Duke Read Online Jessica Gadziala (The Henchmen MC #5)

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Bad Boy, Biker, MC, Romance, Suspense Tags Authors: Series: The Henchmen MC Series by Jessica Gadziala

Total pages in book: 92
Estimated words: 85118 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 426(@200wpm)___ 340(@250wpm)___ 284(@300wpm)

"Oh my God," I groaned, cheeks heating as I face-planted into his chest.

His chest rumbled on a low chuckle as his hands moved up and down my back.

"Why didn't you shush me?" I demanded against his chest.

"I like you screaming. Especially when you're screaming my name with my cock deep inside you as you..."

"Oh my God, stop," I said, shaking my head.

"What's the matter?" he asked, knowing darn well what it was. "Getting all wet just remembering it, aren't you?"

There was a coughing noise from down below us and my stomach clenched as Cash's voice called up the ladder.

"You know that room isn't soundproof, right? And, ah, words are starting to carry. It was getting weird to not say something."

Right then, I was pretty sure my cheeks were positively on fire, they were burning so bad.

Why was it always Cash?

First the incident with the inside out and backward t-shirt and now this?

Duke wasn't embarrassed. No, he was laughing. He gave me a little reassuring squeeze, knowing I most definitely did not think it was funny.

"Come on down here," Cash urged and I was pretty sure I was okay with never, ever going down there ever again. It was cool. I could live in the blast-proof glass room. I could hang some sheets, put in a small bathroom. And never, ever face Cash again. "Lo says you are getting good. You're gonna need to prove that to me before I hire you at the gym."

"Don't listen to him," Lo called. "He can't make that decision on his own. Me, him, and Janie have equal shares in that company. Majority rules on everything, including hiring decisions. And, well, Janie would side with me just to piss off Cash."

I smiled, pulling away from Duke and moving over toward the hole in the floor.

"Ah, yeah. All this fancy stuff you guys put in and an elevator or a proper set of stairs was too much to ask?" I murmured, looking at the ladder and realizing it was somehow even scarier to go down them.

Duke chuckled, moving past me, and lowering himself down first. "Come on, you're a badass now, remember? You got this."

And with that, he went down.

I watched and when he was far enough down for me to start, I took a deep breath and did.

It wasn't as bad as I thought.

But watching the way Cash's eyes danced at us when we walked into the other area of the basement, yeah, that was pretty bad, I'm not gonna lie.

"Definitely a pillow," I mumbled, mostly to myself, but Duke heard and he threw his head back and laughed.

That night, we got to sleep in the same bed. Without a time limit on how long we had each other.

We didn't use a pillow.

That was because we fell asleep without having sex for once. Then, when we woke up in the morning, Duke put his "communal shower" idea into use. Sex was had. Wild and hard and slippery, with his hand clamped hard over my mouth, and his lips near my ear, rambling off a dirty monologue that made me come hard enough that the hand-gag really was just for show.

Duke went up to the glass room to meet with the guys while I went into the kitchen where all the women were assembled. The kids were in the living room, making a mess and a racket, as they should.

But the second I walked in, it was clear they were all trying to hold back smiles.

"Shower sex is the best, isn't it?" Summer asked.

"I don't know. Rooftop sex and car sex and in the woods during a rain storm sex are pretty good too," Maze said.

"She and Repo never seem to actually do it in a bed," Lo added.

"Yeah, we do this," Maze said, as if sensing my surprise at the topic. "If we're not talking about the kids or training, we tend to do a lot of sex talk."

"Oh, you know who has some good sex stories?" Summer went on. "Alex. She and Breaker have had some wild times."

"Reign and Summer conceived baby number three," Maze said, motioning to Summer's belly, "in their kitchen pantry."

"We thought we heard Ferryn shuffling around!" Summer laughed, smiling hard at the memory.

"If I recall, it was a tree scratching against the window," Lo added.

"It sounded like her bed creaking," Summer defended.

"Lo and Cash do it everywhere," Maze went on, including her in the sexcapades. "They get the luxury of not having to worry about early risers or midnight snack-seekers."

Lo smiled, obviously not bothered by the mention of her sex life at all. None of them were. I hoped one day I would get that comfortable about it. With them, at least.

"You guys totally did it in the fallout shelter though," Lo said, looking at me. "That's pretty hot."

"Yeah, that's a little tough to beat," Maze nodded. "But as soon as this one is out of me, Repo and I will try our best to claim the grand prize of best sex locale again."


