Dirty Wars – The Lion and The Mouse Read Online Kenya Wright

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 247
Estimated words: 248926 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 1245(@200wpm)___ 996(@250wpm)___ 830(@300wpm)

“Kill them.” Her eyes watered. “Kill everybody and then let me watch them bleed onto the floor.”

Speechless, I almost tripped over my own feet.

“Fucking assholes.” She spoke through clenched teeth, “Paolo is a little boy. Small. Defenseless. . .he’s all by himself in this fucking world.”

“Maybe, I can take Paolo away and. . .hide him or—”

“Kaz would know.” Tears left her eyes. “He won’t fucking stand down on this. He. . .he’s going to m-make me get r-rid of him.”

My heart ached. This shoved me on edge. Never had I seen her cry or look so helpless. I searched my head for some answer, something to help her out. I had to save the day. Nothing else mattered.

I gritted my teeth. “Emily, I will do whatever you want me to.”

“I can’t think of anything. Nothing.” More tears spilled down her cheeks. “I. . .”

Damn you, Lion. I would kill you if you didn’t terrify me.

I wanted to stop Emily in the hallway and hug her. She was already going through so much. This had to be the most stressful pregnancy any woman could ever experience.

She spoke, “All I know is that. . .”

I fisted my hands.

“I can’t let Paolo go, Blue.” She wiped the tears with a shivering hand. “I-I can’t. . .”

“Maybe.” I swallowed down my fear. “Maybe, we can get rid of the couple. I can take them far away and have some of Harlem Crew hide them so that Kazimir or David never find them. That could buy us some time.”

She went quiet.

No. That’s a stupid idea. Think of something else.

I let out a long breath. “Or we could get Maxwell. Perhaps, he has a good idea. Oh. Could Baba or Maxwell adopt Paolo? Would Kazimir be okay if Baba took care of him?”

Emily blinked several times and looked around as if seeing the hallway for the first time. I scanned the hallway too, wondering what she was checking out.

Stop talking. Let her think. She’s so smart. She’ll think of something and I will do whatever she wants.

Suddenly, Emily glanced over her shoulder and stared oddly at Harlem Crew. “No.”


She quickly turned back around and whispered to me, “They can’t come. They stay. Tell them.”

But, why?

We stopped at the elevators.

I turned to Harlem Crew. “You all must remain here.”

They nodded, but held confused expressions.

Why can’t they come?

A soft giggle left Emily.

I snapped my face the Mouse’s way, not used to such a girlish sound coming from her.

So. . .she feels better now? That. . .quickly?

She let out a low giggle again. Then, she cleared her throat. “Do you. . .have. . .a knife?”

I nodded.

“Give it to me.”

Anything to make you feel better.

I slipped my hand in my jacket and yanked out my favorite knife. It was a simple tactile knife that one would use in combat or for hunting. Military design. Serrated blade. Indestructible handle. I called it, Pastor.

“Ooo.” Emily whistled and snatched it from me. “Rambo.”

I blinked.


Emily lowered her hand, placing the knife by her side.

But. . .why did she say. . .Rambo?

Then, to my shock, Emily slipped off her heels and kicked them to the side. I raised my eyebrows.

She wiggled her toes on the carpet. “Hurts.”

Stunned, I stared at her.

She is really out of it. What should I do?

The elevator dinged.

The doors began to open.

Shocking me again, Emily leaned forward, looked down at the Lion, and flipped up her middle finger.

Uh. . .

Giggling, Emily stepped onto the elevator. “Hurry.”

I got on and turned around.

Our men stared back at us with confused expressions.

Do not judge Emily. She is stressed.

I swallowed and pointed at them. “Get her shoes.”

The doors closed.

“Yeah.” Emily bobbed her head up and down over and over. She stretched her neck and wiggled her shoulders. Then, her voice changed to a lighter, scratchier pitch. “She likes those shoes. Don’t lose them.”

Who likes the shoes? And why is she talking like that?

Emily continued talking in that weird tone. “Mean old lion.”

My stomach twisted. Something was terribly off. And the answer was at the edge of my brain, but I could feel myself running from it, not wanting to face it.

“Let’s meet them.” Emily slashed at the air with the knife. “Fucking Rambo those fuckers!”

I edged away.

Hold on.

My heart boomed in my ears.

A dark, rambunctious laugh left her, setting the hairs on the back of my neck on end.

Please, no.

She stabbed the air over and over. “I’ll show that mean old lion.”

This can’t be happening.

Fast, she spun my way and pointed the knife at me. Her mouth was wide open and slanted in a deranged way, exposing her teeth. Her eyes were wild. It was hard to explain. It was like madness was trapped within the lids.

This is. . .the dark side.

I edged back, putting more space between the knife and me.


That scratchy voice left her. “She can’t show him, but I will.”


