Enticing You (How to Marry a Billionaire #1) Read Online Helen Hardt

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Billionaire Tags Authors: Series: How to Marry a Billionaire Series by Helen Hardt

Total pages in book: 77
Estimated words: 77452 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 387(@200wpm)___ 310(@250wpm)___ 258(@300wpm)

Emily smiles. “I can do that. But I want to come when she’s done.”

“Won’t be a problem,” Zion says as he leads us through the sitting room and into Emily’s bedroom.

The bedclothes are wrinkled. Yeah, they were already getting busy.

Zion lies down, and Emily takes her place between his legs, licking his cock head.

I swallow. I came all over Brett’s leg. I can do this. I crawl toward the head of the bed and straddle Zion’s handsome face, lowering my pussy onto his lips.

His tongue darts out, teasing my clit.

Already I’m on fire.

Getting cheated out of an orgasm with Alex last night has turned me into some kind of monster, but in the moment, I don’t care. I grind against his lips, his scratchy stubble arousing me further. I watch Emily deepthroat him a few times—the girl’s got some mad skills—but then I close my eyes, cup my breasts, and play with my nipples as I undulate against Zion’s mouth and chin.

All thoughts flee, and only pleasure remains. Inside my body is a string of holiday lights, and they’re flickering, flickering, flickering…until…

“My God!” The bulbs inside me explode into illumination as the climax hits me with the force of a hurricane.

I writhe, letting it take me out to sea on the wings of Zion’s eagle.

We soar together…and when the climax begins to fade, my movement slows, and I fall to my side.

Emily lets go of Zion’s cock for a moment and meets my gaze. “Fancy that. I can see I’ve got a lot to look forward to. You’d best get on to your date, love.”

I jerk upward. My date! Yes, my date. And maybe another orgasm tonight.

Three in a day is unheard of for me. It’s never happened…so it’s a new goal.

I climb off the bed and give Emily a kiss on her blond head. “Thanks for letting me crash your party. I’ll see you later.”

She doesn’t answer. Her mouth is again full of Zion’s cock.




I re-read Heather’s bio before embarking on our date. She’s a master stylist and owns her own salon in Pasadena. She enjoys swimming and surfing, and her eventual goal is to move to Hollywood and become a hair stylist to the stars. She loves animals and volunteers at her local zoo on Sundays.

Plus, though it’s not in her bio, she and a friend followed me on tour around Europe some years ago…

All I need to know.

I dress in jeans, flip-flops, and a sandy-brown button-down shirt, throw my hair back in a band, and grab the acoustic guitar I purchased for the trip. No woman can resist a serenade.

I didn’t bring my favorite guitar to the island. I never travel with it because I can’t take the chance of something happening to it. It’s at my home in LA, where it occupies a place of honor. It’s the one I plucked out tunes on all those years ago in Montana. I serenaded many a girl, but my fondest memories of that time are hanging with the guys, playing and singing. Sometimes Jake would join in. He had a great voice. Brett was tone deaf, and River and Alex sounded like the nasal twins. But Jake… He could’ve been something.

I wipe the thought of Jake from my mind. I want to have a good time tonight. I haven’t spent a lot of time with Heather yet, and this is my chance to see if any sparks fly between us. She’s a gorgeous woman with blue-tipped black hair, a hot body, and a sexy-as-hell viper tattoo on her shoulder.

I’ve arranged for a light dinner served on the beach, but before that, I’ll play and sing for her a little. Get her juices flowing.

She meets me on the large deck outside the kitchen of the mansion.

“Hey, there you are.” She stands.

She’s dressed casually too, in a denim mini skirt, flip-flops, and—God love her—a black Sebastian Tate tank top that hugs her curves.

I gaze at my image—or rather, her tits—and smile. “Nice touch.”

“I got this at your concert in Paris. It’s old and faded but I love it. I couldn’t not bring it here when I knew I was going to meet you.”

“I’m glad you did. You look amazing.”

“Thanks. So do you.” She eyes the guitar. “You going to play?”

“I thought it’d be nice.”

“Are you kidding?” She flashes a sexy grin. “I’d love it.”

“We’re having dinner on the beach, but first I thought I’d play for you. I’m working on some new tunes, and I’d love your input.”

“Seriously? I’d be honored.”

With my guitar in my right hand, I hold out my left arm to Heather. She takes it, and we walk through the courtyard toward the beach.

“June said amazing things about you,” Heather says as we walk.

Right. June, her sparkly pussy, and the spanking orgasm. “Are you and June tight?”


