Falling for the Forbidden Read Online Pam Godwin, Jessica Hawkins, Anna Zaires, Renee Rose, Charmaine Pauls, Julia Sykes

Categories Genre: Dark, Romance Tags Authors: , , , , ,

Total pages in book: 767
Estimated words: 732023 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 3660(@200wpm)___ 2928(@250wpm)___ 2440(@300wpm)

The girl seems near tears, and Cody puts his arm around her shoulders, managing a glare at me—which really takes some balls, under the circumstances. “Take her back to the compound,” I tell him, my voice hard. “You and I will have a talk when I get back.”

His brows draw together. “But Samantha—”

“I’ll find her and bring her myself.”

Chapter Twelve

In 800 BCE the first recovered piece of recorded music was found. It was written in cuneiform and was a religious hymn. It should be noted that cuneiform is not a type of musical notation.


The man leads me to a back room in the club. I’m expecting a supply closet or a bathroom—something secret and genuinely illicit. This is an office, a little messy but clearly used by someone with authority. Framed vinyl records line the walls.

He reclines on a file cabinet, his posture relaxed.

“Do you work here?”

“You could say that. I also own the place.”

I reach for my clutch, which contains the envelope. “Then why do you need money selling photographs of sleazy coaches?”

A low laugh. “How do you think we afford strobe lights around here? My business is information, and you want to buy information.”

“Fine. Show me the video, and I’ll give you the money.”

He gives me a slow grin. “What’s the hurry? I saw you dancing out there, sweetheart. Wouldn’t mind getting to know you a little better.”

I swallow hard. “Not interested.”

The sound of a scuffle in the hallway catches my attention. The door slams open, revealing Liam North in sharp relief, his eyes a brilliant, burning emerald.

“Oh no,” I whisper.

If Liam finds out what we’re doing here, everything is going to be ruined. Luckily the man seems to know that as well as I do. He takes a step back as if he’d just been touching me, as if he’s just been caught in the act. “Christ. You underage?”

“Out,” Liam says, and the man gives him a nervous look before leaving.

I stare at Liam. “Oh my God. You followed me here?”

He stalks into the room. “That’s what you’re going to say right now? How about, I’m sorry I snuck out of the house at night and gave you a heart attack, Liam?”

Pretend you came here to make out with a guy. “I’m not going to apologize.”

A low growl fills the room. “You followed a man to a back room without even telling Laney where you went. I ought to lock you in your damn room and throw away the key.”

“Hey, what happened to, ‘it’s your decision what you do with your body?’”

“I take it back.”

“You don’t get to take it back. I’m almost eighteen. You won’t have custody of me anymore.”

“You aren’t eighteen yet. Almost doesn’t count.”

Something occurs to me. “You can’t be mad at Cody for this. Don’t fire him or make him do a thousand push-ups or anything. I made him go. Laney, too.”

“So all of you are fucking Spartacus?”


“All of you are trying to take the blame.”


He closes the door behind him. And locks it. “You might understand more references if you actually watched a movie once in a while. Or TV.”

My pulse races. We’re alone right now. Very alone. “I prefer music.”

A glance at the carved vinyl records. They don’t hold his attention very long. His gaze locks on mine. “Since when did I get cast as the Roman general in this little drama?”

I glance at his fists. “Did you hurt a bouncer on your way inside?”

“In my defense, they were standing in my way. I don’t take very kindly to people who get between me and my family. Besides, they don’t have to be hospitalized. Pretty sure.”

My throat feels tight. “Your family.”

“That’s you, Samantha.”

I look away, hiding how much pleasure the word gives me. “Does that mean you’ll keep in touch with me when I go on tour? Will you come see me play?”

His expression darkens. “We’re not going to be pen pals, if that’s what you’re asking.”

It’s a physical blow to my stomach, the dismissal in his words. My instinct is to deny it. He couldn’t have meant it. He couldn’t have meant it to hurt this much. Then the moment passes and I’m left feeling sick, about to vomit all over the office. “Pen pals?”

Something in his eyes softens. He doesn’t look warm exactly, but he doesn’t look quite so pissed anymore. “I didn’t realize you would want to keep in touch after you left.”

The memory of our last talk heats the air between us—about condoms and sex. And the way he walked in on me when I moaned his name. God. I’m not sure I can stand another talk like that. “I’m not naive, Liam. I know you took me in because I didn’t have anywhere else to go.”

A muscle in his jaw ticks. “That wasn’t exactly the reason. And even though I didn’t know you before I took custody, I’ve grown to care about you over the years. If I didn’t state it clearly enough, then the fault lies with me. I wasn’t raised to show… affection.”


