Devour Read Online Jocelynn Drake, Rinda Elliott (Unbreakable Bonds #4)

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Angst, Crime, Gay, GLBT, M-M Romance, Romance Tags Authors: , Series: Unbreakable Bonds Series by Jocelynn Drake

Total pages in book: 103
Estimated words: 96805 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 484(@200wpm)___ 387(@250wpm)___ 323(@300wpm)

All he felt was pleasure and fullness…and the strength of Hollis’s hands. He writhed on him, rolling his hips, moving in a way that had that beautiful dick brushing over his spot over and over. Hollis ran one hand down his leg, pulling it up higher.

Full. Thick. Hot. Ian threw his head back and reached down to grasp his dick. Hollis pulled his hand off him and wrapped his own callused hand around him. He stroked him in rhythm with his strokes inside Ian’s body and it didn’t take long before his rhythm faltered and his mouth fell open.

Heat streaked through every vein in Ian’s body as he watched the big man above him lose it. He clenched his ass and moaned at the way Hollis’s eyes rolled back into his head, the way he stabbed into him in a jerky movement that showed he was close to the end.

And then Hollis grabbed his legs, spread them and leaned over him. His hot breath brushed over Ian’s face as he stopped inches from Ian’s face. The long, low bellow that came from his throat as he came made Ian start shaking. Ian wrapped his hand around his cock as he quaked, their gazes still locked. That was it. The orgasm that ripped through his body stole his vision and he yelled long and loud as he came all over his stomach. He let go of his spewing dick, wrapped his arms around Hollis’s neck and pulled him into a wet, sloppy kiss even as he tightened his legs around Hollis’s back.

His cop collapsed on him, breathing into his neck, one hand cupping the side of his head in a possessive grip. Hollis turned his lips onto Ian’s skin and pressed them there, holding him close.

Ian stared at the ceiling, knowing that sex would never be this good with anyone else. Ever.

Chapter 9

Sweat cooled on their bodies, the only sounds outside their door coming from the dogs. Ian had a few moments to feel thankful that Rowe and Noah hadn’t yet returned because his throat hurt from the way he’d shouted. They lay wrapped tightly around each other, the only sound in the room their labored breathing, and even that was slowing back to normal. This…this was big. Ian had always suspected it would be, that it would never just be a great fuck and then they go their separate ways. But lying there in Hollis’s arms, he could feel his heart expanding to make room for this man. And if the tight hold Hollis had on him was anything to go on, Hollis was possibly feeling the same way.

He deserved the truth. If they were going to have any kind of shot at something more than just great sex, Hollis needed to know the truth, no matter how horrible or ugly it was. Then Hollis could make a decision on whether he wanted to give this a try or run for the door.

He cleared his throat, knowing he sounded like he’d been gargling glass as he spoke. “Do me a favor and lie still and listen, okay?” Ian whispered. “I need to tell you some things.”

Hollis’s body went taut for several long moments before he hugged Ian closer and nodded against his head. He grabbed a T-shirt and cleaned them up, then pulled Ian back into his big body.

“It sounds like we’re going to try for a relationship.”

Hollis nodded again, his beard stubble scraping over Ian’s forehead. “We live in pretty different worlds, but I want to try.”

“So do I,” Ian whispered. “But just…don’t talk for a while, okay?”

He took Hollis’s silence as agreement.

“I knew I was gay by the time I was twelve. I had all the normal puberty things happening and they only happened around boys, so it was pretty obvious to me. I had this one friend and we touched each other on my thirteenth birthday. It didn’t go far, but I was positive at that point. A year later, I got brave and ordered a dildo online.” He chuckled. “I made sure to be by the mailbox every day for two weeks so I got that package instead of my parents. That night, I learned I was also a bottom. Big time. You could probably tell.” He couldn’t help but smile a little.

Hollis tightened his arms and slid his leg firmly under Ian’s.

His smile slipped away and he kept his eyes locked on Hollis’s chest. “That stupid toy,” Ian muttered, cuddling closer. Hollis smelled good, a heavenly mix of sex and soap. And although the stubble on his chest was more abrasive this evening, Ian didn’t mind. “That toy was what proved my sexual identity to my parents. They weren’t religious, so I never truly understood why they seemed so sickened by me. But they were—are—wealthy and well-known people. I’m from Connecticut; did you know?”


