Devotion (Montavio Brotherhood #1) Read Online Jane Henry

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Dark, Erotic, Mafia Tags Authors: Series: Montavio Brotherhood Series by Jane Henry

Total pages in book: 84
Estimated words: 80572 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 403(@200wpm)___ 322(@250wpm)___ 269(@300wpm)

" Sergio Montavie’s fiancée. I wanted to come see the wedding venue, and someone told me his kitchen staff would be preparing the food for his wedding. So I came here to see what you're capable of. And if you are the woman…"

I don't hear anything else she says. The rushing sound of the blood in my ears makes me dizzy and deaf.



Wedding. I drop a glass plate that I'm holding, and I'm dimly aware of the way it shatters on the floor. "Eden." Flo reaches for me. "Are you alright?”

The beautiful woman says something about clumsy help, but I barely hear her.

Sergio left to do something, and he didn't tell me what.

His mother mentioned a wedding.

Everything I've had with him, and… he's getting married.

Of course he's getting married. Did he care that I'm a married woman? No. He doesn't think anything of marriage. He didn't think my marriage to Seth was sacred, so why would he care about having an affair?

"Sergio will explain everything when he gets back," Gino says. “Eden, listen—”

No, he won't. Because I'm not staying for an explanation.

He gave me the money. I told him about Starla and he gave me enough money to leave.

My heart plummets as I walk to my room, a hollow feeling in the pit of my stomach.

On the way to my room, I see Timeo.

"Hey." My voice sounds hollow and distant. Foreign to my own ears. "Someone accidentally overpaid me."

I may be leaving, but I'm not taking what doesn't belong to me. He gives me a funny look. "Didn't Sergio tell you?"

Right. I want to snap, “Obviously not,” but that’s not who I am.

Funny he thinks Sergio tells me anything. "Uh, no?"

"He gave you a bonus."


"He said it was in case you needed it."

“Well, that’s no reason to give people bonuses.”

Timeo snorts. “Good enough reason for me.”

I have no idea what that means, but great. The money is mine. As if I care.

I should be rejoicing, right?

“Thanks. Okay, listen, Timeo, I want you to do me a favor.” He obviously doesn't know that Sergio's fiancée is here yet. Good, that works out to my advantage, because he’d probably try to stop me. I look at Daisy.

“I want you to tell Quinn that there's a note for her in my room.”

My heart breaks at the thought of leaving Daisy behind, but Quinn will take good care of her.

"Okay." He gives me a strange look. "Why can't you tell her yourself?"

I decide to pull a Sergio. "I have something to do. Do you know where Sergio is, by the way?"

"He’s… I can't say. He told me not to tell anybody."


I've been angry before, but nothing compares to the way I feel now. It's easy being angry at someone who's a definite enemy. It's easy to dislike a villain.

It feels very different when the anger is fueled by betrayal.

Maybe it was me. Maybe I'm the one that misunderstood everything. Maybe in his world, people understand that you can have a casual yet intimate relationship when you're engaged to be married.

Maybe in his world, commitment doesn't mean anything.

But in my heart, I know that isn't true.

The reason why I fell in love with this family is because of how loyal they are. Because they love each other.

My throat gets strangely tight when I think about Sergio. When I think about the future I imagined we had together.

My cheeks flame when I realize it was all in my head. Innocent Eden, ignorant of the ways of the world.

I have been a fool. A naïve fool.

I walk to my room and gather my belongings to take with me. I don't want to take the clothes that they bought me, but obviously I have to wear something, so I take only a few things.

I have enough money now to buy whatever I want. There was a time when that would've made me happy.

I know how to make myself inconspicuous. Invisible.

I know how to make myself small. It was a skill I once thought I would learn to put behind me.

But I need it now.

I leave a note for Quinn.

I leave the clothes he gave me. The phone. The jewelry.

I leave through the same door I came in.



I hate leaving Eden. I don’t like knowing that she’s vulnerable, but I know the only way she’ll be safe forever is if I do what I have to.

I briefly wonder if she’ll ever forgive me—but sometimes it’s better to ask forgiveness than permission, and I’ll ask no one’s permission to end the life of the man that abused my woman.

He deserves to feel the same pain, suffering, and fear that she did. I’m not a religious man, but I like to think there’s a special place in Hell for men like him.

“Give me the specs.”

Timeo’s on the line. Mario is home, situated in his family headquarters at The Castle. He loves getting back into the thick of things, and I can hear the excitement in his voice. He’s discovered the villains, and he’s fucking pissed.


