scratch your itch with someone else.”

His crass words were a direct hit to my already weakened emotions. But I wasn’t going to let him see that. No fucking way would I let him know he was wounding me. Destroying me.

He was just like the Mr. and Mrs. Mills, making assumptions and protecting their children, as if I were going to destroy them. It was any wonder Erin, Shane and Donovan had turned out as well as they had.

Before I could even think of a response, he continued.

“Donovan’s going to be DA. He’s got all the backing he needs to be a success. But you? You’ll destroy him.” He leaned forward. “Do you want that? To ruin his chances at a career for a little dick?”

I sucked in a breath at his words, finally getting myself together to step back again. “Enjoy… enjoy your pie.”

I fled, went straight through the swinging doors into the kitchen. Leaned against the wall. God, I couldn’t stop shaking. The mayor knew about me with Nix and Donovan. Knew we’d been together the past two nights. If he knew, who else did? And the things he said. Did Nix and Donovan think I was with them so that I could get away with murder?

“You all right, hon?” Dolly eyed me as she walked by with a box of creamers.

“Can you handle table three for me?” I asked. No way was I getting near Mr. Nash again.

She frowned, looked me over. She hadn’t missed all the whispering and gossip. “Sure.”

When she left me alone again, I remained to hold up the wall. It was over with Nix and Donovan. While Anthony Nash was a total asshole, he was right. I would bring Donovan down. Nix, too. I’d been thinking that all along, but had avoided it because I hadn’t wanted it to be true. I had nothing to do with Erin’s murder, but that didn’t matter. They didn’t know who did and that meant they had to follow the rules.

Fucking me didn’t follow those rules.

But now, with an enemy in the mayor, I didn’t stand a chance. I could ruin Donovan. And Nash.

No, not could. Would.

Tears filled my eyes and I wiped them away with the back of my hand. I couldn’t break down here. Everyone was watching me, assessing my guilt.

I knew what I had to do. Pushing off the wall and getting back to work, I had no choice but to move forward. Alone.



“Any word from the lab?” I asked Miranski as I walked by her desk. She’d just hung up her phone and glanced up after she scrawled something on her familiar notepad. Our desks were tucked in the back corner of the main police floor.

For the past two hours, I’d been at Erin Mills’ house with the head of the crime scene team. She’d confirmed that they’d collected everything they needed and the house could be returned to the Mills family. Since all of Kit’s things were still in the guest bedroom, I left an officer there to ensure her things weren’t thrown out. After Keith Mills’ scene the day before in the lobby, I wouldn’t put it past him to fuck with her.

“They’ll have everything for us at two,” she said. “Nix.”

I stopped and turned to face her. “This was dropped off for you.”

She held up a white envelope. I took it from her and saw my name written in neat handwriting on the front. “Thanks. Can you get in touch with Kit Lancaster and tell her she can get her things out of the Mills’ house?”

I could have called her myself about this since it was police business, but I didn’t dare. I wanted to hear her voice, which made me completely pussy whipped. I didn’t dare, though.


