Empire of Lies (Torrio Empire #2) Read Online J.L. Beck

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Billionaire, Dark, Forbidden, Mafia Tags Authors: Series: Torrio Empire Series by J.L. Beck

Total pages in book: 126
Estimated words: 115619 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 578(@200wpm)___ 462(@250wpm)___ 385(@300wpm)

What a fucking bitch.

“Look, I need to go.”

“No, wait. This is fun.” She steps in front of me, blocking my way, still scanning through the list of doctors with offices in the building. “Dermatologist? You're young, although you know how men are. They like us to look our best. Wouldn't want crow’s feet to get in the way of your happy little relationship.” She makes it sound ugly, and shameful. As if I should be embarrassed for loving Callum.

“Are you enjoying yourself?” I ask, tipping my head to the side, studying her with utter disdain. I’m so tired of her shit. She’s scared. Of what? The world? Getting old? Getting hurt? Maybe all of it. Who the hell knows?! She turns it all into bitterness and hatred that she likes to project onto everyone around her.

Her glossy lips curve up into a snide grin. “A little.”

“I guess age is nothing but a number, since clearly you have the maturity of a teenager.” I can’t even believe I’m standing here, entertaining her.

“Hmmm. OB/GYN?” she mutters, arching an eyebrow. “No need to confirm or deny it. I can read you like a book.” I shake my head, ready to snap, when she continues, “Let me guess. He made you get an abortion.”

The hair on the back of my neck stands on end even as I refuse to let her see what she's doing to me. A person like her feeds off the pain they inflict on others.

“You have no idea what you're talking about.”

“Oh god, no. Not at all. Keep telling yourself that. I was only married to the man for years. I know nothing about him. Nothing at all.” She folds her slim arms, sneering. “You act like I don't know the man. Like I didn't waste years of my life with him.”

“And yet you keep wasting your time on him when you could have been free by now, so do you really want to be free, or do you want to stay relevant in his mind?” I cross my arms over my chest to stop myself from punching in her stupid straight nose.

She smacks her lips together, “Let me do you a favor, honey.”

“I don't need anything from you.”

Her eyes move back and forth like she’s making certain no one else will overhear us. “He doesn't want to be tied down with a baby,” she whispers. “So if he hasn't forced you to do it yet, he will soon enough. Mark my words.”

“Sure, because explain to me why I should believe a fucking word that leaves your mouth again?”

“He didn't stay with me, and I had his daughter. What makes you think he's going to stay with you?”

“Let me ask you something,” I counter, hands on my hips. “What does it feel like to lose? Because that's what this is about. You lost, and you can't handle it. Just like you can't handle the idea of him moving on with somebody younger than you.” I look over at the list of doctors in the building. “You’re right about one thing. Men like to keep their women young, so maybe you should head over to the dermatologist. You'll give yourself more wrinkles if you keep worrying about things that don’t include you.”

She huffs out a staggered breath, and this time when I advance forward she steps out of the way, letting me pass. At least she’s smart enough to let me go.

After that encounter, my hands are trembling, and I feel a little sick to my stomach. Don’t know how much more of her I could’ve taken before I started to cry from sheer rage. Never would I say it to Tatum, but she’s lucky her mother didn't have a presence in her life. I would hate to think of my best friend ending up like that bitch. Shaking my head, I try to let the things she said go. There are so many cracks in the foundation of my and Callum’s relationship that it’s not hard to think she might be right. All her appearance did was strengthen my doubts and fears.

That someday he won't want me anymore—I mean, this is going to change things for us. What if he only wants the fun, sexy parts of being together? Babies change everything. Your body, hormones, sex. What if she’s right? I hate her so much, more than I ever have. The pebbles of doubt become boulders with every step I take.

My original plan was to return to Callum’s after work today. However, that was before I made a last-minute doctor's appointment. Now, I'm not so sure that's the place I want to be. I doubt I'd be able to keep from blurting out the truth the second I set eyes on him. I’m not like Tatum. I can’t pretend everything is okay. I could hardly do it yesterday, when I only suspected I might be carrying his baby. The thought of doing that again now that I actually know the answer is exhausting.


