Enthralled With You Read Online Jordan Silver (Sibling Rivalry #1)

Categories Genre: Romance Tags Authors: Series: Sibling Rivalry Series by Jordan Silver

Total pages in book: 54
Estimated words: 49114 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 246(@200wpm)___ 196(@250wpm)___ 164(@300wpm)

“So, this is your first time here I imagine.”

“Yes, yes it is.” She cleared her throat and fidgeted around in her seat as she pretended an interest in what was going on outside beyond the car window.

“Do I make you nervous?” I hadn’t missed the way she’d reacted when I called out to her before in the garden, or the way she was damn near tearing the skin from her hands now.

“No, why do you think that?” She had to clear her throat again to change that high pitch that was a dead giveaway that I was indeed making her nervous.

I decided to leave it alone for now and we drove in silence with just the radio as a distraction for the next half hour until we reached the city. I was very aware of my awareness of her. Her scent especially was getting to me.

It wasn’t anything overpowering, just some girly flowery scent that teased my senses and made me think of warm spring days. It was the perfect aroma for her, went perfectly with her innocent aura.

I found myself wanting to ask her about herself but chose to wait until we’d parked and were walking along the promenade which was as good a place as any to start showing her around our little town.

“So, how did you like that school you boarded at?” I saw the first real genuine expression on her face, and heard the sincerity in her voice as she talked about the place she’d called home for the last five years.

I kept asking her questions and in this way learned when she was being honest and when she was being evasive. And the more we talked, the more confused I became.

Especially when she slipped up and revealed that she hadn’t seen or heard from her…from Lisa, in those five years. I almost stopped moving at her words but caught myself in time.

It was her reaction to that little detail slipping out that had me sitting up to take notice. It was obvious that she wasn’t sure if she’d made a faux pas or if it wasn’t as important as it seemed. To me, it was very important, very telling indeed.

But could I trust it? It seemed innocent enough that slip. And by the time I bought her an ice cream cone after watching the way her eyes lit up when we passed the parlor and saw the kids gorging themselves, I was as confused as I’ve ever been.

I watched her enjoy the sweet and though her movements were enticing as hell, I can’t say that she was intentionally trying to seduce. There was just a natural sexual element to everything she did. In short she was just naturally sensual.

I even tested her to see, by invading her space. I got close and raised my hand to her lips and she froze. “Don’t panic, I’m just going to clean your face here.”

I used the napkin she hadn’t noticed me holding in my hand to wipe the strawberry concoction from the corner of her lips. Her soft pliable lips. And once again my dick was off to the races.

From the way she just stood there and let me as she looked up at me with those big alluring eyes, pools of innocence as I’d taken to referring to them in my mind, I knew that I’d been wrong.

This was surely no siren, and if she was, she’d missed a few steps. Now she has me second- guessing myself. If this was her game, to draw me in with that air of innocence with just a hint of fear to make it seem real, then she’s a damn good actress.

But most of all it’s this persistent nagging feeling that it’s not an act, that it seemed too real, that had me switching gears. The attraction I felt the day before was still going strong, but now, instead of lumping her in with Lisa offhandedly, I’ve decided to watch and learn for myself.

I hadn’t done much digging into her background, I didn’t think I needed to, plus there’s been no time since I only learned about her here lately. As far as I’m concerned they were one and the same anyway so it didn’t make any difference to me. But what if I’d lumped the lamb in with the fox?

What if the scared little girl next to me had something to genuinely fear? And if so, what could that something be? I felt something stir in my heart as I dabbed at the little bit of ice cream that had dripped onto her chin.


What’s happening? Yesterday when we met, I was sure he had no uses for me. I’d have gone so far as to say based on his reaction, that he hated me on sight. Could I have been that wrong? Now he has me so confused.


