Down & Dirty: Dawg Read Online Jeanne St. James

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Bad Boy, Biker, Erotic, MC, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 75
Estimated words: 74122 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 371(@200wpm)___ 296(@250wpm)___ 247(@300wpm)

He walked through the open door as Rooster was heading back to the truck to get another box. They had left most of her stuff in storage since this place was not only furnished, but, he reminded himself again, was only temporary. Six months. That’s all he had to wait.

Six months felt like an eternity but he needed to find the patience to deal with it. Until Lily was home, Emma would spend her nights with him, but once Lily was back on American soil, Emma would be staying in her own place, in her own bed, and he’d be in his. And that fucking sucked.

And he would lose his hostess. Moose was being patched in within the week and the prospect was already on notice that he’d be taking over the reins of Heaven’s Angels. He had also been warned he better not fuck it up.

Not just by Dawg, but by every one of the brothers sitting on the Executive Committee. Z was also planning a little visit to Shadow Valley Gun Shop to let Pierce know he would soon have an assistant manager in the DAMC owned business.

Dawg would have a hard time swallowing the idea of reporting to Pierce and if the former DAMC president had any sense, he’d just teach Dawg the basic ins and outs of the business and then let Dawg do his thing. But the way Pierce was, Dawg doubted that’s how it would roll.

Again, Dawg would need patience. Resettling his life was going to take time.

He went into the bedroom to set the box on the bed and watched Emma unpacking some of her clothes and organizing them into a dresser.

“Should help you unpack your clothes, baby girl, an’ make a pile to burn.”

She glanced up from what she was doing. “Why?”

“That shit you wore that first day... That shit’s gotta go in a burn barrel.”

Her eyes crinkled at the corners. “You didn’t like it?”

“Fuck no.”

“Fudge,” she corrected him.

“Fuckin’ fudge no.”

She bit her bottom lip, shook her head and continued to pull clothes out of the box.

Fuck! Her and that tasty bottom lip. “Too bad the prospects are comin’ in an’ outta here, I’d fudge you on the bed, so we can christen it.”

“Mmm. I like fudge,” she said playfully.

“Me, too. Never had a sweet tooth before.”

Her laughter filled the small room, which made him want to throw her on the bed anyway, prospects or not, and take her right then and there. The room had a door and a lock...

To hell with the bed, taking her against the wall would work, too. Or on the kitchen counter, or over the back of the couch. Any of those spots would work just fine.

His ass vibrated again. Between that and hearing Jester cursing out in the living room, he sighed. He wasn’t going to get pussy any time soon.

He pulled the phone from his back pocket and hit the power button. Two texts from Diesel. Short and to the point in typical D style.

Church. Now.

Bring your woman.


There were only two things that Dawg could think why they were being summoned. Either Z talked to Pierce and there were issues, or it had to do with Lily.

Since D wanted Em there, he figured it was the second reason.


She lifted her head. “Yeah?”

“Gotta go to church.”

“Okay, I’ll finish up here—”

“No,” he said with a shake of his head. “You, too.”

Her eyes widened. “Why? What’s going on?”

“Dunno. Gonna go find out. Gonna leave the prospects here to finish an’ then have ‘em drop your key off at the club. Yeah?”


“Ain’t no buts. D wants us there, gotta be there. Got me?”

She sighed. “Yeah, baby, I got you.” Then suddenly her spine straightened. “Maybe it’s about Lily!”

The excitement in her voice made him hope that it was and that it was only good news.

She grabbed his cut and tugged. “Oh my God, we have to go. Like now!”

Damn. “Got it, baby girl. We’re goin’. Grab your brain bucket. Takin’ my sled.”

She rushed out of the bedroom to wherever she had put the helmet he bought her. He figured since she was sticking around she needed one of her very own. He’d get Lily one eventually, as well.

“Come on, Daw... Dawg! Let’s go!” he heard her yell from the other room. He snorted, shook his head and followed her out.

Chapter Fifteen

As Dawg escorted Emma into church with a hand to the small of her back, his eyes immediately landed on the large man standing next to the club’s private bar with his ol’ lady.

And it wasn’t just Jewel that accompanied him. It was Ivy and, even more surprising, Diamond.

What the fuck was going on?

As they approached the bar with the huge DAMC logo hand carved out of wood above it, Jewel greeted, “Hey, Emma!”

“Hi,” Emma answered back with a smile. She hadn’t wiped that smile off her face since she got the idea in her head that this meet was about Lily.


