Down & Dirty: Dawg Read Online Jeanne St. James

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Bad Boy, Biker, Erotic, MC, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 75
Estimated words: 74122 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 371(@200wpm)___ 296(@250wpm)___ 247(@300wpm)

The women seemed openly friendly and welcoming. The men didn’t hide their interest.

Emma sipped at the rum and Coke that the dark-haired woman behind the bar had made her. A shiver ran through her when she tasted how strong it was. Dawg slipped a hand beneath her hair and wrapped his warm, long fingers around the back of her neck.

“Okay, baby girl?” he asked against her ear.

“Yes, it’s just strong. She must be trying to get me intoxicated.”

“Yeah,” he murmured. “Loosen you up a bit.”

His deep voice and warm breath so close to her ear made her shiver like the strong drink. It also didn’t help that he kept brushing his thumb across her skin. She shook herself mentally. This biker shouldn’t have an effect on her like he did. “What was her name?”


“Bella,” Emma repeated in a whisper. “Beautiful name for a beautiful woman.”

“Yeah, she is. Gonna talk to her ol’ man.”

“Who’s her ol’ man?”

“A pig.”

Emma blinked. “Does ol’ man mean husband?”

“Same shit.”

“And her husband’s a cop?”

“Her ol’ man is, yeah.”

“What’s she doing here, then?” It seemed that it would be a conflict of interest for a cop to have a significant other as part of a motorcycle club.

“She’s DAMC born an’ bred, baby girl. She’s family.”

“And her... ol’ man doesn’t mind her being here?”

“He minds.”

“But she does it, anyway?”

“Ain’t got a say.”

Emma pursed her lips, thinking about what Dawg just said. “Is he going to be able to help me?”

“Dunno, baby girl. Gonna ask ‘im. In the meantime, gotta find Diesel.”

“I didn’t meet him yet?”

Dawg chuckled. “No. You’d know if you’d met him.”

“He sounds... interesting.” Especially with a name like Diesel. “Is that his real name?”


“Is he here tonight?”

“Probably outside. Don’t let his ol’ lady out of his sight.”

“Why? Is she untrustworthy?”

Dawg snorted and grinned down at her. “No. She’s pregnant.”

Emma blinked in surprise. That was a weird reason. “So?”

“So... since he found out, he don’t let her out of his sight,” he repeated, like that answered her question.

“I don’t understand. Why?”

“Jesus, the fuckin’ questions! Because he’s just like that. Keepin’ her safe.”

“From what?”

“From...” His eyes slid to the side as his words drifted off.

“From?” she prodded.

“Nothin’ for you to worry ‘bout. Got enough problems on your plate.”

That she did. But she was still curious about why a man would have to follow his pregnant wife... ol’ lady... whatever around like a guard dog.

And what did she need protection from? Just what was this club involved in?

Maybe she should rethink letting Dawg help her. Maybe they were doing some illegal activity which would only make things worse for her.

Oh boy, she just gave up her apartment, too. Maybe she could convince the complex office to—

“Baby girl.”

“Huh?” She looked up into Dawg’s deep green eyes which were crinkled at the corners as if he was amused.

“Gotta stop bitin’ that lip of yours before I do somethin’ that’ll make you blush.”

She released her lip and glanced around quickly. “Here?”

“Here.” He pinned his lips together, tucked a lock of her hair behind her ear, then jerked his head toward a side door. “C’mon. Gonna go talk to D.”

Emma sat on the top of a wood picnic table under an open pavilion that was not far from a stage where a band played. An actual live band. They were good, too. Dawg had said the band’s name was Dirty Deeds and that one of his “brothers” played and sang in it. She was starting to pick up on some of the language Dawg used in regards to his club. Like brother. Ol’ man. Ol’ lady.

And speaking of ol’ lady, even in just the glow of the roaring bonfire, she could see Diesel’s headed in her direction. Emma’s eyes slid to where Dawg was talking to this ‘D’ in the shadows next to the pavilion. Even though Dawg was a big guy, Diesel was even bigger. Big as in huge and scary.

Not the type of man you’d want to meet in a dark alley.

When Dawg introduced her to Diesel, he just grunted as he took a good look at her. It was almost as if he was scrutinizing her. Though, she wasn’t sure if she passed inspection or not since she got no reaction from him at all.

Dawg was right about Diesel keeping an eye on his woman. The man’s eyes tracked the petite woman as she crossed the courtyard and approached Emma.

“Hey,” Jewel said and hauled herself up next to her on the table. The woman wore a snug black camisole that had large white letters proclaiming she was a “bad ass biker bitch” across her chest.

“Hey,” she greeted the woman back. “I’m still learning these biker terms. You’re Diesel’s ol’ lady, right?”

The dark-haired woman smiled. “Yeah. Sure am.” With a groan, Jewel leaned back, unfastened the top button of her shorts and then sighed with what sounded like relief. “Sorry. Shorts are getting tight.”


