Down & Dirty: Dawg Read Online Jeanne St. James

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Bad Boy, Biker, Erotic, MC, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 75
Estimated words: 74122 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 371(@200wpm)___ 296(@250wpm)___ 247(@300wpm)

The big man shrugged. “Three men in several foreign countries. Payin’ people off, payin’ for info, special equipment, travel, expenses. Also had to pay off the fuckin’ P.I. since Emma owed ‘im money. Wouldn’t spill any shit ‘til he was made whole. So, made ‘im whole. By the way, she was wastin’ ‘er scratch on that fucker. Didn’t do much besides trace some airline tickets an’ ping the husband’s phone. Phone ended up ditched at an airport. Asshole never woulda found your woman’s girl, but woulda kept suckin’ her dry.”

Dawg’s jaw got tight. Emma said she lost her house and her car trying to pay for the guy’s help. The cage she currently drove, and the one now parked in his back lot, had to be no more than a five-hundred-dollar clunker. It wasn’t safe for her or her daughter. She’d need a better ride when Lily was back in her custody.

“Paid ‘im for nothin’?” Dawg asked, fighting the urge to smash shit on D’s messy desk.

“Yep. Didn’t do nothin’ more than any computer geek could do. With her knowledge, Ivy woulda done a fuckin’ better job.”

“Guess I gotta go visit the fucker.”

Diesel shook his head. “Guy got his fuckin’ money an’ a lesson ‘bout takin’ advantage of a desperate mother. Got me?”

Dawg dragged his fingers through his beard. “Yeah, got you.”

“So, tell me again how she’s fuckin’ nothin’ to you.” He pinned his dark gaze on Dawg. “In your bed?”


“Plannin’ on keepin’ ‘er there?”

Dawg took a deep inhale. “Dunno, D. Like you said, only been a little over a week.”

“Might have to talk to Z ‘bout switchin’ up the club. An’ when I say club, ain’t talkin’ the DAMC. I’m talkin’ your club. Ain’t gonna raise a seven-year-old above a club like that. Got me?”

“Since when’re you worried ‘bout how a kid’s gonna be raised?”

Diesel sat back and scrubbed a hand over his short dark hair. “Since I put one in Jewel’s belly.” He tapped his temple with a beefy finger. “Makes you think.”

“Yeah, that it does,” Dawg said softly. Because if his own daughter was a part of his life, he wouldn’t be raising her over a strip club, either.

“If this is gettin’ serious, start thinkin’ about who’s gonna take your place. Got big shoes to fill, though. Which sucks. Heaven’s Angels brings the club a fuckload of scratch. Needs to keep runnin’ like a fuckin’ machine.”

“Yeah.” If he did what D was suggesting, which was handing over the management of Heaven’s Angels to one of the other brothers, what the fuck would he do? He had to do something to bring money into the coffers. He wasn’t a damn mechanic, so he couldn’t work at Shadow Valley Body shop. He wasn’t an ink slinger, so he couldn’t work with Crow. And he was no bartender, so The Iron Horse was out. Ace didn’t need anyone at the Shadow Valley Pawn, either.

There was always Shadow Valley Gun Shop and Range. Pierce was lying low, keeping away from church, so it might be a good idea to get in over there and work on taking over that business. Then if they needed to push the former prez out of the club, it could be done a lot easier. The gun shop was one of the reasons the Committee decided not to strip the asshole of his colors. But if someone else could step in without a hitch...

He’d need to talk to Z. See what his opinion was on the subject.

But right now, he didn’t need to figure that out. Once he knew Lily was on her way back home, then he’d have to see where he and Emma stood.

Though, if it was up to him, he knew exactly where Emma would end up every night.

The same place Dawg laid down his own head.


Emma stood in the reception area of a small law firm that sat in the center of town watching Dawg give an attractive woman a welcoming hug. With long dark hair and blue eyes, she kind of looked familiar.

“When are you going to shave off that shit?” the younger woman asked, tugging on his beard.

“Ain’t gonna,” he grumbled when he released her and smoothed his beard back in place.

“You wouldn’t be so ugly if you did.”

“I like it,” Emma said softly, attracting her attention.

Dawg stepped back to Emma’s side. “Em, this is Jayde. Zak an’ Axel’s baby sister.”

“I’m not a baby,” Jayde chided him. “I have my Bachelor’s and now an actual job!” She stuck out her hand and Emma shook it. “Welcome to the sisterhood.”

The sisterhood. “That’s not the first time I’ve heard that,” Emma murmured.

Jayde’s eyes slid to Dawg, arched a brow at him, then her gaze landed back on Emma. “Right. Well...”

“So, your brother’s the cop?”

“Both my brother and my dad are part of Shadow Valley PD.”


