Don’t Fall for Your Ex-Boyfriend’s Brother (Magnolia Ridge #5) Read Online Logan Chance

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Contemporary Tags Authors: Series: Magnolia Ridge Series by Logan Chance

Total pages in book: 59
Estimated words: 56005 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 280(@200wpm)___ 224(@250wpm)___ 187(@300wpm)

And I once again flame red hot.

Chapter 6


As the night deepens, we lie side by side, gazing up at the constellations. I turn to her, my heart pounding, and whisper the words I’ve longed to say, “Being here with you feels like a dream I never want to wake from.”

She smiles, her eyes reflecting the starlight, and whispers back, “Me too.”

And in that moment, the world is perfect, and all my fears melt away.

I close my laptop and stand up, stretching from sitting down for so long. As I walk to the kitchen to grab a drink, I smile, leaning against the counter. I’ve officially moved into Paxton’s old place and it’s been amazing.

Telling my parents I was moving out was much easier than I expected. I thought for sure my mom would give me a hard time or try to guilt me into staying, but she didn’t. She told me she was happy for me and that it was time for me to spread my wings.

Paxton and Brock helped me move everything, which wasn’t much. Just my bed, computer desk, and clothes. Thankfully, Paxton let me keep his favorite chair and futon since Hartford refused to allow him to bring them to the new house.

Hartford and Anya are insisting I have a housewarming party and I told them to just plan it. I can’t be bothered planning something like that. I wouldn’t even know where to begin. Of course they were all too happy to take over and tomorrow night my family will be here for the housewarming party.

I asked if I should order food, but Anya said they’ve got it all taken care of. I guess sometimes it pays to be the youngest child.

My phone alerts me and I grab it off the coffee table and sit down.

Anya: Don’t forget tomorrow is Tripp’s housewarming!

Me: I was just thinking about that.

Shepherd: How the hell could we forget when you remind us daily?

Brock: Seriously, you told me this morning when I walked in the door at the brewery.

Callum: There was a post-it on my computer.

Anya: I just don’t want anyone to forget. This is a big deal for our baby brother.

I chuckle at her response. Sometimes Anya is like a mother hen and other times she’s like a fighting cock.

Me: Poor Griffin, how many times have you been reminded?

Griffin: She reminded me while we were having sex last night.

Brock: LOL that’s funny as hell but seriously man, don’t talk about having sex with my sister.

Hartford: Grow up. You guys have no problem talking about sex any other time.

Paxton: You wanna talk about sex, baby?

Callum: Can you all fucking stop? I’m trying to finish these orders and this is distracting.

Me: You realize you can mute the chat right?

Anya: Don’t tell him that, he’ll never unmute it.

Felicity: He will if he wants updated pictures of his nephew.

Shepherd: Damn, she’s got you there Callum.

Anya: No one is muting anything. Just turn off your volume for now if it’s annoying.

Paxton: Why is everyone so damn moody? Isn’t this supposed to be about celebrating Tripp’s big move?

Me: I think everyone knows to be here tomorrow. We don’t need to keep discussing it.

Callum: Speaking of discussing things, we need to sit down and talk about your future at Atta Boy.

My hands immediately begin to sweat as I stare at the words in front of me. I don’t want to tell anyone about my writing until my book is finished, so I don’t know what the hell I’m supposed to say. I don’t want a future at Atta Boy, but how can I tell Callum that?

I’d love to think they’ll all be supportive, but I don’t think that will be the case. I don’t think they will have the excitement that Millie has when it comes to this idea of mine.

Speaking of Millie, I need to get the hell out of here to join her for the book club that is held at her shop. When I went in there looking for inspiration, I never imagined I’d stumble upon a book club. I mean don’t get me wrong, everyone in this town knows about the ladies of the book club, but I’ve never personally witnessed it.

Honestly, I thought they would be all serious but it wasn’t like that at all. I enjoyed myself and it wasn’t just because I could feel the warmth of Millie’s body so close to mine. That was an added bonus that I’m looking forward to having again tonight.

She was so adorably nervous and I’m pretty sure it’s because she sees me differently now after reading what I’ve written. I’m still not sure if that’s a good or bad thing.

I do know that I’m really enjoying all the feedback she’s giving me. It’s boosting my confidence immensely, which is making the words flow so much easier.


