Dirty Wars – The Lion and The Mouse Read Online Kenya Wright

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 247
Estimated words: 248926 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 1245(@200wpm)___ 996(@250wpm)___ 830(@300wpm)

“I wouldn't be running away. I would just be giving us space, until I can figure this out, and maybe. . .change my destiny. You said before that Paolo coming into the picture made things different.”


“Then, I take an emotional break this evening and you read my cards again in the morning.”

“But, would Kazimir allow that space for this evening?”

“You tell him that we are trying to prevent Lunita from coming out.”

Baba frowned. "Me?"

"Yes. You."

Baba sighed. “Then, I will need several guards when I do it.”

Chapter 26

Hard-Headed Lion


The opened balcony doors showed a breathtaking view.


The setting sun burned through the sky’s canvas with brushstrokes of reds, oranges, purples, and a palette of darkening golds.

After giving the baby and me a quick check-up, Dr. Stovall insisted that I do less fighting and more resting. I promised I would listen. When he finished the examination, he gave me a disappointed scowl and left without saying goodbye.

Emilio, I think we are in trouble.

A tiny movement fluttered.

Oh. Is that you, baby?

The movements shifted into gentle swirling like he was swimming around and checking the womb out.

Have fun, Emilio.

Smiling, I lay down on my bed and picked up my cup of tea. The cup’s sides warmed my palms. Steam rose from the top, carrying a symphony of floral fragrances.

I looked down at the liquid. The color was a deep, rich green.

I hope this tastes good.

Baba had given me a new jar of herbs to calm any stress and anxiety—Ashwagandha and Chamomile, Valerian root and Lavender, Passionflower and something called Kava Kava. I knew what was in the tea because Dr. Stovall had called Baba into my room to list every herb.

Once Baba did, Dr. Stovall nodded and approved of the tranquilizing tea.

Usually I wouldn’t drink something when I could barely understand the names, but I was on a mission to keep my mood steady.

Emilio, we are done with fighting. It can harm you and the violence brings out Lunita.

I tried the tea.

It’s all. . .peace from now on.

The first sip was bitter, but after a few mouthfuls, my tongue captured the flavor of the herbs. Calm washed over my body, unthreading the knots in my stomach and smoothing out all tension.

There we go. I am going to be like this the rest of Italy. Chill. Relax. I will have my men fight for me.

Someone knocked.

I swallowed more tea. “Come in.”

Blue peeked her head inside. “Did you want your items now or should we wait?”

“Now is fine. I’m about to go to sleep soon, so I don’t want the distraction later.”

Blue smile and opened the door wider.

Five men carried in suitcases and placed them on the floor. Then, a sixth man brought in a large shovel which he leaned against my nightstand.

I quirked my brows.

Blue smirked. “Valentina delivered the shovel. She thought you would need it for this evening.”

The men left.

I chuckled. “Valentina better have her butt in bed.”

“I made sure she went to bed after the third plate of bruschetta and tenth glass of champagne.”

“How was getting her to sleep?”

Blue stirred. “She flirted a little and then proposed. At least I think so, her Russian was a bit slurred.”

“Girl, Valentina is a straight mess.” I shook my head and took another sip. “Well. . .since we are on people flirting with you.”

Blue raised her eyebrows. “Yes?”

“What was up with Giorgio trying to give you his blue guns in the conference room this morning.”

“Giorgio thinks he likes me.”

“Hmmm.” I grinned. “And King David blocking Giorgio from giving you the guns?”

A silly smile spread on her face. She got rid of it quickly. “He thinks he likes me too.”

“But who do you like?”

She sighed. “I actually haven’t allowed myself to think of that too much.”

“Why not?”

“The days have been busy.”

So nosy, I took another sip and asked, “True, but who are you attracted to?”


“Hells yes, honestly.”

“I think they both are sexy.”

“They are, but don’t tell Kaz I said that. He would shoot them in the head.”

“He would.” Blue chuckled.

“Speaking of Kaz.”

“The helicopters just landed with all the men. That’s why I decided to rush your remaining items down here.”

“Good call, Blue.” I held my cup in my lap.

“No one, but me and the men down here, know where you are at. I have even talked with Misha and he said that he is completely staying out of this.”

“Good. This isn’t permanent. I just need space to figure this out.” I ran my fingers through my hair. “Is Paolo still asleep?”

She nodded. “I also put cameras inside his room and have two of Harlem Crew monitoring his new guards.”

I let out a long breath. “Thank you. I know I’m probably tripping, but I don’t know Paolo’s new guards yet. It makes me uneasy to have new people watching him.”

“I understand.”

“He’s so tiny and. . .” I gripped the cup hard. “Anyone could do. . .bad things to him.”


