Empire of Lies (Torrio Empire #2) Read Online J.L. Beck

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Billionaire, Dark, Forbidden, Mafia Tags Authors: Series: Torrio Empire Series by J.L. Beck

Total pages in book: 126
Estimated words: 115619 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 578(@200wpm)___ 462(@250wpm)___ 385(@300wpm)

“I have an idea.” I roll onto my back, gratefully accepting his kiss. I would never have imagined him being this sweet and loving. It’s almost like a reward for hanging on all this time, refusing to give up on him. On us.

“You're going to stay in bed with me all day?” he murmurs, nuzzling my neck. “Yes, yes, I think that is an excellent idea.”

“I was thinking more along the lines of taking a shower together. I'll do that here, but then I have to run home and get dressed.”

“If I ever say no to that offer,” he growls, nibbling my neck until I have to stifle a moan, “I want you to get me checked out by a doctor, because obviously there's something wrong.”

I can't help stroking his scruffy cheek when he lifts his head, grinning. The way the sunlight hits his eyes makes them gleam and sparkle. He has the face of an angel—dark angel or not, it doesn't matter which. He's absolutely handsome. I wonder if the baby will look like him.

“Why are you smiling?” he whispers before kissing the tip of my nose.

“I don’t know. ‘Cause I’m happy.”

“That's how I want you always to feel. Happy.”

“It's not possible to always be happy,” I point out, still stroking his face, his dark russet brown hair, memorizing every fleck of light in his green eyes. “Or else we would never appreciate it, right?”

“That doesn't stop me from wanting it for you, for making it happen. You deserve nothing but happiness.”

“A few minutes ago, you kissed me awake. If that's not happiness, I don't know what is.”

He closes his eyes, groaning. “And you expect me to let you out of this bed after saying something like that?”

“Come on.” I give his ass a playful smack before wiggling out of his embrace, as much as I really don't want to. “We’d better get moving before I do something stupid like let you convince me to stay.”

“Oh, no, we wouldn't want that.” He reaches for me, but I manage to get away. However, I'm barely on my feet before he scrambles off the foot of the bed and throws his arms around me. My laughter rings out as he lifts me off my feet and carries me into the bathroom. He's like a little kid—playful, silly. Is this the effect I have on him? Do I make it so he feels safe to show this side of himself?

“What's wrong?” he asks after returning to me once the shower is running. “You have a funny look on your face.”

“Not a thing in the world,” I assure him. “Everything is perfect.”

The curve of his lips is soft, and before we step into the shower, he takes my face in his hands and kisses me. Those tentative lips of his own me, stealing the air from my lungs. The sweet taste of whiskey still lingers on his tongue, but I don't mind. I sink deeper into his embrace, clinging to him. He is the stormy sea, and I am the cliff's edge. The circumstances in which we meet are always different, yet no matter what, we’re always linked. I can see it always being this way. This simplicity of being together, of being content because I'm here and he's here and we don't have to hold back. Nothing is standing in our way—no more secrets or lies.

Well, almost nothing. He doesn't know about the baby, and he doesn't know about the run-in with Amanda or her stupid comments that may or may not have made me second-guess things. She doesn’t matter. I don't want to think about her now, or ever. I close my eyes once I step under the warm spray, willing myself to let all thoughts of her wash away.

“Just think.” Callum steps in behind me, and I turn to him, wrapping my arms around his waist while the water runs over our skin. “If you lived here all the time, we could do this every day.” His perfectly sculpted body molds against mine. For an older man, he sure does have the physique of a twenty-year-old.

He genuinely is like a little boy trying to get his own way. And I love him for it. Nevertheless, I have to at least pretend to be stern. “Are you trying to convince me to move in with you?”

“Is it working?” he counters with a devilish smile that makes me weak in the knees.

“You know how much I love this. Being together.”


“But it's not fair to say things like that when we're both naked in the shower.”

“Oh, sweet Bianca. You know I don’t play fair.” His grin deepens, and his dimples pop out. “Why would you pay rent someplace else when you could live here for free?” As I open my mouth, he adds, “Don’t talk. Just stop and think for a minute. You wouldn’t have to worry about your dad anymore.” He groans, his rock-hard cock growing between us. “ I think I’m losing my mind because I can't believe I actually mentioned him while in this position with you.”


