Dirty (RAW Family #2) Read Online Belle Aurora

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Angst, Bad Boy, BDSM, Dark, Erotic, Mafia, Romance Tags Authors: Series: RAW Family Series by Belle Aurora

Total pages in book: 145
Estimated words: 136731 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 684(@200wpm)___ 547(@250wpm)___ 456(@300wpm)

My eyes flutter and I reach up, running my hand over his chest to squeeze his shoulder, breathing out, “Yeah. You and me.”

His hand comes up to tangle in my hair, and he tugs gently, forcing me to expose my neck. “Treat you like a queen.”

And with those words, my body no longer welcoming his kisses, my brain warns me to calm down.

Take it easy. He didn’t know. He doesn’t know.

Gently removing myself from him, I take a step away and dip my chin. “He used to tell me that. He used it against me, that I was going to be his queen and I’d rule beside him.” I bite the inside of my lip, begging my stomach to uncoil. I blink up at him through a frown. “I didn’t want it. I don’t want to be a queen, Julius. Not ever.” My hand comes up to touch his stomach. “I want to be a nobody, a peasant. I just want to live free.” Again, I can see I’ve made him question who I am and what my motives are. But I’m just me, Alejandra Castillo. A woman who has been torn apart more often than put together. My broken shards are yet to be repaired. I’m not even sure they would fit together any longer. I scratch lightly against his abs. “Can you possibly begin to understand that?”

His eyes soften, and his lips twitch as he lets out a rough, “Can’t promise I’ll treat you like a peasant.”

A shocked laugh escapes me. “Yeah, okay, that might’ve been a bad example.”

His lips spread into a smile as his eyes take in my own. “Gorgeous when you don’t, but when you smile, baby…” His eyes shudder, and his fingers come up to tap the spot right over his heart. “Boom.”

I can’t help myself. I cup his cheek and run my thumb over his thick lips. “Same goes, cariño,” I offer gently. “Same goes.”

Turning his face into my hand, he kisses the center of my palm, and my insides swell with warmth, because Julius gives me something I have never had before.

Somebody I could love.

With more effort than I believe I can muster, I playfully push Julius away and, smiling, head into the bathroom to shower.

Ten minutes have passed, and when I step out of the bedroom, showered and dressed in more of Ling’s clothes, I pause in my steps at the sound of a female crying in earnest.

My heart begins to pound in my chest. It must be bad.

It would have to be to make a person like Ling cry like this. I thought her emotionless for the most part.

I hesitate just before the living room and hear Signor Falco speak softly. “Now, now. Don’t cry.” He’s kinder than I remember. “Come sit by me, Miss Ling.”


I’m confused.

Why is Signor Falco offering Ling comfort? He doesn’t even know her.

But then, Ling sobs out, “I loved him. I loved him so much.” Her sob turns to a growl. “I would’ve done anything for that piece of shit. And he chose her.”

I step just inside the open doorway to find Ling seated by Signor Falco on the sofa with their backs to me. They haven’t yet heard or seen me. Ling’s hands are being held tightly in Falco’s, with her head is bent in only what can be described as pure anguish.

Julius spots me from his place on the opposite sofa and discreetly shakes his head.

I understand. Ling won’t like me seeing her like this, yet I can’t walk away.

Signor Falco looks from Ling to Julius. “It sounds like my Antonio was more complex than I had imagined.”

“He wasn’t complex at all,” Julius mumbles. “He just knew what he wanted. Didn’t have time for those he didn’t.”

Oh, wow. Ouch.

My chest aches for Ling, although she doesn’t deserve sympathy.

Julius’s insinuation is plain and simple, clear as crystal. Antonio didn’t want Ling.

Ling, too smart to have missed the message, snaps her head up and, with bubbling rage, booms, “He wanted me till she came along! She fucked everything up. And that boy of hers…” Her voice breaks as the anger fades and the sadness seeps into its place. “That beautiful boy of hers. He should’ve been mine. His baby should’ve been mine.” She speaks softly as if talking to herself. “After all the shit I put up with, I earned that baby.” Ling croaks out a furious, “He died because of her.”

“He died for her,” Julius shoots back. “Twitch died for Lexi. He died protecting her. There’s a difference.”

Ling turns to Signor Falco and barks out a harsh laugh. “The men in my company tend to lose their minds over women. In fact, it’s common for their brains to turn to shit. They lose all their sense.” She turns to glare at Julius. “I wouldn’t be surprised if you pulled the same stupid stunt over your new little pet.”


