Dirty (RAW Family #2) Read Online Belle Aurora

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Angst, Bad Boy, BDSM, Dark, Erotic, Mafia, Romance Tags Authors: Series: RAW Family Series by Belle Aurora

Total pages in book: 145
Estimated words: 136731 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 684(@200wpm)___ 547(@250wpm)___ 456(@300wpm)

We’ll do it together, as a team. A storm is coming.

There are few facts in life.

The sun will always rise at dawn and set in the evening.

We are born with nothing and die very much the same.

And finally, we all bleed red.

These are undisputed facts, but I have my reservations. I’m dying to slit Gio Gambino’s throat to see what color evil bleeds.

At this moment, although I keep my chaotic emotions to myself, my shattered heart needs Julius more than he may ever know. So we’ll go for a drive, just so I can keep him close to me and I can be where I’m most comfortable.

By his side.

We reach the pristine white building, and although it’s now in the early hours of the morning, the lights are on, and I can see people moving around through the lit windows.

I glance over at Julius as he parks on the street. “What is this place?”

He blinks at me a long while before speaking, and when he does, my heart sinks. “Got a message from Falco while we were at Tonya’s.” Running his fingertip over the leather steering wheel, he reluctantly confesses, “Asked him to call your brother, let him know you were safe.” My cold heart warms somewhat. This beautiful man of mine. “Falco said Miguel went through your house after you left. Said the safe was left wide open.”


Julius goes on. “Told me Miguel sent him some of what he found as insurance. Gio had been keeping an eye on him, thinking you’d contact him. Sent Falco discs, hundreds of them, dated and timed.”

I’m somewhat baffled. The only safe I know of, I emptied when I left.

My brows furrow in bewilderment. “What are they?”

Julius shrugs lightly. “Falco can’t get into them. The files are scrambled. He opened one, but it asked for a password. He didn’t key anything in. Ten seconds later, it fried his computer. Dead.”

“I don’t understand.”

“The files are protected,” he states carefully. “I’m guessing whatever is on them is important.”

“Okay,” I mutter to myself, before asking a long, drawn out, “and we’re here because…?”

“Braden Kelly. Irish mobster. Currently on parole.” He shoots me a knowing look. “Computer whizz.”

“You think he can work out what these files are.” Let me guess. “He owes you?”

Julius shakes his head. “No, but if he comes through, I’ll owe him.”

My chest aches at the subtle beauty of those words.

I was brought up in the underground, and I know what it means for a man to owe a favor. It’s never done lightly and quite a big deal to owe a marker. You don’t offer a favor unless you plan to deliver, because if you don’t deliver, you die. The issue is that you never know what you’re going to have to do as a result of a marker. It’s a worrying thought, to owe someone unconditionally like that.

My frosted insides begin to melt, my feeling of loss thawing at the reminder of what I’ve gained in Julius.

Julius is willing to do this for me. It isn’t even something he questions, like it’s a no-brainer, as if I am worth the consequence.

The warmth that consumes me is comforting, and things I once never dared to feel come forth, igniting the barren pyre at my heart. It sparks, then a small flame flickers, and within moments, it roars into a blaze that the gods would deem worthy.

I’m falling in love.

Reluctantly at that.

Knowing the fact is rather startling. After Dino, I never thought myself stupid enough to fall in love. Let alone to a man like Julius.

Yet, here we are.

Now, I’m definitely not stupid enough to believe Julius will ever truly love me. But I would be blind to miss the way he looks at me. He may never love me completely, but he likes me, a lot, and I’ll take it. Love makes people do unpredictable, moronic things. Our marriage will leave me content, satisfied. Yes. I can see myself being comfortable in a coupling where my partner and I are attracted to each other, crave each other’s company and make each other laugh. I’ll consider it a bonus that I don’t get beaten every second day.

Julius steps out of the car and walks around to my door, opening it and helping me out. Testing the waters, I put all my pressure onto my heel and am more than surprised when all I feel is a light pinch that is completely bearable. I move to take his hand, but he pulls away. And, ouch, it hurts.

“Jesus.” He sighs loudly at the sight of my obvious reaction, shoving his hands into his pants pockets. “Don’t look at me like that, Ana. It would be in our best interest for Kelly to think we’re just working together.”

He’s right, of course, so when he jerks his head toward the building and starts walking, I follow behind, lagging in silent protest.


