Enticing You (How to Marry a Billionaire #1) Read Online Helen Hardt

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Billionaire Tags Authors: Series: How to Marry a Billionaire Series by Helen Hardt

Total pages in book: 77
Estimated words: 77452 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 387(@200wpm)___ 310(@250wpm)___ 258(@300wpm)

I regret the words as soon as I say them. Brett holds a lot of guilt for what happened all those years ago.

“It can still work,” Brett says. “We still have six lovely women to choose from…plus Misty. Once we find out that Rachel is okay, everything will get back to normal.”

I rise and then nearly lose my footing when someone else knocks. Sebastian opens the door to Evangeline.

“What is it?” Sebastian demands.

“Good news. I’ve heard from the hospital on the mainland. Rachel is breathing well, has awoken, and is expected to make a full recovery.”

An anvil flies off my shoulders. “Thank God.”

“The ladies are in the courtyard waiting. I thought it best if they hear it from the four of you. Then you’ll continue with your dates as planned for tonight.”

“Are you fucking kidding me?” I shake my head.

“Riv, she’s okay.” Brett grips my shoulders. “Things can go on if the girls are willing.”

Right. Things can go on. The woman I felt might be my match is in the hospital, and I have a date with the woman who may have put her there.

I’m fucked.

I regard Evangeline. She looked truly spooked when she saw Rachel lying on the deck of the catamaran, Ginger hovering over her and trying to save her life. I don’t think she did anything to Rachel.

But I could be wrong.

“Come on,” Brett says. “Let’s go talk to the ladies.”

We make it to the courtyard, and the ladies are dressed casually, but I don’t notice any of them in particular. They’re whispering among themselves, darting their gazes back and forth.

They’re frightened for their friend. With good reason.

“All right, ladies,” Evangeline says. “The gentlemen are here and they have some excellent news.”

Brett clears his throat. Always the leader. “We’ve heard from the hospital in Jamaica. Rachel is going to be fine.”

A collective sigh of relief blows through like a whooshing wind.

“Thank goodness,” Emily says. “What happened to her?”

“We don’t have the details,” Evangeline offers. “Let’s just be glad she’s going to be okay, and we’ll fill you in when I have more information. In the meantime, I need to tell you that both Rachel and Ginger have decided not to return to the island.”

The ladies’ jaws drop in unison. It’s almost comical, except that nothing is funny in this moment.

“So the gentlemen and I will confer about how to handle this. Whether to invite two more women to the island, or whether to continue with the six of you.”

That’s news to me. And to the others, according to the wide-eyed looks on their faces. My vote will be to stick with the six, but I’m betting Brett and Seb will want to bring in newbies.

What the hell does it matter now?

“So…” Misty says, waving her hand in the air, “does this mean our dates tonight are still on?”

The dates. And mine is with Misty. It’s more important now than ever that I get her to talk.

“If the gentlemen are willing,” Evangeline says, “I don’t see why not. But you ladies must also be willing. This has been a traumatic event for all of us, so if you’re not feeling up to it tonight, we’ll have plenty of time later.”

“I’d like to go forward,” Misty says.


Evangeline glances at me. “River?”

I draw in a breath. “Sure. Why not?”

“And the rest of you?” Evangeline asks.

Murmurs and head shakes, but in the end the dates are still on.

“All right, then,” Evangeline says. “Those of you who don’t have dates tonight have a free evening. Enjoy the pool or the hot tub, the game room, or Sergei has some open appointments for massages and body treatments this evening. First come first served.”

Sebastian gives me a side-eye.

Yeah, Seb, I know what I have to do.




Our table is in the courtyard under a palm tree. The heat from the day has died down some, and though I’m still a little shaken from what happened with Rachel earlier, I’m calming down and I’m determined to enjoy Alex’s company.

He’s wearing a white cotton shirt with the first few buttons undone, letting his brown chest hair peek through, and he’s wearing glasses this evening.


How do glasses make a man even hotter?

But they do.

They’re not the tortoiseshell frames I’d expect. They’re simple black frames, and they make him look scholarly and professor-like and they make me feel…

I suck in a breath. They make me feel like grabbing them and tossing them and then kissing him hard.

Our server’s name is Clark, and he brings a bottle of champagne and pours us each a flute.

“I thought we’d start with bubbly,” Alex says. “I didn’t know if you’d want my drink of choice, which is bourbon.”

“No, thank you. Bourbon tastes a lot like battery acid to me.”

He chuckles, and for the first time, I notice a small dimple on the left side of his chin.


