Does He Know (Everlasting Ink #1) Read Online Kaylee Ryan

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Contemporary, Erotic, Forbidden, Virgin Tags Authors: Series: Everlasting Ink Series by Kaylee Ryan

Total pages in book: 102
Estimated words: 98736 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 494(@200wpm)___ 395(@250wpm)___ 329(@300wpm)

I should walk away.

I’m an asshole for not putting her first, but I tried already. I tried my hardest, and she wouldn’t let me.

I’ll just have to make sure he understands what this is.

It’s not just for fun.

We’re not just passing the time.

We’re falling.

I’m falling.

And we’re all in.




* * *

After all my insistence that I didn’t need a birthday party, I’ve had a great time. Drake and his girlfriend, Lisa, and Lyra are perfect additions to our little family. The guys have been their crazy silly selves, and it’s just been… nice.

The only thing that would make tonight better is if I didn’t have to hide how I feel about Roman. We’ve done well staying away from one another. I’ve gone out of my way to engage Monroe and Lyra, and even Lisa, when she’s not glued to Drake’s side.

Not that I blame her. We’re all unfamiliar faces, but as the night’s worn on, she’s relaxed more and more.

Roman and I have shared longing gazes when no one else was looking; at least I hope no one was looking. I also managed to snag a seat next to him when we were eating, but other than that, no contact. We’re not counting his hand on my thigh under the table.

It’s harder than I thought it would be. The closer we become, the more difficult it is to pretend like he’s not more to me than just one of the guys. One of my brother’s best friends.

“Em!” Lachlan calls out. “Get your ass over here and give me a hug. You’re leaving in two days.” He’s more than a little tipsy, but I do as he says.

“You going to miss me, Lach?” I ask, wrapping my arms around his waist. I feel his lips press to the top of my head. Not unlike anything Forrest or any of the others have done in the past. They all treat me like their little sister. Well, not all of them.

Roman definitely did not treat me like his little sister earlier tonight in his room at the shop.

“Stop hogging her,” Maddox calls out. “I need a hug too.” He juts out his bottom lip and stumbles, so he sits his ass on one of the homemade benches around the fire. He’s trying to make a sad puppy-dog face, but he’s laughing, so it’s not really working for him.

They’re all wasted. Everyone is except for Lisa, Roman, and me. Lisa is the designated driver, and they’re dropping Lyra off. As far as Roman and I, well, we both knew we’d slip up if we were wasted, so we’ve nursed our drinks all night, and as everyone around us grows more intoxicated, the more I feel my shoulders ease. If I stare a little too long, they’ll be less likely to notice, and even if they do, they more than likely won’t remember it.

“You two are ridiculous.” I laugh, as I pull away from Lachlan and make my way to Maddox. He grins as I lean over and offer him a hug. He pulls me into him, and this time I’m the one who’s stumbling. I laugh as I right myself, holding on to his shoulders before standing back to my full height.

“What the hell? Emerson, you better head this way, missy!” Legend hollers. He’s standing on the other side of the fire with his arms wide open. “I need some birthday girl snuggles too.”

“I’m her brother!” Forrest replies. “I should get all the birthday snuggles.” He’s sprawled out in a lawn chair, sitting off to the right on his own. He was feeling queasy, so we all decided to give him a wide berth.

“So are we,” Legend counters.

“Yeah!” Lachlan and Maddox chime in.

“Rome, help us out here.” Legend pulls Roman into the conversation. “Tell Forrest she’s ours too.”

My belly flops because I am Roman’s, just not the way Legend thinks I am. I hate that we are lying to them, but it won’t always be this way. If we can make it through me being away to finish my last year of college, and we still want this, then we’ll tell them.

They’re all going to be mad we kept it a secret, but I’d rather do that than Roman decide I’m too young, or he’s just not feeling this relationship thing, and they all be pissed at him for breaking my heart. Because if that happens, my heart will indeed be shattered into a million tiny pieces with his name on them.

I tell myself not to look at him. However, I know that if I don’t, it’s going to be obvious. With Legend’s arm still slung over my shoulders, I turn and lock eyes with the man who holds my heart.

Does he know? Does he even realize what he means to me?

His eyes sear into mine. I can feel the heat of his gaze all the way to my toes. His eyes flash to where Legend’s arm is around my shoulders before settling back on my own.


